All I need is a 4-5 sentence paragraph about why bigger class sizes in school make a difference that isn't for the better. That's all, if you do end up doing this thank you so very much!


Answer 1


Here you go!

Bigger classes mean more work for the teacher and there are only so many people one person can teach successfully like if you have a 50 student class and 20 students are having trouble that is going to be alot and you also have more kids asking questions. You also need to relax from time to time but with too many students it's imposible and normal students won't do as good on their test as if there were less people.


Brainlliest Please

Answer 2


Larger class sizes can make it harder for individual students to learn. It limits the one-on-one time that the teacher can have with each student. Not only that but because there are more students that the teacher may have to stop and help, there is less time in class to cover content. Less time to cover content leads to more homework and more stress on the students that do not understand what did not get covered in class.

Related Questions

does anyone know any allusions in the book nothing but the truth by avi I need answers fast


When Avi refers to The Outsider

Read this text from Part II of "R.M.S. Titanic": Aft, the frightened immigrants mill and jostle and rush for a boat. An officer's fist flies out; three shots are fired in the air, and the panic is quelled. . . . Four Chinese sneak unseen into a boat and hide in the bottom. Which kind of conflict is exemplified here?



Character vs. Character.


The Character vs. Conflict Character is one that shows a dispute, a problem or a competition created between the characters in a story. As we can see in the text above, there is a dispute between the characters for lifeboats, which can save them from the wreck of the Titanic. This disposition makes the characters fight among themselves, that is, there is a conflict between them, a fight, a disagreement.

Read the excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech.

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free.

Why does Dr. King's allude to the Emancipation Proclamation in his speech?

A. The allusion reflects Dr. King's importance since it refers to another important figure in American history: President Lincoln.

B. The allusion demonstrates Dr. King's belief that equality was achieved with the Emancipation Proclamation.

C. The allusion reminds the audience that 100 years have passed since the Emancipation Proclamation, yet inequality still exists.

D. The allusion indicates to the audience that enslaving people was always illegal in the United States.





What inference can be made about Mr. Dwerrihouse based on how he is introduced and his
character is developed in the text? Support your answer with details from the text.


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

What inference can be made about Mr. Dwerrihouse based on how he is introduced and his character is developed in the text? Support your answer with details from the text.

I now recognized my companion. I recognized him from the moment when he removed his hat and uncovered the lofty, furrowed, and somewhat narrow brow beneath. I had met him, as I distinctly remembered, some three years before, at the very house for which, in all probability, he was now bound, like myself. His name was Dwerrihouse, he was a lawyer by profession, and, if I was not greatly mistaken, was first cousin to the wife of my host. I knew also that he was a man eminently well−to−do", both as regarded his professional and private means. The Jelfs entertained him with that sort of observant courtesy which falls to the lot of the rich relation, the children made much of him, and the old butler, albeit somewhat surly "to the general", treated him with deference. I thought, observing him by the vague mixture of lamplight and twilight, that Mrs. Jelf's cousin looked all the worse for the three years' wear and tear which had gone over his head since our last meeting. He was very pale, and had a restless light in his eye that I did not remember to have observed before. The anxious lines, too, about his mouth were deepened, and there was a cavernous, hollow look about his cheeks and temples which seemed to speak of sickness or sorrow. He had glanced at me as he came in, but without any gleam of recognition in his face. Now he glanced again, as I fancied, somewhat doubtfully. When he did so for the third or fourth time I ventured to address him.

Answer and Explanation:

Based on the text above, we can infer that Mr. Dwerrihouse is not in the prime of his health and is old, tired and nervous, anxious. This is noticeable through the statement about the appearance of Mr. Dwerrihouse that the narrator presents, where we can conclude that this is not the appearance of a healthy person and that he is completely calm.

The way Mr. Dwerrihouse looks at the narrator, also allows us to approach that he will not have a friendly character, but distant, cold and often withdrawn.

Write your own sentences using the following words( one word per sentence for a total of 8 sentences).
Peril- Credulity- Condole- Prosaic- Grimace- Compensation- Fate- Resignation



1. The man experienced the peril of a polygamous marriage.

2. Her response made Prof. Mike loose his credulity.

3. The teacher does not condole indiscipline in her class.

4. The prosaic poem made everyone to laugh at the poet.

5. He left with a grimace when he was told about the incident.

6. The company will give you a compensation at the end of the year.

7. Simon knew that his fate has been decided.

8. He gave me a resignation letter at the close of work.


I have been able to write my own sentences using the given words.


