Directions: Use the textbook and your notes to identify which individual said the quotes below.

5. I wrote, The Crisis to rekindle patriotic spirit during difficult times and Common Sense, to challenge the loyalists and neutralists to fight for independence from Great Britain.

6. I was an early advocate for women’s rights and wanted women to have rights during a time when they weren’t seen as equals. I wrote a letter to my husband, John Adams that encouraged him and his fellow patriots to “remember the ladies” as they fought for freedom.

7. I was an old man during the Revolution and couldn’t fight for the Patriots. However, I continued to serve the Patriot cause by traveling to France to try to gather support for the Patriots. I also helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris 1793, which officially ended the American Revolution.

8. I was an African American Patriot leader from New Hampshire during the Revolution. In a ride similar to Paul Revere’s, I warned the people of New Hampshire of British advancements. After the war, I became one of the first black men elected to a political position in the United States.

9. I was on my way to work at the docks when shots began to ring out. I was one of the first to die in the conflict between British and colonists in 1773.

10. A good friend of Abigail Adams, I was also an advocate for women’s rights. Both my husband and my brother were very active in the Patriot movement. I wrote extensively in support of the Patriot cause and published plays and other pieces anonymously, which convinced many to support independence.

11. I was the leader of the Sons of Liberty who believed there should be “no taxation without representation.”

12. I was a French nobleman who joined the Patriots fight for freedom. I spent the winter at Valley Forge with General Washington and his men.


Answer 1


5. Thomas Paine

6. Abigail Adams

7. Benjamin Franklin

8. Wentworth Cheswell (not 100% sure)

9. Don't know

10. Mercy Otis Warren (not sure)

11. Samuel Adams

12. Marquis de Lafayette

Answer 2
5.thomas Paine
6.abigail smith
7. Benjamin Franklin
8.wentworth cheswill
9. Couldn’t figure out
10.mercey Otis warren
11.samuel Adams
12.baron von steuben

Related Questions

50 POINTS Or take the stance of someone opposing women's suffrage. Why would you think that women should not be allowed to vote? What would you have done to try and keep the status quo where women did not cast ballots.



i think women should vote

but if you need an answer maybe do that women would not understand whats going on bc they just stayed home and cooked


according to the declaration of independence what have the colonists been asking the king to do


Answer:he colonists believed that King George III and the Parliament limited the colonists' individual rights by the acts that they passed. The colonists believed that their rights were limited by being taxed on various goods and services while at the same time, the money from these taxes did not benefit the colonies.



he colonists believed that King George III and the Parliament limited the colonists' individual rights by the acts that they passed. The colonists believed that their rights were limited by being taxed on various goods and services while at the same time, the money from these taxes did not benefit the colonies.

Please help this is urgent!!!

The 15th amendment protects individual rights by:

A. granting citizenship to all people born in the country.

B. making it illegal to hold people in slavery.

C. guaranteeing citizens' right to vote no matter their race.

D. outlawing poll tax requirements to vote.





The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

the answer is c, according to the web and my quiz that i just took

what was the worst part of the fugitive slave law?
1. free black men in the north could be taken back to the south as a slave
2. slave owners could travel north and reclaim their slaves
3. northerners refused to help return run away slaves
4. northerners were forced to help with slavery
I need help again!​



the answer is one


because this is one the worst cases  the  free black man  just travel for a long time and they can just become salves again

one is the answer i’m sure if it


What is the legislative branch?

What does the legislative branch do?

How do they do it?

2 details about the Senate

2 details about the House of Representatives

2 details about the Legislative branch in general (NOT specifically about one chamber)





what is the legislative branch:

The legislative branch drafts proposed laws, confirms or rejects presidential nominations for heads of federal agencies, federal judges, and the Supreme Court, and has the authority to declare a war.The legislative branch is made

what does the legislative branch do:

Senators, along with members of the House of Representatives, propose, author, and vote on federal legislation that touches upon all aspects of U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Senators provide advice and consent on executive nominations and treaties and conduct oversight of all branches of the federal government.

