Can someone plz help me? :(

Can Someone Plz Help Me? :(


Answer 1




Answer 2
Answer would be A

Explanation: it’s because your showing that she is ‘worried’ about her grade on her test. Therefore making it an anxious statement.

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6. Ehrenreich’s essay delivers strong implications about the U.S.economy. What is the
relationship between the macroeconomy and the microeconomy in the essay?
Which is more prominent? Identify places where she addresses each. What impli-
cations does her essay make about each?


The relationship between macro and microeconomics is to establish how international economic decisions interfere in the business and economic decisions of citizens. This relationship is so strong that it does not allow one to be more prominent than the other, as both are equally important, as shown in the essay.

What are macroeconomics and microeconomics?Microeconomics is directed at local and individual economic decisions.Microeconomics looks at how individuals in a place interact with the economy and how businesses function within the region.Macroeconomics is oriented towards governmental and international decisions.Macroeconomics focuses on analyzing the impact of government decisions on citizens' lives.

Ehrenreich establishes the difference between these two concepts very efficiently but does not show their levels of importance of them. That's because the two concepts are equally relevant to economic success, as they impact each other in a profound way.

More information about microeconomics and macroeconomics at the link:

The Boston Tea Party
What is the tone of this passage?
The event that came to be known as the Boston Tea
Party occurred on the night of December 6, 1773. The
"party" began when a group of men from Boston
disguised themselves as Native Americans and climbed
aboard the British merchant ship Dartmouth in the Boston
harbor. The group's aim was to destroy the ship's cargo of
tea. The disguised Americans threw 342 chests of tea into
the sea. As a result, the British suffered losses estimated
between ten to eighteen thousand pounds. The Boston
Tea Party began a series of protests that eventually
began the American Revolution
7 of 10 Answered
Session Score: 86
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This passage uses lots of numbers to describe exact amounts of things, and it uses dates and correct names. There isn't really any bias, and there is nothing to argue. This is an informative passage.




Read each quote. What words did Stanton add to the line from the Declaration of Independence?.


Answer: Stanton adds the word “women.” Through this augmentation, Stanton demonstrates the failure of the Declaration of Independence to include women and thus integrates them into her own declaration.


and women


How does the anecdote, brief story, in paragraph four contribute to the authors explanation of Julius Ceaser life and character



According to Shakespeare as the author of this play, He portrays Caesar as an ambitious and loyal man. He is a prisoner of his principles and always fixed to the laws of public institutions. He was charged by his conspirators as someone whose judgment is delusional because he looks for absolute power over Rome which was not true. His faith in his principles and obedience to the law did not allow him to quit going to the Senate. He does not pay heed to his wife's dream because he was a man of his words.


Caesar's aura and public image was immortal to him and he always has a deep faith on his capabilities. The ideas of Caesar which were conflicting to Rome powerful elite made sense by the end of the play in Act V when Brutus finally accepted that Caeser's power is beyond his grave and producing misfortune for them.


Julius Caesar, the Roman dictator, was assassinated by a group of senators on the Ides of March (15 March) of 44 BC during a meeting of the Senate at the Curia of Pompey of the Theatre of Pompey in Rome. The senators stabbed Caesar 23 times. The senators claimed to be acting over fears that Caesar's unprecedented concentration of power during his dictatorship was undermining the Roman Republic, and presented the deed as an act of tyrannicide. At least 60 senators were party to the conspiracy, led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. Despite the death of Caesar, the conspirators were unable to restore the institutions of the Republic. The ramifications of the assassination led to the Liberators' civil war and ultimately to the Principate period of the Roman Empire.