Grimace refers to one's expression of disapproval, pain and disgust.

Prosaic refers to the lack of originality and imaginativeness.

Credulity refers to one's willingness to accept something which may be uncertain. It is one's willingness to easily believe things.

Peril refers to a serious danger.

Compensation refers to a reward given to someone for work done or incident that occurred.

Fate refers to what happens in one's life which is out of the person's control.

Resignation refers to the resigning from jobs or offices.  

Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of The Travels of Marco Polo.

They have plenty of ambergris, because whales abound in these seas, and also cachalots. And since they catch great numbers of both, they are never short of ambergris; for you know it is the whale that produces ambergris. They have leopards and lynxes and lions also in great numbers. Other beasts, such as harts, stags, and roebuck and such-like game animals, are also abundant, besides game-birds of many kinds. There are also many ostriches of huge size. The great diversity of birds, quite different from ours, is truly marvelous.

Which quotation from the excerpt best reflects the author’s subjective perspective about the fauna of Madagascar?

“They have plenty of ambergris, because whales abound in these seas, and also cachalots.”
“They have leopards and lynxes and lions also in great numbers.”
“Other beasts, such as harts, stags, and roebuck and such-like game animals, are also abundant, besides game-birds of many kinds.”
“The great diversity of birds, quite different from ours, is truly marvelous.



The great diversity of birds, quite different from ours, is truly marvelous.


Objective statements are statements based only on facts. Subjective statements are the opposite; they are influenced by a person's feelings, opinions, beliefs, and assumptions.

All of the narrator's statements from the given passage are objective, except for the last one: The great diversity of birds, quite different from ours, is truly marvelous. Here, he expresses what he thinks about the fauna of Madagascar - he thinks that it's marvelous. That is not a fact, but an opinion. Someone else could disagree and say that they are not impressed. Opinions have nothing to do with the objective reality, which is why they can be completely different while referring to the same subject.


“The great diversity of birds, quite different from ours, is truly marvelous.”


The answer above is correct.

Question 7
George is required to wear an ear radio to make him less:
O Smart
O Athletic
O Graceful
O Musically talented









Question 3
What is the meaning of the word enchanted as it is used in the following sentence:
When she first spotted the English settlers, Pocahontas was enchanted by their foreign ways.
Enchanted implies that Pocahontas was captivated by the English.
Enchanted implies that Pocahontas was hypnotized by Captain Smith.
Enchanted indicates that Pocahontas was disgusted by the English.
Enchanted indicates that Pocahontas thought the English ways were




Explanation: Its not B because the sentence doesn't mention anyone named Captain Smith. C and D don't make sense in this case either.


A. Enchanted imply the Pocahontas was captivated by the English.


B is not correct because the sentence doesnt even mention Captain Smith directly

C is incorrect because she wasn't disgusted by them. If you remember from the story she was curious. Her family and tribe were the ones that were upset by them.

D isnt correct because again she never thought they were ridiculous. Instead she was curious and captivated by the way they did things

(I hope this helps you! have a wonderful day everyone!)


What should a speaker look for when evaluating supporting materials to determine if the material is appropriate for their presentation?



Good speakers will attempt to identify the cultural norms of their audience and customize their presentation accordingly


hope this helps :)

Oedipus Rex Lines 850-1251 In the lines before this part, what were Oedipus and Creon arguing about?


Answer: Oedipus accuses Creon of trying to overthrow him. Creon asks Oedipus to be rational but Oedipus says he wants him murdered.


Write two contrasting pieces (300-400 words each), the first about a new student on the first day at university, and the second about the same student a year later. In your writing, create a sense of the student's outlook and mood



Hello, my name is Anna. Today is my first day of school at my university and I am very excited because I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Everything is new and mind-blowing, the place is so beautiful and my room is perfect for me. Today I met my roommate and I already like her! We understood eachother immediately so we decided we are going to a party tonight together and I can already tell that I will have a great time. Also, I had one class today, it was just an introductory class, but I cannot wait to learn new things and to make friends. In the class, we had to introduce ourselves and then explain why we wanted to be there. I feel like this will be such an amazing year, I am even waiting to have exams, I do not mind studying, I just want to incorporate all the knowledge I can and have fun because this is a one-time experience and opportunity. I am very happy I am here although I am far from my family, I am going to miss them so much but I will visit them every time I have the chance.  