How do they do it:

Established by Article I of the Constitution, the Legislative Branch consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together form the United States Congress. ... The House of Representatives is made up of 435 elected members, divided among the 50 states in proportion to their total population.

2 details about the Senate:

The Senate maintains several powers to itself: It ratifies treaties by a two-thirds super majority vote and confirms the appointments of the President by a majority vote. The consent of the House of Representatives is also necessary for the ratification of trade agreements and the confirmation of the Vice President.

2 details about the house of Representatives:

As per the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives makes and passes federal laws. The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed by law at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states.

2 details about the Legislative branch in general (NOT specifically about one chamber)

The legislative branch of the U.S. government is called Congress. Congress has two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The legislative branch drafts proposed laws, confirms or rejects presidential nominations for heads of federal agencies, federal judges, and the Supreme Court, and has the authority to declare war.

I need a republican. Plz give me a reason on why your on your side


1. The direct intentional killing of a defenseless innocent child in the womb is an abomination. Sixty million-plus since 1973. Democrats voted to deny care for children in botched abortions. Trump is the most pro-life president ever who believes that life is precious and begins at the moment of conception. He is decreasing the number of abortions by withholding funds for abortions in America. Biden will increase the number of abortions by doing away with the Hyde Amendment and using taxpayer dollars to pay for them. He will also codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. Let’s not forget, to kill is against God’s Fifth Commandment. And for us Catholics, the United States Bishops Conference says, “The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority because it directly attacks life itself.”

2. During President Trump’s first year in office he signed an executive order upholding religious liberty and the right to engage in religious speech. On May 29, 2019, House Democrats put through a bill that limited religious freedom. Religious organizations would be forced to violate their beliefs or shut down on the basis of discrimination.

3. In May 2019 the Trump administration finalized a rule to protect individuals and health care institutions from discrimination on the basis of their exercise of conscience in Health and Human Services federal programs. Obama and Biden felt no obligation to respect peoples’ consciences. They defunded a program at Catholic charities in Philadelphia to aid women in trafficking because they would not refer these women for abortions. Don’t forget Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor having to go to the Supreme Court to defend their conscience. There are many more examples.

4. Democrats are for socialism. Socialism is evil and can lead to communism. The latest country to try it was Venezuela; the people there are starving. Bernie Sanders is a socialist; Biden owes him.

5. Trump supports school choice to help poor children to get ahead. Democrats? No, they need the teachers’ union’s contributions for their campaign coffers.

6. Trump is for law and order. All cities that are on fire and being looted are run by Democrats. Many Democrats support defunding the police in New York and Chicago, and poor Black children and adults are dying. Murder rates are way up without police.

7. President Trump appointed 200 federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written. Democrats will approve judges who are activists and will further the Democratic agenda. This is the only way Democrats can advance their agenda because people won’t vote for it.
Work is a valued thing, we shouldn’t just be giving out money to anyone because they just sit around. People in America work so hard for there money to get taxed and given to people on the left.

which phrase best completes the diagram
Please help, I already got one question wrong, so I would like to get this question correct. thanks.


Answer: A or D


i did this question i forgot if it was A or D tho sorry

I will give brainliest!!! And 5 stars and everything T-T
Royal governors were ___ by the king of England.





wait... who is Catherine Medici??? in ur own words plz


She was an italian noble woman and also she was the queen of France from 1547-1559


Italian-born French queen, regent and mother of three kings of France. She was a powerful influence in 16th century France, particularly during the Wars of Religion.

Caterina Maria Romola di Lorenzo de Medici was born in Florence on 13 April 1519. Her father was Lorenzo de Medici, Duke of Urbino and ruler of Florence and her mother was Madeleine de la Tour d'Auvergne, cousin of Francis I, King of France.

Catherine's mother died when she was two-weeks-old and her father soon afterwards. In 1533, at the age of 14, Catherine's uncle Pope Clement VII arranged her marriage to the duke of Orléans, second son of the king of France.

A year after their marriage, the duke began a long affair with Diane de Poitiers. Diane remained a dominant force in his life for the next 25 years, leaving Catherine sidelined. It was not until ten years after their marriage that Catherine gave birth to their first child. This greatly improved the queen’s position and the couple eventually had seven surviving children.