\Caesar had served the Republic for eight years in the Gallic Wars, fully conquering the region of Gaul (roughly equivalent to modern-day France). After the Roman Senate demanded Caesar to disband his army and return home as a civilian, he refused, crossing the Rubicon with his army and plunging Rome into Caesar's Civil War in 49 BC. After defeating the last of the opposition, Caesar was appointed dictator perpetuo ("dictator in perpetuity") in early 44 BC.[2] Roman historian Titus Livius describes three incidents that occurred from 45 to 44 BC as the final causes of Caesar's assassination – the "three last straws" as far as some Romans were concerned.[3]

The first incident took place in December 45 BC or possibly early 44 BC.[3] According to Roman historian Cassius Dio, after the Senate had voted to bestow a large group of honours upon Caesar, they decided to present them to him formally, and marched as a senatorial delegation to the Temple of Venus Genetrix.[4] When they arrived, etiquette called for Caesar to stand up to greet the senators, but he did not rise. He also joked about their news, saying that his honours needed to be cut back instead of increased.[5] Roman historian Suetonius wrote (almost 150 years later) that Caesar failed to rise in the temple, either because he was restrained by the consul Lucius Cornelius Balbus or that he balked at the suggestion he should rise.[6] Regardless of the reasoning, by practically rejecting a senatorial gift and not acknowledging the delegation's presence with proper etiquette, Caesar gave the strong impression that he no longer cared about the Senate.[5]

The second incident occurred in 44 BC. One day in January, the tribunes Gaius Epidius Marullus and Lucius Caesetius Flavus discovered a diadem on the head of the statue of Caesar on the Rostra in the Roman Forum.[5] According to Suetonius, the tribunes ordered that the wreath be removed as it was a symbol of Jupiter and royalty.[7] Nobody knew who had placed the diadem, but Caesar suspected that the tribunes had arranged for it to appear so that they could have the honour of removing it.[5] Matters escalated shortly after on the 26th, when Caesar was riding on horseback to Rome on the Appian Way.[8] A few members of the crowd greeted him as rex ("king"), to which Caesar replied, "I am not Rex, but Caesar" ("Non sum Rex, sed Caesar").[9] This was wordplay; "Rex" was a family name as well as a Latin title. Marullus and Flavus, the aforementioned tribunes, were not amused, and ordered the man who first cried "Rex" arrested. In a later senate meeting, Caesar accused the tribunes of attempting to create opposition to him, and had them removed from office and membership in the Senate.[8] The Roman plebs took their tribunes seriously as the representatives of the common people; Caesar's actions against the tribunes put him on the wrong side of public opinion.[10]

The third incident took place at the festival of the Lupercalia, on the 15 February 44 BC. Mark Antony, who had been elected co-consul with Caesar, climbed onto the Rostra and placed a diadem on Caesar's head, saying "The People give this to you through me." While a few members of the crowd applauded, most responded with silence. Caesar removed the diadem from his head; Antony again placed it on him, only to get the same response from the crowd.[11] Finally, Caesar put it aside to use as a sacrifice to Jupiter Optimus Maximus.[7] "Jupiter alone of the Romans is king," Caesar said, which received an enthusiastic response from the crowd.[11] At the time, many believed that Caesar's rejection of the diadem was a way for him to see if there was enough support for him to become king, and despised him for it.[12]

According to Suetonius, Caesar's assassination ultimately occurred primarily due to concerns that he wished to crown himself the king of Rome.[13] These concerns were exacerbated by the "three last straws" of 45 and 44 BC. In just a few months, Caesar had disrespected the Senate, removed People's Tribunes, and toyed with monarchy. By February, the conspiracy that caused his assassination was being born.[12]


Using supporting evidence, what makes Macavity a “Mystery Cat”? Cite/quote TWO different lines from the poem that clearly develop this central idea.

“Macavity the Mystery Cat” – by T.S. Eliot

Macavity's a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw -
For he's the master criminal who can defy the Law.
He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad's despair:
For when they reach the scene of crime - Macavity's not there!

Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
He's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity.
His powers of levitation would make a fakir stare,
And when you reach the scene of crime - Macavity's not there!
You may seek him in the basement, you may look up in the air -
But I tell you once and once again, Macavity's not there!

