25×11 + 28×(-25) - 25×38


Answer 1

-1375, using BEDMAS

Answer 2
1375 i think is help for you

Related Questions

Question 3 of 10
Which of these is a sign that you need to improve your note-taking skills?


you lose focus too quickly

What do you do in the minutes bsfore you sleep?​



It scientifically proven that one has to either be pretending to sleep or is fatigued so as to be able to sleep. I love thinking of all the things I've done and any mistake I could have avoided or something I could have improved

I tend to fall asleep without actually trying to. I’ll lay down and think about something and then just fall asleep, so I usually think in the minutes before I sleep.
(And, yes, I do fall asleep in my clothes more often than I fall asleep in my pajamas.)

Pleaseee helpp! I dont understand!
No linkssss


The answer is

"I laughed to myself, wondering which one I would go by."


She is amused by the fact that she has so many nicknames and wonders which one people in the United States will refer to her as.

I’m going shopping. I need to buy _________ things for my birthday party
help mee


I’m going shopping. I need to buy various things for my birthday party, including a cake, party hats, and, for complicated reasons, a fireproof canoe.

What do you think is the most important factor when considering an audience--age, gender, culture, or attitude? Explain your answer. No links pls, only answer if you know, and will give brainliest IF right.


When you are speaking, you want listeners to understand and respond favorably to what you are saying. An audience is one or more people who come together to listen to the speaker. Audience members may be face to face with the speaker or they may be connected by communication technology such as computers or other media. The audience may be small and private or it may be large and public. A key characteristic of public speaking situations is the unequal distribution of speaking time between speaker and audience. As an example, the speaker usually talks more while the audience listens, often without asking questions or responding with any feedback. In some situations, the audience may ask questions or respond overtly by clapping or making comments. Since there is usually limited communication between the speaker and the audience, there is limited opportunity to go back to explain your meaning either during the speech or afterward. When planning a speech, it is important to know about the audience and to adapt the message to the audience. You want to prepare an audience-centered speech, a speech with a focus on the audience.  In public speaking, you are speaking to and for your audience; thus, understanding the audience is a major part of the speech-making process. In audience-centered speaking, getting to know your target audience is one of the most important tasks that you face. You want to learn about the major demographics of the audience, such as general age, gender, education, religion, and culture, as well as to what groups the audience members belong. Additionally, learning about the values, attitudes, and beliefs of the members of your audience will allow you to anticipate and plan your message. You want to analyze your audience prior to your speech so that during the speech you can create a link between you, the speaker, and the audience. You want to be able to figuratively step inside the minds of audience members to understand the world from their perspectives. Through this process, you can find common ground with your audience, which allows you to align your message with what the audience already knows or believes.

what is the answer to the book order in garfields scary scavenger hunt



1. You begin in the basement. It is dark, and you need to see (no surprises

there…) so move left one screen and pick up the matches. While you’re there, get

the empty box too

2. Move right twice and light the furnace

3. Pick up the bone by the furnace

4. Go left again and click the crooked candles on the wall

5. Head to the next cell and collect the key from the wall

6. Use the key to open the cell and head up the ladder

7. Give the bone to the dog and go inside

8. Get the remote from behind the cushion in the couch

9. Head all the way along to the left and go past the staircase. Before you get

to the room at the end, pick up the chocolate donut from by the door. Keep an

eye out for these as you go

10. In the next room, use the remote on the tv and get the donuts. Make sure you

pick up the chocolate one too

Vocabulary workshop Level a unit 3 answers


Here You Go <3 Please mark me Brainliest :)

A person can usually tell how popular a new movie is by the length of the _____ in front of the box office. (queue)

Even before the new president took office, he _______ the men and women who were to serve in his cabinet. (designated)

Because the show is scheduled to end after midnight, the management will _________ admission to people over sixteen years old. (restrict)

For better or for worse, as you become older and more experienced, you will lose many of the comforting ______ of youth. (illusions)

Nothing ______ my boss more than an employee who is late for work and then offers a foolish excuse for not arriving on time. (infuriates)

Our hike was not very long, but the _______ was so rocky and hilly that we were exhausted by the time we reached our goal. (terrain)