The school is very big. I can see myself studying in the grass while having a coffee with some friends. I have already been to the library, to the cafeteria, to some classrooms, and of course, to my room. I have been decorating my room for two hours now. I brought a lot of photos to put on my room's walls and remember all the people that are at home. I also put my clothes in the wardrobe and I ordered them by color. I do not know if that is going to last but it was important for me to do it anyway.  

Hello, my name is Anna. Today I start my second year at this school. I am happy because I get to see my school's friends but I am sad because I had to leave home. Last year was so difficult for me, I wanted to go back home every day and things were not as I planned. I think missing home so much affected me and therefore I failed some exams. It was a very difficult year. I just hope this one is better because I already know how being away from home is. I hope I can pass all my exams and hang out with my friends more, which has been the best thing that happened to me here. My roommate and I became best friends; I cannot wait to see her!  

I kind of missed the school, though. All the places are very nice. However, I feel like I want to get outside more, I used to study in the library all the time. This year I want to get outside and study while having a coffee underneath a tree, it would be great. When I first got here I thought I would be doing it so often but I did not. I also want to go to parties more often. I used to go last year, but I always went back to my room pretty early. I always felt I was going to be so tired the next day. I suppose this year I have to organize myself better. When I have exams or projects to finish, I have to finish them as soon as possible, so I can have a little fun in the weekends and I am not finishing everything at the last moment.

I brought some new photos to put on my wall today! That is something that has not changed and I am very happy about it.


To complete this exercise, you have to write two contrasting pieces about a student on her first and second year at university. I wrote about Anna, a girl that on her first day is so excited and everything is new for her, but on her second year she is more realistic because she had a tough year.

Describe the society's beauty standards among women in one word and briefly explain why. (This is based on your opinion, thank you!)



i chose corrupt because the standard for women are way to high. people expect all females to be model material, when really the true beauty is on the inside. many girls kill themselves because they are not accepted into society because of their looks. we need to change this so everyone can be accepted!!

A vacuum cord is old and
cracked, What could happen if you don't repair it ?



This is a dangerous fire hazard and can potential destroy the vacuum


I hope this helps :)

Plz mark B R A I N L I E S T

Part A: which of the following best states one of the central ideas of the article



I need to see the article

****PLEASE HELP!!!!!****
Choose the sentence that contains an error in grammar usage.

Coryn had complete the race before the rain started.
Coryn had complete the race before the rain started.

They had traveled to the ocean before boarding the ship.
They had traveled to the ocean before boarding the ship.

I started singing lessons after I watched a wonderful opera.
I started singing lessons after I watched a wonderful opera.

As of yesterday, Tom and Chris had reviewed the material six times.


U convict scarf fun vivid




Parody is the answer

Answer: The answer to this English question is the second one, Parody.

Hope this helps! =)







Trees are our best friends because they clean the air we breathe. Likewise, they also clean the water and soil and ultimately make the earth a better place. It is also a fact that people who live near trees are healthier, fit, and happier than people who do not.

write a self-reflection on your experience with this list of Common word roots, prefixes and suffixes.



A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word to create a new meaning.


A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word to create a new meaning.


A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word to create a new meaning.


hope that helps

Help me

3. (a) What poetic techniques does "Sonnet, With Bird" use that make it
a poem rather than prose?

(b) How does the combination of poetic
and prose-like elements affect its meaning?


Based on the information, it can be noted that the poetic technique that "Sonnet, With Bird" used was that the final two lines formed a rhyming couplet.

The poem was simply to express the theme that everyone is different in terms of their appearance and that feeling like an outsider will happen in the life of a person at a point in their life.

From the poem, it can be seen that the final two lines in the sonnet formed a rhyming couplet. The rhyming couplet redefined the thematic ideas harness expressed in the earlier lines.

Learn more about poems on:

Which of the following sentences from "The Birthmark" contains a dependent clause? \ a One day, very soon after their marriage, Aylmer sat gazing at his wife with a trouble in his countenance that grew stronger until he spoke.
b "Then why did you take me from my mother's side?"
c When she blushed, it gradually became more indistinct, and finally vanished amid the triumphant rush of blood that bathed the whole cheek with its brilliant glow.
d Many a desperate swain would have risked life for the privilege of pressing his lips to the mysterious hand.



c When she blushed, it gradually became more indistinct, and finally vanished amid the triumphant rush of blood that bathed the whole cheek with its brilliant glow.


