An entrepreneur wants to make an app to show what breeds of dogs are similar to each other. She wants to look at factors such as weight and energy level in her comparison. In the end, she wants each breed of dog to belong to a certain category based on these characteristics. What would be a sensible approach to solving this problem using clustering?


Answer 1


Dog breeds = observations, Average weight and energy level for each breed = variables. Each cluster is a category.


Using a method of clustering, she would be putting the dog breeds that are more similar together and in order to do this she has to look at various factors such as observation which are the dog breeds, and the average weight and energy level of the breeds, which represents variables. Every one of these clusters would be a category.

Related Questions

The memory hierarchy of a computer system organizes storage by using small, fast, expensive memories at the top of the hierarchy and supplementing them with larger, slower, cheaper memories at each successive level. Explain how the principle of memory locality makes such a system capable of providing efficient access to the data and instructions needed for executing programs.



Following are the responses to this question:


The computer system's memory hierarchy arranges space through tiny, fast, costly stocks only at top of the pyramid and complements them through big, lighter, cheap storage facilities at every representation made. It is needed to limit the time for data access for application executes. A very design of the main memory allows a system to have easy access to the information and instructions necessary to execution time. A traditional technique of system memory works like:

[tex]Level\ 0 (Top Level) \to CPU \ Registers\\\\Level \ 1 \to Cache\ Memory \ (SRAMs)\\\\Level\ 2 \to Main \ Memory \ (DRAMs)\\\\Level \ 3 \to Magnetic \ Disk\ (Disk \ Storage)\\\\Level \ 4 \to Optical \ Disk\\\\Level \ 5 \to Magnetic\ Tape\\\\[/tex]

Because as memory cost rises below level 5 to level 0. CPU registers become costly as the cache memory, which then, in turn, is much more costly than for the memory.

Whenever the access time of CPU registries becomes reduced from level 5 to level 0, its time complexity between reading/write transactions is much more swift than Cache Memory Access period which in turn is quicker than that of the main memory Communication cost and so forth.

So, we need a memory hierarchy to analyze the information (read/write requests) efficiently, in turn for all the top-level to read the information more quickly and thoroughly. Therefore, the architecture of the computer program's Main memory enables a system to provide secure access to information and guidance for running programs.

Consider the following static method, calculate.

public static int calculate(int x)
x = x + x;
x = x + x;
x = x + x;

return x;
Which of the following can be used to replace the body of calculate so that the modified version of calculate will return the same result as the original version for all values of x?

return 8 * x;
return 3 + x;
return 3 * x;
return 6 * x;
return 4 * x;



return 8 * x



The attached code segment


Which single statement can replace the program body

From calculate(), we have:

[tex]x = x + x;\\ x = x + x;\\ x = x + x;[/tex]

The first line (x = x + x) implies that:


So, on the next line; 2x will be substituted for x


[tex]x = x + x[/tex] becomes

[tex]x = 2x + 2x[/tex]

[tex]x = 4x[/tex]

So, on the third line; 4x will be substituted for x


[tex]x = x + x[/tex] becomes

[tex]x = 4x+ 4x[/tex]

[tex]x = 8x[/tex]

In programming: 8x = 8 * x:

This means that: return 8 * x can be used to replace the body

The function below takes one parameter: an integer (begin). Complete the function so that it prints the numbers starting at begin down to 1, each on a separate line. There are two recommended approaches for this: (1) use a for loop over a range statement with a negative step value, or (2) use a while loop, printing and decrementing the value each time. 1 - def countdown_trigger(begin): 2 - for begin in range(begin, 0, -1): 3 print(begin)The function below takes one parameter: a list (argument_list). Complete the function to create a new list containing the first three elements of the given list and return it. You can assume that the provided list always has at least three elements. This can be implemented simply by creating (and returning) a list whose elements are the values at the zero'th, first and second indices of the given list. Alternatively, you can use the list slicing notation. 1 - def make_list_of_first_three(argument_list): 2 WN Ist = argument_list[: 3 ] return IstIn the function below, return the (single) element from the input list input_list which is in the second to last position in the list. Assume that the list is large enough. 1 - def return_second_to_last_element(input_list) :