Macavity's a ginger cat, he's very tall and thin;
You would know him if you saw him, for his eyes are sunken in.
His brow is deeply lined with thought, his head is highly domed;
His coat is dusty from neglect, his whiskers are uncombed.
He sways his head from side to side, with movements like a snake;
And when you think he's half asleep, he's always wide awake.

Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
For he's a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity.
You may meet him in a by-street, you may see him in the square -
But when a crime's discovered, then Macavity's not there!

He's outwardly respectable. (They say he cheats at cards.)
And his footprints are not found in any file of Scotland Yard's.
And when the larder's looted, or the jewel-case is rifled,
Or when the milk is missing, or another Peke's been stifled,
Or the greenhouse glass is broken, and the trellis past repair -
Ay, there's the wonder of the thing! Macavity's not there!

And when the Foreign Office find a Treaty's gone astray,
Or the Admiralty lose some plans and drawings by the way,
There may be a scrap of paper in the hall or on the stair -
But it's useless to investigate - Macavity's not there!
And when the loss has been disclosed, the Secret Service say:
`It must have been Macavity!' - but he's a mile away.
You'll be sure to find him resting, or a-licking of his thumbs,
Or engaged in doing complicated long-division sums.

Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
There never was a Cat of such deceitfulness and suavity.
He always has an alibi, and one or two to spare:
At whatever time the deed took place - MACAVITY WASN'T THERE!
And they say that all the Cats whose wicked deeds are widely known
(I might mention Mungojerrie, I might mention Griddlebone)
Are nothing more than agents for the Cat who all the time
Just controls their operations: the Napoleon of Crime!


The two different lines that develop the central idea are:

"For when they reach the scene of crime - Macavity's not there!""And his footprints are not found in any file of Scotland Yard's."

Let's understand the poem "Macavity: The Mystery Cat".

Macavity: The Mystery Cat"Macavity: The Mystery Cat" is a poem written by T.S Eliot.

The poem describes the life of a fictional character who is also known as Hidden Paw.

In the poem, it's seen that the cat commits crimes and never gets caught.

Even the police (Scotland Yard) are not able to trace him after he commits a crime.

In the poem, we are told that "He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad's despair"

Thus, the given lines above reveal the central idea of the poem.

Learn more about T.S Eliot's poetry on

Please help me answer my homework



1. Some exercises were done by Tom everyday.

2. Good cakes are made by my aunt.

3. The pigs are fed by Bill every morning.

4. The fishing village was destroyed by a silent storm.


6. The party last night had a lot of invitees.

7. America was discovered by Christopher in 1492. (debatable)

8. 2 centuries ago, Tan Ki house was built by them.


Make the second noun the subject

Response Paragraph 1
Three to five sentences long
Explain how the resolution of the plot indicates the author's purpose.
Show what human rights issues took place in the conflict and how the author used the resolution to generate a reaction in the reader.
Use proper spelling and grammar.
( I am reading Their Eyes Were Watching God)



The resolution of a plot is vital in a literary work as it illustrates the theme of the passage or the story.

Your information is incomplete as you'd didn't provide the passage. Therefore, an overview will be given. The resolution of a plot is the conclusion of the story.

The resolution of a story is also known as denouement. It's the event that takes place after the climax.

The diction and characterization used were vital in indicating the author’s purpose for writing about a human rights issue. The author showed the struggles, conflicts, and representation of harmony in African-American culture.


Which element besides nationalism portrayed a fascination with specific cultures?




program music



A) exoticism


Apart from Nationalism, another characteristic that reflected an interest in a particular culture is Exoticism.

Can someone help me with this..?​



c. stative


What is the tone of Obama's speech and how does it
shift throughout the passage?



What passage


And remember that the tone is the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc..

The Latin prefix dis- means “not." Given the answer to Part A, what can you conclude is the meaning of disrespectful?


a Latin prefix meaning “apart,” “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force (see de-, un-); used freely, ...

The meaning of disrespect is to lack special regard or respect for : to have disrespect for. How to use disrespect in a sentence.