In 1536, the duke of Orléans became heir to the throne. Eleven years later he was crowned Henry II of France. Unfortunately it was to be a short reign as Henry died in a jousting accident in 1559, thrusting Catherine onto the political stage. Their eldest son Francis was proclaimed king, but died after less than a year. Then in 1560, their second son Charles was crowned, aged just ten years old. Catherine acted as regent for the young king and as a result dominated Charles throughout his reign.

She at first adopted a conciliatory policy towards the Huguenots (French Protestants), but in 1562 civil war broke out in France, marking the beginning of the series of conflicts which became known as the French Wars of Religion.

In 1572, in an effort to bring reconciliation, Catherine arranged the marriage of her daughter Marguerite to the Protestant Henry, King of Navarre. During the wedding celebrations in Paris, the Huguenot leader, Coligny, was murdered, as were hundreds of other Protestants who had gathered for the wedding. This became known as the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, in which Catherine was probably involved.

Charles IX died in 1574 and Catherine's favourite son Henry succeeded as Henry III of France. She continued to play a central role in government and made further fruitless attempts to reconcile the opposing sides in the ongoing civil war.

Catherine died on 5 January 1589 and was buried next to her husband in the church of St Denis in Paris.


did report made 96.9 plz mark brainlist

Where were most telegraph lines built during the antebellum era?

along waterways
along rail lines
along subway lines
along roadways


Along water ways. Sorry if I’m wrong
Most telegraphs during the antebellum era/ 18th century were built along railroad lines.

is an agricultural system which a renter farms land owned by someone else. Commercial farming The plantation Sharecropping Tenant farming​



Tenant farming


The definition of it is this: A system in which a person lives on and farms land owned by someone else. In the South, tenants were different from sharecroppers. Tenants often brought their own tools and animals and paid the landowner a fixed sum of cash.

Tenant farming​ is an agricultural system in which a renter farms land owned by someone else.  Thus the correct option is D.

What is Tenant farming​?

In a system known as tenant farming, farmers cultivate crops or rear livestock on a rented property, agreeing to pay a set amount before knowing how much money they would make.

In England and Wales, renting is very common. In one type of arrangement called sharecropping, the landowner provides the tenant with all of their capital and may also oversee the job.

In a tenant farming system, landowners provide their property along with labor from tenant farmers. Landowners also frequently provide some operating money and administration which helps them in better crop production.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Tenant farming​, here:


Read the excerpt from "Woman's Rights to the Suffrage." It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our [descendants], but to the whole people – women as well as men. And it is a downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government – the ballot. Which fact supports Anthony's opinion that all adults should have the right to vote we, the whole people, who formed the Union. they are denied the use of the only means of securing them . . . And it is a downright mockery to talk to women . . . not to give the blessings of liberty . . .



The answer to this is A.



The Answer is A.


This is the only answer that makes any sense. I looked at the question and instantly knew, A!

Hope this helps you!!

A citizen’s strong loyalty to his city-state enabled Greeks to unify. true or false



Mountains and seas brought the Greek city-states together. Citizens of city-states put the needs of the city-states above their own. A citizen's strong loyalty to his city-state enabled Greek to unify. The lack of unity among Greek city-states made Greece easier to conquer.

False because it’s false

Which was a disagreement about government representation in the antebellum era?

Creoles wanted more power than English-speaking citizens.
Democrats wanted only white males with land to be represented.
Farmers wanted equal representation to more populated cities.
Whigs wanted equal voting rights for women and free people of color.



B) the democrat one



Democrats wanted only white males


Help me pls
Use your ideas and knowledge to list and answer questions about civic duties and responsibilities.

Answer each of the following questions with at least two complete sentences:
4. What does it mean to be a good citizen?

5. What is the difference between a civic duty and a civic responsibility? Be sure to give an example for each to help explain.

6. When have you experienced a civic duty or responsibility? You may describe the example you wrote in your CAP file.

7. Why is it important to a community for people to have good citizenship?

8. What could happen if people do not fulfill a civic duty or responsibility? Give a specific example.


The first one: Being a good citizen means helping your community. It also means following rules and being thoughtful.