The functions in Python are as follows:

#(1) Countdown program

def countdown_trigger(begin):

   for i in range(begin,0,-1):



#(2) List of 3

def make_list_of_first_three(argument_list):


#(3) Second to last

def return_second_to_last_element(input_list):



The countdown function begins here

#(1) Countdown program

This defines the function

def countdown_trigger(begin):

This iterates through the function

   for i in range(begin,0,-1):

The prints the list elements



The list of 3 function begins here

#(2) List of 3

This defines the function

def make_list_of_first_three(argument_list):

This prints the first 3 elements


The second to last function begins here

#(3) Second to last

This defines the function

def return_second_to_last_element(input_list):

The prints to second to last list element



What are some inadvertent effects of technology?



Industrialization increased our standard of living, but has led to much pollution and arguably, even some social ills. The benefits brought by the internet are too many to mention, yet viral misinformation, vast erosion of privacy, and the diminishing patience of society as a whole were all unintended consequences.


It has also increased idle time of workers

It is also true that we are now spending more time visiting social networking sites, rather than our friends and family


Select the correct answer.
Which function returns the lowest value of a given set of numbers or range of cells?




D. Min


Can someone help me calculate this Multimedia math:

A monochrome sequence (black and white) uses a frame size of 176 x 144 pixels and has 8 bits/pixels. Registered with Frame Rate 10 frames/sec. Video is transmitted through a 64 Kbit/sec bandwidth line.
(a) Calculate Compression Ratio (Crude Bit Speed / Compressed Bit Speed) which will be needed.
(b) What will happen if the Ratio compression is higher than it in (a)?
(c) What will happen if the Ratio compression is lower than it in (a)?



I will try to help you answer this. it seems really confusing but I'll do my best to solve it and get it back to you. Hope I'm able to help!

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TemperatureConversion {
public static double celsiusToKelvin(double valueCelsius) {
double valueKelvin;

valueKelvin = valueCelsius + 273.15;

return valueKelvin;

/* Your solution goes here */

public static void main (String [] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
double valueC;
double valueK;

valueC = 10.0;
System.out.println(valueC + " C is " + celsiusToKelvin(valueC) + " K");

valueK = scnr.nextDouble();
System.out.println(valueK + " is " + kelvinToCelsius(valueK) + " C");



import java.util.Scanner;

public class TemperatureConversion {

public static double celsiusToKelvin(double valueCelsius) {

double valueKelvin;

valueKelvin = valueCelsius + 273.15;

return valueKelvin;


public static double kelvinToCelsius(double valueKelvin) {

double valueCelsius;

valueCelsius = valueKelvin - 273.15;

return valueCelsius;


/* Your solution goes here */

public static void main (String [] args) {

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;

double valueC;

double valueK;

valueC = 10.0;

System.out.println(valueC + " C is " + celsiusToKelvin(valueC) + " K");

System.out.println("Input Kelivin: ");

valueK = scnr.nextDouble();

System.out.println(valueK + " is " + kelvinToCelsius(valueK) + " C");




Remember partially filled arrays where the number of elements stored in the array can be less than its capacity (the maximum number of elements allowed). We studied two different ways to represent partially filled arrays: 1) using an int variable for the numElems and 2) using a terminating value to indicate the end of elements called the sentinel value. In the code below, please fill in the details for reading values into the latter type of array that uses a sentilnel value. Don't forget to complete the printArray function.
using namespace std;
void printArray(int array[]);
// Implement printArray as defined with one array parameter
int main()
const int CAPACITY=21;
int array[CAPACITY]; // store positive/negative int values, using 0 to indicate the end of partially filled array
cout <<"Enter up to " << CAPACITY-1 << " non-zero integers, enter 0 to end when you are done\n";
//To do: Write a loop to read up the int values and store them into array a.
// Stop reading if the user enters 0 or the array a is full.
//To do: store 0 to indicate the end of values in the array
//Display array function
return 0;
// To do: implement display for the given array
void printArray(int array[])