Imagine that you are the mayor of your town. In an upcoming election, you would like the citizens to vote yes for a gambling establishment to locate in your town. Prepare a short speech encouraging the people of the town to vote yes on your proposal. (8-10 sentences)



hi my dear voters , iam going to make this place better, by using gambling as a knowledge source, if you vote for this you will have a strong reputation on me, like I said vote and be strong, gambling is bad people said put it is a passion to know, and to learn how to have a bigger source of money, I love to say to you be valuable, have the best behaviour to be rich,and be happy of the things you do, and bye be healthy

Ebony and Tamika love shoes. When comparing the number of pairs of shoes that they own, they noticed that Ebony has four times as many as Tamika. If Tamika has s pairs of shoes and Ebony has four times as many, who has more?


If Tamika has s pairs of shoes, and Ebony has 4 times as much, Tamika would have 4s shoes. 4s > s, so Ebony has more shoes than Tamika.




vunerable provincal proffessionalibiity occupation

vascuous corpulent

Can someone plz help me? :(




Passage 2 is longer and more descriptive. Makes more sense.


I think it is passage 1


which line from the excerpt is an important detail that would be included in a summary of the expert?


The line that must be included in the summary is the one that presents the main point of the excerpt.

We can arrive at this answer because:

A summary is a short, direct, and objective term, which aims to re-present another text, showing only the most significant parts.Therefore, the summary only presents lines that focus on the most essential points of a text.These posts must be able to allow the reader to understand the text even without reading the full version of it.

You have not shown the passage your question refers to. This prevents me from showing the specific line that should be placed in the summary, but I hope the information above can help you.

More information on a summary at the link:



Explanation: I got you I took the test

what are some examples of direct in the christmas carol



Take Scrooge, for example. He eats "his melancholy dinner in his usual melancholy tavern"


Rawr and why does it occur



if u asking why does "rawr" occur its because its finna be 2022 we aint saying grr or periodt no mo


hope tha work

Select all words that make up the prepositional phrase in the sentence.

The town officials have to survey the area around the park.



around the park


what are the social concern illusttrated in the poem richard cory



Yet the poems final line reveals that,despite seeming to have everything he could want,Cory kills himself.The poem thematic interests in wealth,property,and elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context:

A series of economic depression that stuck the U.S. in the 1890s

That is the answer if my book


The poem's thematic interests in wealth, poverty, and the elusive nature of happiness are deeply tied to its historical context: a series of economic depressions that struck the U. S. in the 1890s.

Does this sentence have parallel structure?

It is usually better to study for an exam over time than cramming the night before.





Parallel structure is when you use clauses or verbs in the same tense, to add flow to your sentence and emphasize certain points. To rewrite the sentence, you can use:

It is better studying for an exam over time than cramming the night before.

Notice how cramming and studying have the same tense.

English Class 10
The poet brings about the contrast between the ice
and _____ through the poem “Fire and Ice”.
(a) hatred
(b) destruction
(c) love
(d) fire


Required Answer : -

The poet brings about the contrast between the ice

and hatred through the poem “Fire and Ice”.

Additional information :-

The name of the poem is Fire and Ice. In this poem, you find the realist side of the poet’s nature. He has perceived the nature of humans and described it perfectly in the poem using simple words. According to him, humanity has been engrossed by never-ending desire and hunger for power. It is because of this greed, humanity will end in two ways. The poet has mentioned that the entire human race will end either in flames or being engulfed by ice. The poem has only a few lines but manages to describe what the poet wants to convey to his readers perfectly.

To understand the inner meaning of the poem, you need to refer to the Summary of Fire and Ice Class 10 English. This summary has been prepared by the mentors of Vedantu so that students can understand the hidden context of the poem. Refer to this summary to prepare the chapter well and answer the question easily in exams to score better.

History is evidence of the downfall of many civilizations due to wars. Wars are the effect of hatred, greed and the never-ending desires of the human race. Robert Frost, one of the eminent poets, had perceived that humans will be responsible for their own catastrophe. They will be annihilated from the surface of the earth because of their negative emotions controlled by greed and hatred.

