The β chains of HbA and HbS were treated with trypsin, and the sequence of the N-terminal tryptic peptides are as given below. Do these peptides separate from each other in an electric field if the pH is 7.0? Explain in detail the reasoning behind your answer and include your calculations for the charge of each peptide in your answer.

HbA: Val-His-Leu-Thr-Pro-Glu-Glu-Lys

HbS: Val-His-Leu-Thr-Pro-Val-Glu-Lys


Answer 1

Yes The two peptides will separate from each other in an electric field when the pH is 7.0

The two peptides wil drift/separate from each other when the pH is 7.0 because of the reaction of trypsin enzyme and also the difference in charge between HbA and Hbs

Considering charge of each peptide

Since The isoelectric point of normal Hba is 6.9 and Hbs possess two fewer negative charges per hemoglobin molecules

The Hbs is more hydrophobicity than HbA due to the substitution of glutamic acids of HbS by valine residue.

Considering Electrophoresis

At a lower pH level Hbs shows a slower moving band than Hba

while a higher pH level the HbS peptide is less negatively charged while the carboxyl group of HbA is more negatively charged and Hba moves faster as well as an acidic pH.

Hence we can conclude that the two peptides will separate from each other in an electric field when the pH is 7.0

Learn more about peptides :

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A birdwatcher wants to identify an eastern bluebird. What feature of a bird should the birdwatcher evaluate first to identify an eastern bluebird?



In this case, I would suggest looking at the overall color of the bird as well as notable color patches on the wings, tail, or the head.

Also note whether or not the edges where colors meet are blurred or smooth/blended.

Most Americans/Canada say they hope to die __________.


i think they hope to die at home

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As white light passes through our atmosphere, tiny air molecules cause it to 'scatter'. The scattering caused by these tiny air molecules (known as Rayleigh scattering) increases as the wavelength of light decreases. ... Therefore, blue light is scattered more than red light and the sky appears blue during the day.


Thank You I hope it's helpfull...

Is it possible for social experience to make someone homosexual, or are homosexuals born with such a tendency? Then discuss how each of these theories has shaped public discourse and policy.



actually that is by nature and by their hearts


the homosexuality is not a bad thing but the society is taking it as a wrong thing. the society is thinking that people who are homosexual are monster but they are wrong and who give them right to judge others sexuality everyone is born with their own nature but some people in the society doesn't understand this. I don't know if it can help you

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first one is the lily


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Pandas are classified as herbivores despite their taxonomic classification as a carnivore.

5. What does the pH scale measure and why is this important?


It measures the relative amount of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in water. It’s important, because it’s an indicator that is changing chemicals of water.

2. What characteristics of bougainvilla plant makes animals to be afraid? A. It has spores on its stem C. It has thorns on its stem B. It has spreading, feathery root stem D. It has light rounded waxy leaves



It has thorns on its stem


Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of a manic mood state?
a) Cycling between elation and depression
b) Catatonic excitement
Disorganized speech in the form of a "word salad"
d) Extremely high self-esteem


The symptom that is a characteristic of manic mood state is therefore: b) Catatonic excitement

What is the Manic Mood State?

The manic mood state is a phase of bipolar disorder, which is characterized by catatonic symptoms such as heightened energy, euphoria, loss of sleep, excessive talk, and being hyperactive.

Thus, the symptom that is a characteristic of manic mood state is therefore: b) Catatonic excitement

Learn more about manic mood state on:

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temperature, ph, concentration and enzyme substrate


Enzymes work best within specific temperature and pH ranges, and sub-optimal conditions can cause an enzyme to lose its ability to bind to a substrate. Changing the pH outside of this range will slow enzyme activity.

Enzymes will work best if there is plenty of substrate

DNA and RNA are the same thing.




Start studying DNA and RNA (true or false). ... TestNew stuff! ... No two nucleotide sequences in DNA molecules are ever the same. false.


ASAP plz
Describe hurricanes and explain how these storms affect human behavior?


When a hurricane strikes a community, it leaves an
obvious path of destruction. As a result of high winds
and water from a storm surge, homes, businesses, and
crops may be destroyed or damaged, public
infrastructure may also be compromised, and people
may suffer injuries or loss of life.

What analysis and data is science based upon



Analyzing Scientific Data

Science is all about collecting data. If we look at the definition of science, we can say that science is the study of the natural world through systematic observation and experiment. That observation and experiment is where you collect the data.


How warm does the ocean water need to be and how deep for Hurricanes to form?



Whipping up a hurricane calls for a number of ingredients readily available in tropical areas: A pre-existing weather disturbance: A hurricane often starts out as a tropical wave. Warm water: Water at least 26.5 degrees Celsius over a depth of 50 meters powers the storm.