Complete the main method as follows:

int num;


int i = 0;


array[i] = num;  




Complete the printArray function as follows:

void printArray(int array[]){

int i =0;


   cout<<array[i]<<" ";




Main method

This declares a variable that gets input from the user

int num;

This gets input from the user


This initializes a count variable to 0. It represents the index of the current array element

int i = 0;


This inserts the inputted number to the array

array[i] = num;

This gets another input  


The counter is incremented by 1



The above loop is repeated until the users enters 0

printArray method

This declares the array

void printArray(int array[]){

This initializes a counter variable to 0

int i =0;

This is repeated until array element is 0


Print array element

   cout<<array[i]<<" ";

Increase counter by 1



See attachment for complete program

PLZ HELP !!!!!





Producers manufacture and provide goods and services to consumers.

If we need to manage a contiguous range of memory, handling requests to allocate various sized chunks, and later make those chunks free for reuse (as the malloc() and free() routines do in a C program), we have a number of linked list allocation algorithms that we could choose from. If our primary objective in allocating a chunk was to leave the smallest fragment possible after the allocation, which algorithm would we implement?a. slab allocator.b. worst-fit allocator.c. first-fit allocator.d. best-fit allocator.e. bit-map allocator.



brst fyr aligarotr


CEO of Entertainment Inc. wants to keep track of performance of engagement that the company has engaged. For each customer and agent, he wants to know total number of contracts by month, and monthly contract success ratio (calculated by total number of contracts expired each month divided by total amount of contract price each month). In addition, for each customer and agent he wants to know total numbers of contracts expired each week, and total number of contracts still active each week.

Provide 4-step dimensional model in the SQL and create data warehouse solution in SQL for the dimensional model that you propose.


How are we suppose to make a dimensional model in a type only answer sheet?


How do you know how to make a dimensional model?

SummaryIn this lab, you complete a partially prewritten Java program that uses an array.The program prompts the user to interactively enter eight batting averages, which the program stores in an array. The program should then find the minimum and maximum batting average stored in the array as well as the average of the eight batting averages. The data file provided for this lab includes the input statement and some variable declarations. Comments are included in the file to help you write the remainder of the program.Instructions1.Ensure the file named is open.Write the Java statements as indicated by the comments.Execute the program by clicking "Run Code." Enter the following batting averages: .299, .157, .242, .203, .198, .333, .270, .190. The minimum batting average should be .157, and the maximum batting average should be .333. The average should be .2365.import java.util.Scanner;public class BattingAverage{public static void main(String args[]){Scanner s = new Scanner(;// Declare a named constant for array size here.// Declare array here.// Use this integer variable as your loop loopIndex;// Use this variable to store the batting average input by user.double battingAverage;// String version of batting average input by user.String averageString;// Use these variables to store the minimim and maximum batting averages.double min, max;// Use these variables to store the total and the average.double total, average;// Write a loop to get batting averages from user and assign to array.System.out.println("Enter a batting average: ");averageString = s.nextLine();battingAverage = Double.parseDouble(averageString);// Assign value to array.// Assign the first element in the array to be the minimum and the maximum.min = averages[0];max = averages[0];// Start out your total with the value of the first element in the = averages[0];// Write a loop here to access array values starting with averages[1]// Within the loop test for minimum and maximum batting averages.// Also accumulate a total of all batting averages.// Calculate the average of the 8 averages.// Print the averages stored in the averages array.// Print the maximum batting average, minimum batting average, and average batting average.System.exit(0);}{



The complete program is as follows:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main{

   public static void main(String args[]){

       Scanner s = new Scanner(;

       final int lent = 8;

       Double averages[] = new Double[lent];

       int loopIndex;

       double battingAverage;

       String averageString;

       double min, max;

       double total, average;

       for(loopIndex = 0;loopIndex<lent;loopIndex++){

       System.out.print("Enter a batting average: ");

       averageString = s.nextLine();

       battingAverage = Double.parseDouble(averageString);

       averages[loopIndex] = battingAverage;        }

       min = averages[0];max = averages[0];

       total = averages[0];

       for(loopIndex = 1;loopIndex<lent;loopIndex++){


           max = averages[loopIndex];        }


           min = averages[loopIndex];        }

       total+=averages[loopIndex];        }

       battingAverage = total/8;

       for(loopIndex = 0;loopIndex<lent;loopIndex++){

       System.out.println(averages[loopIndex]+" ");        }

       System.out.println("Average: "+battingAverage);