The poet is sure of the destruction of the human race. He is sure that it will happen very soon. The nature of humans makes them weaker and they fall prey to the hands of greed, hatred and desire. The more they get, the more they want. They also want what others have. This unending desire is lethal for the future of humans. A time will come when the entire race will cease to exist as humans will destroy themselves using fire or ice.

The evil desires will control humans to make and launch destructive weapons against each other. A humongous fire will engulf the entire race killing everyone and making earth sane again. According to the Short Summary of Fire and Ice Class 10 English, the poet has found a remarkable similarity between the fire of evil desires and hatred and the fire that destroys life.

He also depicts another reason for the destruction of the human race. He believes that the world created by humans will be destroyed by ice someday. Ice is compared as an uncompassionate feeling of the humans for each other. Nobody cares about what is happening in the world because of their . It seems that the ice of these evil emotions has made humans go numb. They fail to feel any warmth and are slowly losing the hope to survive without knowing it. Humans act cruelly against each other and do not think twice before imparting harm.


Hope it's helps !!

the correct answer is:

a) hatred

Grandma insisted that I stay away from the ___ kids in the neighborhood who were always playing pranks, stealing newspapers, and toilet-papering houses.







I would write monstrous from the sentence explainaition!




because Civil means you are respectful and up right, so it doesn't fit. wily means you get you way in things, but in a clever and smart way, an none of these examples are smart. and blasphemous means to say bad words and none of these are bad words. so that leaves you with monstrous

help me plssssss.How does the interaction between Dionysius and Pythias in Paragraph 3 affect the story?

It demonstrates that Dionysius is no longer feared by the people he rules.

It presents Dionysius as cruel leader who will not tolerate criticism.

It forces Dionysius to change the way he treats the citizens of Syracuse.

It causes Dionysius to question his abilities as a leader of Syracuse.



It forces Dionysius to change the way he treats the citizens of Syracuse.


The mice's hiding spot is behind a panel in the pantry. Late at night, they come
out to gather crumb's left on the floor. What is the mistake?



mice's isnt a word i think


Identifying Irony
Match each type of irony to its definition.
verbal irony
The audience knows something a character
does not
dramatic irony
A character expects one thing to occur, but
something else happens.
situational irony
A character says one thing but means the



Situational irony: A character expects one thing to occur, but something else happens

Verbal irony: A character says something, but means the opposite

Dramatic irony: The audience knows something a character  does not


I'm a connections student too. i'm 8th out of my year (500 students)

Help help help help help help


Is there any text along with the paper such as a book or article.
Where is the story cause it’s needed

How does the image provide more information than the text?

The image shows that a large crowd has come to protest Dionysius’s brutality.

The image clarifies the manner in which Damon or Pythias will be put to death.

The image portrays how Damon and Pythias react to Dionysius’s pardon.

The image demonstrates that the crowd supports Damon and Pythias.


The image clarifies how Damon or Pythias will be put to death, as shown in the second answer option.

We can arrive at this answer because:

The text does not clarify or show details of how the death sentence of the characters will be carried out.this allows readers to try harder to imagine how this condemnation will take place, what instruments will be used and how everything will be established.

However, the image limits the reader's imagination, who can see the details that have been suppressed in the text. The image shows how the death sentence will be established, allowing the reader to have a well-structured view of it.

More information about the effect of images on text can be seen at the link:

Constant distractions from customers often _______ with work in the office.A.interruptC.replyB.interfereD.contribute


Constant distractions from customers often interfere with work in the office.

The word that should be best used to fill up the blank is "interfere." An interference is a disruption of a work in progress.

So, when it is said that customers often interfere with work in the office, it means that they sometimes disrupt the smooth flow of office work.

Learn more about customer distractions here:

Do you think that it is possible to map out your life? Is it desirable? Why or why not? I’m Journey



i think it is possible to map out the major events of your life. But to map out your whole life, i don't think that would be possible, or desirable.


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