As he greatly enjoys woodworking and also makes a living from it, his hobby and his ________ are one and the same. (vocation)

I came to regard my grandmother as a(n) ________ whose wisdom helped solve many family problems. (sage)

The pollution problem, far from being limited to the United States, is truly ________ in scope. (global)

As she was sworn in, she made a(n) __________ that she would never use the powers of her office for selfish or unworthy purposes. (vow)

The police now believe that the mugger ________ the victim as she entered the elevator of her apartment house. (waylaid)

No decent or kind person will ______ over someone else's failures or misfortunes. (gloat)


The desire to be the world's top tennis player _________ the young woman to spend hours every day improving her game. (motivates)

Is it possible to be a _______ in a world where so many people are using force to take unfair advantage of others? (pacifist)

The deadly _________ of shells from our guns pinned down the enemy troops on the narrow beach where they had landed. (barrage)

The animals in the drought area traveled for many miles to reach a body of water where they could ________ their thirst. (slake)

The rich _______ of plant and animal life in a tropical rain forest never ceases to amaze me. (terrain)

How sad it is to see such beautiful flowers _______ and die! (wither)

I don't understand what he is aiming at or why he behaves as he does; in fact, his whole personality is a(n) _______ to me. (enigma)

Like a typical _______, he believes that any customs different from his own are "wrong" and "uncivilized." (bigot)

Hope this helps it took forever sorry for being late!!!

they wanted to build a holiday resort here but the owners of those beach front cottage.( refused- denied-rejected) to play ball.​



They wanted to build a holiday resort here, but the owners of those beach front cottages refused to play ball.​


The correct word is "refused." "They wanted to build a holiday resort here but the owners of those beach front cottage refused to play ball.

The owners of those beachfront cottages refused to play ball. This means that they declined or said no to the proposition of building a holiday resort in that location. "Refused" implies a deliberate rejection or denial of the request or proposal.

In this context, the owners of the cottages did not agree to the idea of constructing a holiday resort there, possibly due to their own reasons such as personal preferences, concerns about the impact on the area, or other considerations. The word "refused" accurately conveys the sense of the owners declining the offer or not giving their consent for the resort construction.

To know more about word , click here.



------------The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

They wanted to build a holiday resort here but the owners of those beach front cottage.( refused- denied-rejected) to play ball.​"----------------

What does Anya realize as she runs the race?



We need a little more context please


what does it mean to be annoyed and determained



It means you have siblings. Or someone has annoyed you and your determined to do something about that


There are three candidates standing for one position as student president and 130

students are voting. Sally has 24 votes so far, while Katie has 29 and Alan has 37.

How many more votes does Alan need to be certain he will finish with the most votes?



How many more votes does Alan need to be certain he will finish with the most votes?

the answer is 40

What must students use when summarizing an informational text?



correct me if I'm wrong thank you

brainliest please

who is the main character or the character who deals with the major conflicts in a story or novel?



The protagonist


The protagonist is the main character in your story.

Hit brainliest if this was helpful :)

why is ela an important subject?



(Answer below) do you have to right an argumentative essay? I’ll give you the first paragraph


I strongly believe to ELA is an important subject because if you think about it, we use it everyday. Theres never a time we wouldn't have to use it. We use ELA when we speak because as we have been taught to speak, we had to learn from reading and writing and listening to others who spoke our same language. ELA helps all of us when it comes to making smart decisions. If we didn’t have anyone to teach us how to speak, write and read, how would we be able to apply for jobs? How would we be able to communicate what we want and what we need?


Does anyone speak Turkish? I have a very important math question.​


Yeah I can speak a little bit!

and you can ask your question!

Write a 500- to 1,000-word personal narrative with a simple plot. Include enough exposition that the reader knows what's going on, some rising action to let the reader know what led up to the main event, a climax, and a short conclusion that reflects on the experience in some way.



Jason had first seen Mia at the sandlot playground close to their homes. They were both 10-year-olds who still perceived the opposite sex as the enemy. She grouped up with a bunch of squeaky girls who made faces and laughed at the boys while they played ball on the street. The girls had taken over the swings as their domain, reigning undefeated, proudly. At one point, the soccerball ran toward them. Jason was the one to be sacrificed since he was closer to where they were. He ran to the ball, picked it up with the tips of his fingers and glanced at the girls. They were staring at him as if he were some nasty intruder who deserved the guillotine.