       System.out.println("Minimum: "+min);

       System.out.println("Maximum: "+max);




See attachment for complete program with comments

How many cycles would it take to complete these multicycle instructions after pipelining assuming: Full forwarding 1 Adder that takes 2 cycles (subtraction uses the adder) 1 Multiplier that takes 10 cycles 1Divider that takes40 cycles 1 Integer ALU that takes1cycle(Loads and Stores) You can write and read from the register file in the same cycle. Begin your your cycle counting from 1 (NOT 0)


js downs djdknsekmnd

You are asked to write a program that will display a letter that corresponds with a numeric rating system. The program should use a switch statement. The numeric rating is stored in a variable named rate and rate may equal 1, 2, 3, or 4. The corresponding letter is stored in a variable named grade and grade may be A, B, C, or D. Which is the test expression for this switch statement


The switch statements are similar to the if statements in a computer program

The test expression for the switch statement is the variable rate

How to determine the test expression

From the question, we have the following highlights

The program displays a corresponding letter of a rateThe rating is stored in the variable rate

This means that, the numerical value of the variable rate would be tested and the corresponding letter would be printed

Hence, the test expression for the switch statement is the variable rate

Read more about computer programs at:

How can you create the first row of the table as the header of the table?
In the Insert Table dialog box, you select the ______
checkbox to create the first row as the header of the table.



table style option


Answer: table style


How can a user restore a message that was removed from the Deleted Items folder?

by dragging the item from Deleted Items to the Inbox

by dragging the item from Deleted Items to Restored Items

by clicking on "Recover items recently removed from this folder"

by clicking on the Restore button in the Navigation menu



by clicking on "Recover items recently removed from this folder".




What programming language does the LMC 'understand'?



The LMC is generally used to teach students, because it models a simple von Neumann architecture computer—which has all of the basic features of a modern computer. It can be programmed in machine code (albeit in decimal rather than binary) or assembly code.

please help me on this coding problem :)

Consider the following code segment.

int a = 0;
int b = 3;

while ((b != 0) && ((a / b) >= 0)
a = a + 2;
b = b - 1;
What are the values of a and b after the while loop completes its execution?

a = 4, b = 1
a = 0, b = 3
a = 6, b = 0
a = 8, b = -1



a=4 , b=1


I'm not a computer science major at all but I think I can help you with this code.

Our program wants us to add 2 to a get new a value while also subtracting 1 from b value to obtain new b value. We we want to for for as long b is not 0 and a/b is nonnegative.

One round we get:

New a=0+2=2

New b=3-1=2

Let's see if we can go another round:

New a=2+2=4

New b=2-1=1

We can't go another round because b would be negative while a is positive which would make a/b negative. So our loop stops at this 2nd round.

a=4 , b=1

Other notes:

2nd choice makes no sense because a is always going to increase because of the addition on a and b was going to decrease because of the subtraction on it.

Third choice makes no sense because a/b doesn't even exist.

Fourth choice a/b is negative not nonnegative.

Consider the following class declarations.

public class Dog
private String name;
public Dog()
name = "NoName";
public class Poodle extends Dog
private String size;
public Poodle(String s)

size = s;

The following statement appears in a method in another class.
Poodle myDog = new Poodle("toy");
Which of the following best describes the result of executing the statement?

a. The Poodle variable myDog is instantiated as a Poodle. The instance variable size is initialized to "toy". The instance variable name is not assiged a value.
b. The Poodle variable myDog is instantiated as a Poodle. The instance variable size is initialized to "toy". An implicit call to the no-argument Dog constructor is made, initializing the instance variable name to "NoName".
c. The Poodle variable myDog is instantiated as a Poodle. The instance variable size is initialized to "toy". An implicit call to the no-argument Dog constructor is made, initializing the instance variable name to "toy".
d. A runtime error occurs because super is not used to call the no-argument Dog constructor.
e. A runtime error occurs because there is no one-argument Dog constructor.