What influence did Julius Ceaser have on the Roman Republic, or on history in general? Describe both negative and positive influences as appropriate.



Julius Caesar was a renowned general, politician and scholar in ancient Rome who conquered the vast region of Gaul and helped initiate the end of the Roman Republic when he became dictator of the Roman Empire.The death of Julius Caesar ultimately had the opposite impact of what his assassins hoped. Much of the Roman public hated the senators for the assassination, and a series of civil wars ensued. In the end, Caesar's grandnephew and adoptive son Octavian emerged as Rome's leader. He renamed himself Augustus Caesar.The Romans created a republic after overthrowing a king. Romans are also responsible for creating a legal code written down which protected the rights of all citizens. This document was influential in the creation of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.How did Julius Caesar change the world? Julius Caesar was a political and military genius who overthrew Rome's decaying political order and replaced it with a dictatorship. He triumphed in the Roman Civil War but was assassinated by those who believed that he was becoming too powerful.


your welcome

Help please history Knights During Feudal Times


The answe is within the brain.

Make an inference about why the winter at Valley Forge was so important for Washington and his troops.


It was so important because that is how they hide from the enemy that’s how they won battle

Answer: The winter at Valley Forge was so important for Washington and his troops because after they survived, their spirits were lifted and they were better trained.


Which policy was supported by the federalist but not the democratic republicans?





i did i t

Answer: Building a larger U.S. military

Explanation: I took the quiz :)

I need HELP!!! I will comment the link to the google doc. It is due tomorrow


Answer: Ok, I can help ✨

h t t p s : / / d o c s . g o o g l e . c o m / d o c u m e n t / d / 1 n K _ P s L- 6 k Y 3 N 7 t I 7 5 G F 3 I 5 8 J 4 5 n i Q Z S x _ F 1 a w r T u C b s /e d i t ? u s p = s h a r i n g

What I’m confused what is it

Which statement best completes the table?





listen i need this brainliest and im trying to level up so please help me out here.


its C


How did the expansion of bother did the expansion of voting rights before 1828 lead to Andrew Jackson’s election?



C, Jackson was popular with white men who did not own property.


People did not have to own land to vote.


What purposes did the Code Noir serve? Check all that apply.

It established laws for slaveholders to follow.
It set out to control the behavior of enslaved workers.
It outlined punishments for enslaved workers who broke rules.
It established laws for free people of color to follow in society.
It outlined laws for the interaction of whites and free people of color.



It established laws for slaveholders to follow.


hope i could help :)


It established laws for slaveholders to follow.


Hope this helps

Harriet Bishop was the first public-school teacher in Minnesota.


Hans Mattson was the first governor of the Minnesota Territory.


Transportation to Minnesota Territory included cars, steamboats, and canoes.


Before statehood, Minnesota did not control its own finances.


The three branches of government are legislative, executive, and judicial.




Pls Mark me


1. True

2. False

3. False

4.  True

5. True


Here is another answer


How was the country changing in the late 1800s? (hint: choose 2)

There was no leisure time

Many people moved to the cities (population explosion!)

New technology was not being developed


Answer:mew technology was not being developed


The second and third answer

What Type of boeing 747 operates Air force one




The 2nd one, your welcome




This is the newest type of boeing that operates at at Air force one.

Opponents of the National Popular Vote proposal argue whose interests would not be represented anymore? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY


Under age voters

Registered voters

Legal immigrants


1 and 2


Opponents of the National Popular Vote proposal argue registered voters interests would not be represented anymore. The correct option is C.

What is National Popular Vote proposal?

The National Popular Vote proposal ensures that the president receives the most votes from all citizens of the United States. States pledge their electoral votes to the person who receives the most popular votes.

The only group that opponents could argue would not have their interests represented among the options listed is registered voters, because they are the only ones who can vote.

Underage voters are barred from voting, as are immigrants regardless of legal status because they are not American citizens, and criminals are barred from voting because their voting rights have been suspended.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding National Popular Vote proposal, visit:


Select all that apply.

In what ways were monasteries very helpful during the medieval times?