They all attended the same school; maybe a couple of boys and girls had to move to a different neighborhood over the years. But, essentially, they all remained. Of course, with time, they dynamics changed. Around the age of 13, boys and girls were no longer adversaries, but a strange and exotic foreign land to be discovered. Laughter transformed into giggles. The same boys who once shouted, “You can’t play with us, you’re a girl!” were now struggling to invite those long-haired nymphs out - an ice cream, or the movies, if their mothers were more lenient and foolish enough.

Mia was the one left behind, though. She didn’t grow as tall, as curvy, as mischievous as the others. So, they left her behind. Mia was no longer invited to come over. Why have her attend slumber parties when she couldn’t talk about boys? She had never kissed anyone on the lips, the poor thing. Had never had a boy trying to explode her phone with texts filled with jokes and compliments. She would stay home, watching her shows, reading her books, dreaming of fictional boys, wondering why the real-life, flesh-and-bone ones didn’t fancy her. The quirky girls on movies always got the guy in the end. Her end didn’t seem to be in sight yet.

Jason paid attention, though he pretended not to. He couldn’t let the guys know he liked Mia. She wasn’t attractive enough for him to be allowed to say something. So, he kept the childish infatuation he believed to be love deep within him. When the school trip came, each one of the boys sat next to their favorite girl on the bus, grabbing every chance to touch their hands, desperately trying to get them sufficiently flattered to grant them a kiss later. Jason had to sit beside Mia. Or at least that is how the others saw it. As if poor Jason had had no choice, since no other seats were available. Someone patted him on the back, wished him good luck. Jason offered a faint smile back while bursting with joy on the inside. Still, he was too popular, too handsome, too athletic to let his feelings show. Sitting down next to Mia was all he did. He saw his chance come and go, wishing she were just a little more like the other girls, just a little more ordinary, so that he could like her in public.

Two years later, Mia showed up holding Steve’s hand. Jason’s smile was wiped out off his face for a split second. It came back though, as faint as it had been on that bus. Mia hadn’t changed much. She was taller, perhaps, but still annoyingly different. And Steve… Steve was the prince of the boys, the kind of guy who is good at everything without threatening the others’ confidence. Steve never tried to be the king, never wished to rule it all by being the best, the most athletic, the smartest. He had that natural wisdom that prevented ambition from becoming a barrier instead of a weapon. Jason always thought Steve would end up with one of the cooler girls, but not Mia. He had been hoping she would wise up and transform into a girl he, Jason, would be allowed to publicly love.

Jason approached Steve just as Mia disappeared somewhere for a couple of minutes.

“So”, he was able to say. “You and Mia?”

“Yeah!” exclaimed Steve, beaming.

“How did that happen?” he softly gasped at the end.

“She’s a great girl, you know? Cute, sweet, smart… I’m lucky.” Jason explained humbly, as if Mia’s noticing him had been a divine deed. She returned from the restroom, and they resumed their lives.

As they walked into the classroom, Jason felt an envious thorn sting his heart. He saw Mia smile at Steve, a smile Jason had never thought she had to offer. He also saw some of the boys looking at Steve as if he were an outcast, some type of Robin Hood opposing their kingdom’s status quo. And, much to Jason’s astonishment and jealousy, he realized Steve couldn’t care less. He carried on being himself, unafraid, unapologetic. He never lost his rank, never quit being a prince. He smiled, said his hi’s, played ball, got good grades, kept living his life as he had always done. The other boys couldn’t help but accept it, accept him. If they could not destroy his confidence, they might as well learn to admire it. Jason, on the other hand, was condemned to the dungeons of his cowardice, feeling that strange pain one feels when they realize someone had the guts to achieve what they believed to be impossible.