The poodle variable myDog is intentioned as a Poodle. The instance variable size is initialized to “toy”. The instance variable name is not assigned a value.

D have a good one pal let me know

using namespace std;
class cypher_encryptor
string cypher;
cypher_encryptor(string cypher)
this->cypher = cypher;
string encode(string original)
string result = original;
for (int i = 0; i < original.length(); i++)
if (original[i] == ' ') continue;
result[i] = cypher[original[i] - 'a'];
return result;
string decode(string secret)
string result = secret;
for (int i = 0; i < secret.length(); i++)
if (secret[i] == ' ') continue;
for (int j = 0; j <= 26; j++)
if (cypher[j] == secret[i])
result[i] = j + 'a';
return result;
class hacker
//Returns for each character the number of times it appears in the string
map* count_letters(string phrase)
// Your code starts here
// Your code ends here
//Returns for each count the characters that appears that number of times in the string
map>* by_counts(map counts)
// Your code starts here
// Your code ends here
//Calculates the cypher using phrase as a reference and encoded
string get_cypher(string phrase, string encoded)
// Your code starts here
// Your code ends here



where are the answers


Which sequence represents the hierarchy of terms, from smallest to greatest?
Select one:
a. Database, table, record, field
b. Field, record, table, database
c. Record, field, table, database
d. Field, record, database, table​


The sequence that stands for the hierarchy of terms, from smallest to greatest is  Field, record, table, database

What is database?

A database is known to be a kind of organized group of structured information, or data, that are known to be stored in a computer system.

Therefore, The sequence that stands the hierarchy of terms, from smallest to greatest is  Field, record, table, database

Learn more about database from





Oo, tama ka!


What is the difference between a 13 column abacus and 5 column abacus?


Answer:  The difference between these two types of abaci are the number the beads.


have a great day or night


The difference between these two types of abaci are the number the beads.


This program reads a file called 'test.txt'. You are required to write two functions that build a wordlist out of all of the words found in the file and print all of the unique words found in the file. Remove punctuations using 'string.punctuation' and 'strip()' before adding words to the wordlist.
Write a function build_wordlist() that takes a 'file pointer' as an argument and reads the contents, builds the wordlist after removing punctuations, and then returns the wordlist. Another function find_unique() will take this wordlist as a parameter and return another wordlist comprising of all unique words found in the wordlist.
Contents of 'test.txt':
test file
another line in the test file
['another', 'file', 'in', 'line', 'test', 'the']
This the skeleton for 1:
#build_wordlist() function goes here
#find_unique() function goes here
def main():
infile = open("test.txt", 'r')
word_list = build_wordlist(infile)
new_wordlist = find_unique(word_list)




The following code has the two requested functions, fully working and tested for bugs. It is written in Python as is the sample code in the question and a sample output can be seen in the picture attached below.

import string

def build_wordlist(file_pointer):

   words =

   words = [word.strip(string.punctuation) for word in words.split()]

   return words

def find_unique(word_list):

   unique_words = []

   for word in word_list:

       if word not in unique_words:


   return unique_words

def main():

   infile = open("test.txt", 'r')

   word_list = build_wordlist(infile)

   new_wordlist = find_unique(word_list)




What will be printed to the console after this program runs?
var numbers = [2, 5, 3, 1, 6]
function changeNums(numList, addNum, subtractNum) {
for(var i=0; i if(numList[i] % 3 == 0){
numList[i] = numList[i] + addNum;
} else {
numList[i] = numList[i] - subtract Num;
changeNums (numbers, 3, 2);


The output that will be printed to console after the program runs is (b) [0, 3, 6, -1, 9]

When the program is analyzed, we have the following highlights

The program increases numbers that are divisible by 3, by the value of variable addNumOther numbers are reduced by the value of variable subtractNum

In the program, the values of addNum and subtractNum are 3 and 2, respectively.