They provided military support to nobles.
They preserved ancient manuscripts.
They cared for people.
They made sure everyone supported the local kings.
They offered safe haven to anyone.


They provided military support to nobels

They made sure everyone supported the local kings

Answer.) 1 and 4 I think lemme know if I got it right!

Which of the following amendments address crime and punishment in the United States? i. 5th Amendment ii. 6th Amendment iii. 7th Amendment iv. 8th Amendment v. 9th Amendment A. i only B. ii and iv only C. i, ii, iii, and iv only D. ii, iii, iv, and v only



C. i, ii, iii, and iv only


Its C


What would happen to a civilization if it ran out of resources?


If a civilization ran out of resources, it would slowly but surely die.


Okay so it would definitely die.


Okay so when a civilization runs out of resources, it becomes a competition of survival (hence "Survival of the Fittest") Take us humans. If we ran out of vital resources, we would turn against each other to survive. It might sound like some would survive, however we would all just turn against each other until we destroy ourselves.

Other Questions
What is the first thing the customer wants? O eggs O butter O orange juice O cereal Which statement identifies an example of a genetic factor that could influence the growth or development of an organism created by an environmental factor? the lack of available sunlight for a small sapling to grow an increased amount of rain causing flooding in a local river fertilizer creating a mutation among a farmer's crops overcrowding of a local deer population resulting in fewer resources available What was the impact of the English Bill of Rights on United States history?O The establishment of a limited governmentO The concept of due processThe foundation for individual rights of the peopleThe principle of majority rule RNA moves genetic information in DNA from the ___ to ___ so that proteins can be produced. not trying to do my work right help By establishing property rights, governments provide _______ for people to create new goods and services.1.thefts2.incentives3.Intangible assets Write against a motion which states pen robbery is worse than armed robbery WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST how many moles are in 1.42x10^22 molecules of AlCl3? 3 is a subscript. Scientists use critical thinking skills throughout the process of research or experimentation. A student notices that their energy level always seems to decrease when they drink soda, but they seem to have more energy when they dont drink soda. The student decides to conduct an experiment to determine if their soda intake really does have an effect on their energy level. What critical thinking step has the student just completed in the situation described above? a. Asking a question b. Evaluating a promotional claim c. Adjusting a conclusion d. Determining a logical conclusion Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D You are given the explicit formula below. Identify if will produce an arithmetic or geometric sequence. Also identify the common difference or common ratiof(n) = 25(4)^n-11. Geometric, common ratio of 1/42. Geometric, common ratio of 43. Arithmetic, common ratio of 254. Arithmetic, common ratio of 4 There are 36 doughnuts in 3 boxes.How many doughnuts are in 7 boxes? Which of these is an example of a longitudinal wave? A Closer Look at Minimus's PoemStanza 2 is clearly trying to make Napoleon out to be a god. Explain how in at least 2-3 complete sentences.Animal farm What is the pressure of 64 grams of O2 in a 1L container at a temperature of 10C? I WILL GIVE BRAINLIESTRewrite 12x + 3y = 6 in slope-intercept form. Give the slope and y-intercept.y = m = b = Pls help i cant figure this out BRAINLIEST FOR RIGHT ANSWERSSMeasuring the four different areas of fitness ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________ will give you a starting point and a way to choose future fitness goals. answer choices:1.aerobic fitness, flexibility, diligence, and speed2.aerobic fitness, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition3.muscle strength, body composition, endurance, and weight4.flexibility, body composition, speed, and endurance Now that you have finished reading the works in this unit, consider the ideals, values, and themes that early American writers considered to be important and worthy of inclusion in their journals, sermons, and poems. In your response, answer the questions below and number your answers (1-4).1. What are these ideals and values? 2. Why were they important? 3. How do different writers incorporate them into their works? 4. Did certain values or ideals seem to become more or less important over time? If so, why? Cite specific examples from the writings of Bradford, Winthrop, Bradstreet, and Edwards in your response. does formaldehyde classified as a pure substance or a mixture In ARST, mZR = (5x 11)", mZS = (3x 3), and m_T = (3x + 18).Find mZR.