The government recently announced that it plans to hold a major sporting event in your country. write an article giving your feelings about the plan. HELP FAST



The Sporting event sounds fantastic! Maybe this is a chance for me to show off my skills and techniques. A week has passed and there are only a few days left until the major event. I was so excited yet my heart started pounding as soon as someone mentioned that I signed up for it. My family and friends were all counting on me to win this competition so the pressure was on. Soon everyone in my school began to acknowledge and take interest in asking me what sport I liked. I felt so nervous but I tried to think positively to help the situation. A mixture of thoughts were running through my head, things like, "I can't do this." "Everyone will be proud of you." and "I'm useless." At that moment upon those words my mind went blank.

Hope this helps and please change it if you want.

Which type of multimedia presentation would this image best enhance? an informative presentation about the rules of chess a persuasive presentation about joining chess club an informative presentation about the history of chess a persuasive presentation about the world’s best chess player.


This image can best be described as a persuasive presentation about joining chess club.

The presentation in question:

Shows students playing chess as shown by the uniform Aims to present chess as a game many can play

The presentation can best to said to be a persuasive presentation directed at students because it is trying to appeal to students. These students would then be more interested in chess which would lead them to the chess club.

In conclusion, this is a persuasive presentation to join the chess club.

Find out more about persuasive presentation at https://brainly.com/question/1309497.




im confused but its ok just breathe in and out u are a smart person you will get the answer


Cullen, a Scottsh professor, ____1_____ a small refrigeration machine in 1755, using a pump to ____2_____ a partial vacuum over a ___3_____ of diethyl ether, _____4______ then boiled, absorbing heat from the surrounding air. At the time, it had no practical use and _____5_____ never found a use for his invention.

1. designed , designs , was designing , have designed
2. creation , creating , create , creative
3. containing , container , containers , contained
4. whom , when , who , which
5. them , Cullen , cullen , him ​



it’s c and d hope this helps

In "Encounters With Julie Jones," how do Jamie's feelings change over the
course of the story? Write a paragraph to explain. Use details from the story
to support your response.


Answer: Jamie feeling's were over in course.


The screenshot is restateing questions


do you need help restating the questions is that what you’re saying?



: We can hand in the assignment this weekend.

: We are not going to have a test on it this weekend.

: We are going to have a review on the session before the test.

: (I, You, She, He) wants/want us/you  to hand in our/your reports in now/later. (Sorry that's confusing. There can be a lot of answers.)

: Mrs. Martin has/hasn't decided yet whether there will be a test tommorow.

: My favorite color is (Color).

Why does Scrooge ask the question “Are there no prisons?”



The rhetorical questions “Are there no prisons?” are used to show where Scrooge believes the poor people belong, suggesting that he believes his status suggests that poverty is not directly relevant to him, and that nothing to do with the poor matters.

Hope that helps. x


Suggesting that he believes his status suggests that poverty is not directly relevant to him, and that nothing to do with the poor matters.

Which sentence does not contain a misspelled word?
O A. Justice is the most important principal of law.
O B. You can't do everything in life; you have to choose.
O C. Buffets make it hard to chose the best option.
O D. The principle gave her detention for skipping class.



It's C



B.  You can't do everything in life; you have to choose.


Got it right

what is the most likely reason that the author begins and ends the text with the larger conversation about carbohydrates in the human diet but develops the argument about whole grains in the middle?


Because the talk about grains may be evidence or reasoning to support their claims about carbohydrates. Then they wrap it up by talking about carbohydrates in the human diet again to conclude their thoughts.

How are you doing today? what did you do today? are you ok? are you happy for the hoilday season? do you drink egg nog?



1. I am really sad, in despair and drowsy . But i am excited with that as well cuz my exams are gonna end today U-U

2. I gave exams on physics for 1 hour and 30 minutes. In 1 hour I am gonna give global studies exam for 45 minutes... and then partyyyyyy

3. I am br OK en

4. Yes, even though i can't celebrate christmas.

5. Never have i ever.

My dog was sick, so he ___ to eat.
O didn't want
didn't wanted
Odont want
wasn't wanting



didn't want


both should be in the past tense

who is Gerard Pique??​



Gerard Piqué Bernabeu is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for La Liga club Barcelona. He is considered one of the best defenders of his generation. Originally one of the most promising students at La Masia, Piqué joined the Manchester United academy in 2004.