-------- is not guessing, it is reasoning based on what you already know.



infering or educated guess


infering is using past knowlage

an educated guess well you can infer what that means ;)


When you explain or interpret the things you observe. (Not a wild guess. It's based on reasoning from what you already know.)

1) Liver cells are responsible for the detoxification of the blood from chemicals. Which organelle would be found in higher concentrations in cells of the liver to aid in the detoxification process?


Lysosomes or smooth we are the organelles that do detoxification

What happens when black holes accrete matter too quickly?



These objects are called quasars, or active galactic nuclei. However, most black holes are too compact to pull such material — which is mostly gas — in immediately. ... Eventually, the gas is moving so fast that it gets extremely hot and luminous, generating radiation that we can often see from Earth.


4. Murphy ends her talk by saying, "It's not about the robots. It's about the data."
What does she mean by this? How is this pertinent to severe weather disasters?



At the end of Murphy's talk she says it's not about the robots it's about the data meaning it is not about the robots but the data collected by the robots . This is relevant to natural disasters because robots can collect data more efficiently and with higher resolution better than we could without them. Also the robots collect this data in just seven hours when it normally takes up to two to three days.


I had the same question in my high school class and got 100%

If you cross two organisms that are heterozygous for a trait, what percent of
the offspring would you expect to express the recessive phenotype?





Here's an example: two chickens have the phenotype of white feathers and brown feathers. What percentage of the chicks will have the recessive color? First, you have to see the parents' phenotypes. Draw a punnet square. Put one of the parent's phenotypes (w and B) on the top, and the other parent's (w and B) on the right side going down. Whichever trait is dominant (brown) MUST be capitalized. Then, cross the two parents. first box on the top left would read 'ww.' The one below it is 'Bw' (put the dominant first). The right top is 'Bw' and the one below it is 'BB'. So if there were 4 offspring, these would be their genotypes: 'ww', 'Bw', 'Bw', and 'BB'. The only offspring that would have the recessive trait is the 'ww' child, because dominant overpowers recessive. So 25% would have the recessive trait and 75% would have the dominant trait.

rough endoplasmic reticulum what is and function


The general function of the endoplasmic reticulum is to produce protiens for the cell to function. The rough ER in particular has many ribosomes on it's surface, while the smooth ER does not. These ribosomes give the rough ER it's distinct appearence under a microscope, and assist in making protiens.

Answer the following qs :
1- Mention three uses or benefits of fungi ?



Humans use fungi for many purposes, including as food or in the preparation of food. Humans also use fungi for pest control. In addition, fungi can be used to produce citric acid, antibiotics, and human hormones. Fungi are model research organisms as well.


Humans use fungi for many purposes, including as food or in the preparation of food. Humans also use fungi for pest control. In addition, fungi can be used to produce citric acid, antibiotics, and human hormones. Fungi are model research organisms as well.

what is biological success



The success of an individual organism in passing on its genes to the next generation is a measure of its biological success. A person's genetic information is passed down through the generations through their offspring.


A recombinant plasmid molecule is introduced into a bacterial cell by A. recombination B. nuclear transplantation C. ligation D. transformation


D. Transformation

I’m in the same area of biology currently.

Which of the following structures are found in both plant and animal cells?
O Mitochondria
O Chloroplast
O Cell Wall


The cellular structures found in both plant cells and animal cells are mitochondria.

Mitochondria are organelles and represent the energy factories of eukaryotic cells because they generate energy by the process of cellular respiration.

Cellular respiration refers to the metabolic processes used by both plant and animal cells in order to generate ATP by using the energy stored in the chemical bonds of foods and oxygen.

Cellular respiration has three main stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.

The Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation occur in the mitochondria, whereas glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm.

In conclusion, the cellular structures found in both plant cells and animal cells are mitochondria.

Learn more about mitochondria here:


cite a passage in the bible that may help you in your decision​


"Though he was eating Jorge said enough was enough and left the table." psalms 10:69

A big advantage of having a standardized set of diagnostic criteria for mental disorders is that:
it reduces the likelihood that people with disorders will experience discrimination.
it categorizes all of the disorders that can be diagnosed based on behavioral symptoms.
C) it offers a framework and terminology that can be shared among researchers and doctors.
it allows professionals to make different diagnoses for children, adolescents, and adults.


An advantage of having a set of criteria for defining mental disorders is that it offers a framework and terminology that can be shared among researchers and doctors. It involves defining mental disorders.

A mental disorder is any condition that causes distress and/or impairment of individual functioning, thereby affecting mental health and wellbeing.