Hope this helped!

Answer: the answer is C my friend

Have a marvelous day


10 pont give a way yyyyyyyeeeeee



thank youuuuu so muchhhhhh

Have a good day!!!!!

Read the passage.
from Winesburg, Ohio
All through his boyhood and young manhood George Willard had been in the habit of walking on Trunion Pike. He had been in the midst of
the great open place on winter nights when it was covered with snow and only the moon looked down at him; he had been there in the fall when
bleak winds blew and on summer evenings when the air vibrated with the song of insects. On the April morning he wanted to go there again, to
walk again in the silence. He did walk to where the road dipped down by a little stream two miles from town and then turned and walked silently
back again. When he got to Main Street clerks were sweeping the sidewalks before the stores. "Hey, you George. How does it feel to be going
away?" they asked
The west bound train leaves Winesburg at seven forty-five in the morning. Tom Little is conductor. His train runs from Cleveland to where it
connects with a great trunk line railroad with terminals in Chicago and New York. Tom has what in railroad circles is called an "easy run." Every
evening he returned to his family. In the fall and spring he spends his Sundays fishing in Lake Erie. He has a round red face and small blue eyes. He
knows the people in the towns along his railroad better than a city man knows the people who live in his apartment building.
(from Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson)
Which characteristics are mainly contrasted in the descriptions of George Willard and Tom Little?
O 1. bravery and fear
O 2. foolishness and wisdom
O 3. freedom and confinement
O 4. restlessness and contentment



D. restlessness and contentment


Refer to the NIH News in Health PDF for a complete version of this article.

In the article “Stop the Spread of Superbugs,” the authors claim that everyone needs to work together to reduce the spread of drug-resistant bacteria.

Which part of the article has information that best supports this claim?

A: recommendations about healthy behaviors that promote wellness

B: an expert stating that increasing drug-resistance is “inevitable”

C: a description of superbugs

D: a description of new antibiotic research



B: an expert stating that  increasing drug-resistance is “inevitable”


Have  a nice day

02.10 Kick It Up a Notch Assignment

Original paragraph

Jellyfish population been growing over the past years out of control.These jellyfish blooms have also caused serious problems for power stations.According to the human impact of major jellyfish blooms,The moon coastal areas around the world have struggled with similar jellyfish blooms,as these populations explosions are known things are worse in the fishing business,where blooms have wiped out billions of dollars in earnings over the past few decades.Jellyfish can undoubtedly cause ecological and economic problems for humans. Mass outbreaks of jellyfish can overrun fish farms, block cooling pipes of power stations, burst fishing nets and damage tourist businesses. Their stings can also cause a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis and even kill people.The jellyfish found its way into the Black Sea and the jellyfish eats the mnemiopsis jellyfish and that cuts down the population.This allows more fish eggs and the fishermen to have jobs again and the jellyfish are creating a more balanced ecosystem.Although this has saved the Black Sea, Scientists worry about using the jellyfish in other seas.”We are thinking about using the jellyfish in other seas, but we are concerned”.There is a real fear of negative ecological consequences from introducing new species

Revised Paragraph

Fishermen in the Black Sea have jobs again thanks to the jellyfish.The jellyfish eats the mnemiopsis jellyfish which has cut down the population, allowing the survival or more fish eggs.Scientists have had the idea of using these jellyfish in other seas affected by the mnemiopsis jellyfish,but they’re unsure how these jellyfish with ecosystem in these other seas.

Review paragraph

I need a review paragraph please somebody help me with a I will do whatever



Its not bad but - " mnemiopsis " isnt a word - is that a word in the story or a grammar mistake? ( it's located in the paragraph after the title " revised paragraph "


Chapter 5 what does Malalas father tell about the school






Which sentence uses emitting correctly?

The emitting sounds of the early-morning birds woke Charlie.

After emitting his mistake, Charlie vowed to make things better.

Charlie should be emitting an apology.

Charlie heard the birds emitting a very strange sound.



Charlie heard the birds emitting a very strange sound.



D   Charlie heard the birds emitting a very strange sound.