What makes a thing what it is? Is the way it is seen/perceived by others or is it something else?

“The blind men and the elephant”



  What makes anything unique is the way others see/perceive it. These blind men, blind peasants, blind monks, or blind sages symbolize "those in the dark," or individuals who lack a complete vision or understanding of a "thing." Each guy in these tales feels a different aspect of the elephant, but just that one part, such as the tail or the trunk.

  The narrative of the Six Blind Men and the Elephant contradicts this theory since the lesson of the story is that all faiths are striving toward the same objective, even though they disagree with each other on many levels. Major Religions' Disagreements.

What is the theme of the great Gatsby in chapter 1



The first chapter introduces the friction between old moneyed families in America and those who had recently made their fortunes during the first quarter of the 20th century. Themes introduced during the chapter include racism, cultural superiority, and unhappiness hidden behind extravagant lifestyles.

Other Questions
A perfect day, Ginny thought to herself as shegazed at the small island ahead, noting the thin lineon the horizon formed by the mainland."Ninety minutes before we return to the mainland,"Captain Bill reminded the eager snorkelers. Ginnyset her dive watch, Plenty of time to explore, andlickety-split, she jumped into the sea.Ginny distanced herself from the boat, Far toocrowded, how can anyone see anything? Too muchsplashing, you'll frighten the fish! The congestion ofsnorkelers was soon behind her, and she felttransported to an underwater world all her own,transfixed by the schools of tiny rainbow fish dartingbefore her, astonished by the occasional turtlecruising along the white sands below. Do slowdown, come closer to the surface. Ginny willed thefish with her mind. The kelp waved gently, the bright.Aaarghhh,she sputtered and choked ,she was brought back to reality when massive wave crashed over her head .Ginny poked her head above the water .nothing ?Nothing ? Where is the boat ? Her mind raced frantically the boat and its Passengers were gone,only the small island and the faraway mainland remained .She glanced at her watch ,three hours ,how is that possible , where did time go ?The once dreamy waters were now a nightmare. Which best analyze of the plot structure standard ACTIVITY 2 Continued> Solve each problem.Kathy works after school to finish assembling the 82 favors needed for the schooldance. When she starts at 3:15 PM, she counts the 67 favors already assembled.She works until 4:30 PM to finish the job.How many favors can Kathy assemble each minute? Need help doing this 1.A person who acts in a comedy is a ________.A. comedyB. comedianC. newsreaderD. producer Find the equation of the axis of symmetryfor this function.f(x) = 8x2 + 6x + 19X=? 3480 divided by 29 what is the answer that its asked Which equation matches the given points? (0, 7.6), (1, 6.2), (2, 4.8), (3, 3.4), (4,2) Can somebody, anybody please helppp Simplifiy the expression. x^2 + 3x - 28/ x^2 - 7x + 12 show your work! (this part is REALLY important) thanks(: Select the table representing a linear function. (Graph them if necessary.) 6.True or False.A numeral, such as 22 is called a constant. How do we get 144 here? Use , or = to make thestatement true.20[?]-1 Is deception ever acceptable behavior? If so, when? If not, why not? Twain writes "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" as a story within a story.What is the effect of this technique?The events in the outer story shape what happens in the inner story.The outer story explains how a stranger tricks Jim Smiley, while the inner story explains how the narrator's friend plots withWheeler to play a joke on the narrator.Readers understand how the characters in the outer and inner stories resolve the main conflict differently.The outer story describes what happens between the narrator and Simon Wheeler, while the inner story relates Wheeler'stale about Jim Smiley and the jumping frog. Classify the following triangle as acute, obtuse, or right. 4 out of the 10 employees at the sports shop are part-time employees. What percentage of the employees at the sports shop work part-time?Write your answer using a percent sign (%). Can you help me please ? Is this sentence complex or compound sentences ? after i come home from school i need to do homework Combine the like terms to create an equivalent expression.\large 9p+3p During the New South era, many state and local governments passed _______________ to undermine the rights Black Americans had won after the Civil War. A. Jim Crow laws B. Blue Codes C. the Civil Rights Act D. the 15th Amendment