The standardized systems represent systematic classification procedures whose objective is to define mental disorders in order to be systematically used by healthcare facilities and scientific research.

The most widely used and accepted standardized systems include the 'International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems' and the 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders'.

Learn more about mental disorders in:

I don’t wanna go to school



Sorry about that


When a person senses a stimulus, the information is sent to multiple parts of the brain for processing and then on to a motor neutron for a response resulting in a voluntary response is known as ?


Fight or flight I think

"Eukaryotes are more evolved than prokaryotes."Do you agree the statement?​


Answer:  Eukaryotes are more evolved than prokaryotes. This is false. Again, no living taxon is more evolved than another.

Humans pump water out of the aquifers in the ground to use in their homes. How would this effect the land on top of the aquifer?


When too much water is pumped out of an aquifer, you can make a sink hole above it, as there is now air/empty space where water used to be.
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I need you to change the wording the best you can 100 pointsTo survive is to continue to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, ordifficult circumstances. To survive, individuals must sometimes change and adapt to theirenvironment. Survival is one of the main themes in the novel A Long Walk to Water by LindaSue Park. The main characters, Nya and Salva, both experience difficult circumstances. In thenovel, Park uses the stories of the two main characters to show the mental, emotional, andphysical challenges that occur when struggling to survive.In the novel, A Long Walk to Water, one of the main characters, Salva, was forced toleave his home due to the Sudanese Civil War. He went on a difficult journey through the deserton his way to a refugee camp. On his journey, he faced challenges such as limited food andwater, hungry lions, and losing people close to him. Despite the many obstacles Salva faced, hekept going. Park writes, Salva would think of his family and his village, and he was somehowable to keep his wounded feet moving forward, one painful step at a time (Park 54). This quoteshows how Salva managed to survive his challenging circumstances and physical pain by stayingpositive and focusing on what was important to him.The other main character, Nya, also had to face struggles while trying to survive inSouthern Sudan. Nya had to walk many hours each day to get water for her and her family. Thewater she collected was not always clean and safe which caused her family members to becomesick. Seeing her sister fighting for her life because of dirty water became an additional emotionalLast Name 1challenge for Nya. Her long and tiring journey to get this water became a part of her dailyroutine, and it became a necessary part of survival. Park writes Nya would now make hersecond trip to the pond. To the pond and back -- to the pond and back -- nearly a full day ofwalking altogether. This was Nyas daily routine seven months of the year. Daily. Every singleday (Park 20). This quote shows how the struggle to survive became a part of Nyas everydaylife. She was forced to adapt her daily routine to make time to collect the water necessary for herand her familys survival.The struggle to survive and adapt to changing circumstances is something that impactsmany people. In the novel, Salva has a close relationship with his uncle. His uncle acts as aleader to Salva and their entire group. He acts as a support system and helps Salva throughdifficult moments. When he eventually passed away this caused Salva great pain, but he waseventually able to become a leader and help others the way his uncle had. I can relate to Salvasexperience of losing his uncle. When I was younger, I had a close relationship with mygrandmother. She acted as a leader and support system for me and my little sister. She was theglue that held our family together. When she passed away, I was devastated. I did not know whatto do, just like Salva. Eventually, after a lot of time, I was able to heal and work on becoming aleader and support system for my little sister just like my grandmother was to me. Salva realizedthat he needed to help others the way his uncle had helped him, and I realized that I needed tolove and support my sister the way my grandmother had done for me.To survive is to make changes and adapt to the environment around you. Salva wasforced to adapt to life without his uncle and to become a leader for his people. Nya was forced toadapt her daily routine to make time for the long walk to get water each day. Even when lifepresents people with challenges, they must continue to live and exist in their changing world.Last Name 1This is something I and many have faced. For me, it was losing someone close to me but life canpresent challenges in many forms. All you can do is keep moving forward. 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Neglecting air resistance, which one of the following statements describes the energy transformation of the rock as it rises?. 1. Los nios...fueron a jugar al parque.fue a jugar al parque.fuimos a jugar al parque. BRAINLIEST Do one of the above and show your work Sarah rolls 2 fair dice and adds the results from each. Work out the probability of getting a total of 2. How does natural selection change the frequency of genes or traits over many generations? Biology students conducted an experiment mimicking genetic variation and coloration. Students used different colored beans to represent animals that might be prey: mice, for example. A student in each group was the predator: a hawk. Beans (mice) were randomly scattered on multicolored floor tiles, each color within four tiles. The hawk collected mice (beans) for 10 seconds. Mice not eaten reproduced. Three generations of data a shown in the table.Genetic variation helps to drive natural selection and potentially, evolution. 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