Which text structure is used in this example? How do you know?

text structures:
problem and solution text structure
text structure
compare and contrast text structure
cause and effect text structure
sequential text structure



sequential text structure


This is in written is sequence from what happened at first and what is happening after that and after that

Who were the people who organized and sustained the effort? What were their roles?

( for the Why we can’t wait book)


Answer:asd asd asdasdadasd


Explanation:asdasdasdasd as dasdas d

as d

Look at the text feature. A man wearing layers of fur while standing in ice. How does this text feature support the information in "Roald Amundsen"? It shows how deep each layer of ice and snow is in the polar region. It shows the type of clothing that explorers wore for the cold climate. It shows the direction that the explorer and his crew traveled in. It shows the materials that were used to make tents at base camp.



It shows the type of clothing that explorers wore for the cold climate.


The text resource shown above, sends the message that the man is in a very cold environment, needing a special dress to protect him and promote heat to his body. In this case, the resource shows that this special clothing is made of leather and has several layers that are to provide a very large and adequate protection. In short, the resource shows the type of clothing that explorers wore for cold weather.

Answer: It shows the type of clothing that explorers wore for the cold climate.

Explanation: The text resource conveys the notion that the man is in an extremely cold area and requires a particular outfit to protect him and enhance body heat. In this situation, the resource indicates that the unique apparel is made of leather and has multiple layers to provide a big and acceptable level of protection. In a nutshell, the resource depicts the types of cold-weather clothes worn by explorers.




In the stories of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “Rules of the Game” by Suzanne Collins, both authors deliver the dangers of blindly following tradition that can lead to death, fear and no advancement in society. In “The Lottery” their tradition is to kill a person that is randomly chosen by using a lottery. To compare, in “The Hunger Games” children are also picked out of a lottery from each district and if they are chosen, they need to fight against each other to death. Both stories share a tradition of cruel and murderous behavior but they have a slight difference in tradition.


Other Questions
HELP PLZ I NEED THE RIGHT ANSWER Three salesmen work for the same company, selling the same product. And, although they are all paid on a weekly basis, each salesman earns his paycheck differently. Salesman A works strictly on commission. He earns $65 per sale, with a maximum weekly commission of $1,300. Salesman B earns a weekly base salary of $300, plus a commission of $40 per sale. There are no limits on the amount of commission he can earn. Salesman C does not earn any commission. His weekly salary is $900. The following table shows the number of sales each salesman had during the first three weeks of this month. WEEK 1 2 3Salesman A 11 14 16Salesman B 14 15 13Salesman C 16 12 11In which week(s), did Salesman C have a larger paycheck than both of the other salesmen? Select all that apply.Week 3None of the weeks.Week 2Week 1 Someone please help I will give brainliest to the correct answer 9+3|5-x|=24What is the lines for and how do I solve X with them? Complete the half reactions for the cell shown here, and show the shorthand notation for the cell by dragging labels to the correct position. the electrode on the left is the anode, and the one on the right is the cathode. in an examination ,80%examines passed in English ,70%in mathematics and 60% in both subject if 45 examines failed in both find the number of examines who passed only one subject also the number of examines who failed mathematics Find the slope of UV.*S(1, 4)4T(5, 3)V-1, 2)U(3, 1)-2.N.46 x 5x7 = 3 help meee plz CAN SOMEONE HELP- I'LL GIVE BRAINLIEST! I need all the questions pls. Find the measure of each missing angleAngle 24 =Angle 25 =Angle 26 = What are the best exercises that will help increase my target heart rate to at least 60% or above? Anyone got the answer?(^^) Why did Dysentery spread easily among WWI soldiers? Based on these passages, why did many Scandinavian immigrants settle in coastal communities? The coastal areas had very mild winters. The coastal areas reminded them of home. The coastal areas were warmer than inland areas. The coastal areas had lots of flat land for farming. Why is Teddy Roosevelt known as the first modern president? 345 divided by 5, answer in standard form 2/3X18 Multypily plzzzz a square number never end with 7 true or false the passage is Chicago Rising by Keahu Kahana Which of the following claims is BEST supported by the passage.A. The 1850s and 1860s were a tumultuous time in Chicago. B. City planners were foolish to build at a low elevationC. Chicago was such a busy place that the lifting process was easy to ignore.D. The development of Chicago was a major technical and physical acheivement What do the indicators used by economists reveal?changes in production and demandchanges in employment levelschanges in priceschanges in the health of an economy