In the list, 3 and 6 are divisible by 3

2, 5 and 1 are not divisible by 3

When the program runs, 3 and 6 are replaced by 6 and 9.

While 2, 5 and 1 are replaced by 0, 3 and -1

Hence, the output that will be printed to console after the program runs is (b) [0, 3, 6, -1, 9]

Read more about similar programs at:

What are the characteristics of a good text-based adventure game? In other words, what are some features that should be in the game to make it appealing to players?



spelling and good format

Explanation:thats all i know

Jason works for a restaurant that serves only organic , local produce . What trend is this business following?


Answer: Green


1. Define Primary Key. Why do we need primary key ?

2. Define Field size.

3. Define Validation Rule.

4. . Not leaving the house and a lack of exercise can cause health problems like obesity. TRUE OR FALSE

5. Rebecca only works 3 days in a week but she works longer hours each day to ensure she hits the 40-hour work week.
-art-time working
-Compressed hours
-Job sharing
-Flexible hour



1 .The main purpose of primary key is to identify the uniqueness of a row, where as unique key is to prevent the duplicates, following are the main difference between primary key and unique key.


2. Field size means the dimensions along the major axes of an area in a plane perpendicular to the central axis of the useful beam of incident radiation at the normal treatment distance and defined by the intersection of the major axes and the 50 percent isodose line.

c Write a recursive function called PrintNumPattern() to output the following number pattern.Given a positive integer as input (Ex: 12), subtract another positive integer (Ex: 3) continually until 0 or a negative value is reached, and then continually add the second integer until the first integer is again reached.



def PrintNumPattern(a,b):


 if (a <= 0): return





Recursive functions are cool.

Imaging a computer is part of what phase of conversion?
a. Backup
b. Configuration
c. Procurement


B. Because the computer can rearrange itself when it is in a phase of conversion
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2) Why do some earthquakes cause more damage than others? Which of the three religions spread most to the Americas? Why do you think this happened?help The population of rabbits on an island is growing exponentially. In the year 1995, the population of rabbits was 1000, and by 1999 the population had grown to 1800. Predict the population of rabbits in the year 2003, to the nearest whole number. What is the product? Which number line shows the solution to the inequality? Plllsss help!!! What is the value of x? Which of the following would cause consumers to demand fewer slices of pizza?A. an increase in the supply of pizza slicesB. a decrease in the supply of tacosC. an increase in the price of pizza slices Help me please hurry and Ill give you brainliest An experiment consists of spinning the spinner once. a: Find the probability of landing on a 2. b: find the probability of landing on a 1. c: Is landing in each section of the spinner equally likely to occur? Explain. ann and bill share an amount of money in ratio 7:n. Ann gets 28%of the money. workout value of n Two forces one of 12N and another of 5N act on a body in such away that they makes an angle of 90 digre with each other,what is the resultant? Which of the following best explains why Germany joined into the fighting of World War I after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand? A. France had supported the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. B. Members of the Black Hand had come from Austria-Hungary and Germany. C. Austria-Hungary and Germany were part of the Triple Entente. D. Austria-Hungary and Germany were part of the Triple Alliance. Which of the following is an independent clause? the girl has a weight of 72N on moon.what will be the mass and the weight of the girl on earth.(use g earth=10m/s 2/g 9 moon=1.6m/s 2) PLZ HELP!!!! Read the 4 paragraphs and answer the one question. Provide text evidence in your answer. Explain your text evidence.Question: Character and Plot: A. What do you know about the character Zebra so far? Explain.Here is the text! :D practice goofs and great inventions essayMay you write an essay for me I, maybe like 4 or 5, don't have to go too depth, Just good enough to get me a good grade on it, will give you brainliest and all the points i have, i'll give you a file trust me nothing sketchy just file to the article thank you. Help me please!!!!!!!!!! Along with Hurricane Katrina, many of the natural disasters such as the massive earthquake in Pakistan and the typhoons in East Asia were equally covered by the news media.TrueFalse PLEASE HELP ME WITH THE FIRST QUESTION AND DONT PUT ANY LINKS!!! Please please help help me please please!!!