What do we learn about Omakayas through her interaction with the bears?


Answer 1


Laughing together as a family also helps bring emotional healing. Omakayas sees the bears again. She helps heal Pinch when he burns his foot, confirming that she has a healing gift


Related Questions

Hey I would like a Medical school essay due tomorrow


Did u do the 6 years of practice for the essay

Read the excerpt from “The Monkey's Paw.” He went down in the darkness, and felt his way to the parlour, and then to the mantelpiece. The talisman was in its place, and a horrible fear that the unspoken wish might bring his mutilated son before him ere he could escape from the room seized upon him, and he caught his breath as he found that he had lost the direction of the door. His brow cold with sweat, he felt his way round the table, and groped along the wall until he found himself in the small passage with the unwholesome thing in his hand. Even his wife's face seemed changed as he entered the room. It was white and expectant, and to his fears seemed to have an unnatural look upon it. He was afraid of her.
What is the mood of the excerpt?


the answer and mood of the excerpt is terrified




"He was afraid of her"

ASAP WILL MARK BRAINLISTWhich of the scenarios below is an example of extrinsic motivation?
O Fashion is a passion of yours, so you take a class at the local fabric store to learn to sew.
O Helping animals is important to you, so you find time to volunteer at a local vet's office on weekenc
O You love to work with mechanical things, so you download a file to help you rebuild a specific type
O Your parents want you to get a scholarship to attend a private school, so you take summer courses



O Helping animals is important to you, so you find time to volunteer at a local vet's office on weekenc


Yeah I agree with the other person above me

Easy Question If you can't answer question then comment
How has this year 2020 has been



horrible but my birthday is in 2 days so that's good



this year, 2020, has been pretty rough with everything going on in the world.


im saying it pretty rough because of the pandemic and us not being able to see our friends of do anything that involves people :(

Who was Fezziwig? *

a.Scrooge's mean father
b.Scrooge's master (boss) when he was a happy boy.
c.Scrooge's rich uncle.
d.Scrooge's older and wiser brother.


B. Is the answer
Fezziwig in his story, A Christmas Carol. Mr. Fezziwig is Scrooge's old boss, and we meet him as the Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge to review scenes of his life.

Why does the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come have no visible physical features? *

A.The future has not happened yet, so it is not possible to know what it looks like.

B.The future is just hiding from him.

C.The future is embarrassed to show physical features.

D.The future has happened, so there is no need to see it again.



a i would assume


Does this sentence have a onomatopoeia?

"Zip up your jacket; it’s cold outside."

A. True
B. False





onomatopoeia has sounds like "pow" or "wow", this is just a normal sentance.

No, the sentence "Zip up your jacket; it’s cold outside" does not have an onomatopoeia. The correct option is B.

What is onomatopoeia?

Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which words are used to imitate or suggest the sounds that they describe. It is a literary device that creates a connection between the sound of a word and its meaning. Examples of onomatopoeia include words like "buzz," "hiss," "meow," "splash," "thud," and "whisper," among many others.

Onomatopoeic words are often used in literature, poetry, and other forms of creative writing to add depth and texture to the language. They can also be used in everyday language to vividly describe a sound or to add emphasis to a particular phrase or sentence. Onomatopoeia can be found in many different languages, although the specific words used to imitate sounds may vary from culture to culture.

Here in the Question,

Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates or suggests the sound of what it describes, such as "buzz," "hiss," or "meow." The sentence "Zip up your jacket; it’s cold outside" does not contain any words that imitate a sound. The word "zip" refers to the action of closing a zipper, but it is not a true onomatopoeia because it does not mimic the sound of the zipper closing. Instead, it is an example of a verb that describes an action.

Therefore, the correct option is B i.e false.

To learn more  about onomatopoeia click:



Question 1 Which inference can be drawn about Bilbo's character based on Chapters 9 and 10 of The Hobbit? He dislikes the dwarves. He wishes he could return home. He is still confused about the mission. He is blessed with good timing and luck. Question 2 Part B Which excerpts best support the answer in Part A? Select the two correct answers. "'What I say,' said Bilbo gasping. 'And please don’t cook me, kind sirs! I am a good cook myself, and cook better than I cook, if you see what I mean. I’ll cook beautifully for you, a perfectly beautiful breakfast for you, if only you won’t have me for supper.' 'Poor little blighter,' said William. He had already had as much supper as he could hold; also he had had lots of beer. 'Poor little blighter! Let him go!' 'Not till he says what he means by lots and none at all,' said Bert. 'I don’t want to have me throat cut in me sleep! Hold his toes in the fire, till he talks!' 'I won’t have it,' said William. 'I caught him anyway.'" "The day grew lighter and warmer as they floated along. After a while, the river rounded a steep shoulder of land that came down upon their left … Suddenly the cliff fell away. The shores sank. The trees ended. Then Bilbo saw a sight: The lands opened wide about him, filled with the waters of the river which broke up and wandered in a hundred winding courses." "'No time now!’ said the hobbit. ‘You just follow me! We must all keep together and not risk getting separated. All of us must escape or none, and this is our last chance. If this is found out, goodness knows where the king will put you next with chains on your hands and feet too, I expect. Don’t argue. There’s a good fellow.'" "'Half a moment!' cried Bilbo, who was still thinking uncomfortably about eating. Fortunately he had once heard something rather like this before, and getting his wits back he thought of the answer. 'Wind, wind of course,' he said, and he was so pleased that he made up one on the spot. 'This’ll puzzle the nasty little underground creature,' he thought: An eye in a blue face Saw an eye in a green face. 'That eye is like to this eye' Said the first eye, 'But in low place Not in high place.'"



1. He wishes he could return home.

2.  "'What I say,' said Bilbo gasping. 'And please don’t cook me, kind sirs! I am a good cook myself, and cook better than I cook, if you see what I mean. I’ll cook beautifully for you, a perfectly beautiful breakfast for you, if only you won’t have me for supper.' 'Poor little blighter,' said William. He had already had as much supper as he could hold; also he had had lots of beer. 'Poor little blighter! Let him go!' 'Not till he says what he means by lots and none at all,' said Bert. 'I don’t want to have me throat cut in me sleep! Hold his toes in the fire, till he talks!' 'I won’t have it,' said William. 'I caught him anyway.'"



1. He wishes he could return home.

2.  "'What I say,' said Bilbo gasping. 'And please don’t cook me, kind sirs! I am a good cook myself, and cook better than I cook, if you see what I mean. I’ll cook beautifully for you, a perfectly beautiful breakfast for you, if only you won’t have me for supper.' 'Poor little blighter,' said William. He had already had as much supper as he could hold; also he had had lots of beer. 'Poor little blighter! Let him go!' 'Not till he says what he means by lots and none at all,' said Bert. 'I don’t want to have me throat cut in me sleep! Hold his toes in the fire, till he talks!' 'I won’t have it,' said William. 'I caught him anyway.'"


Which three titles are capitalized correctly?
A The Man In the Moon
B Where I’m Returning From
C The Grapes Of Wrath
D Summer Is Over and Done With
E The Sea of Monsters


B, D, E

B) where I’m returning from
D) summer is over and done with
E) the sea of monsters

plzzzzzz help me!!!!!!!
Flowers may seem beautiful to some, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Casual walkers in rural and urban areas in Alberta may enjoy the vibrant purple flowers of the purple loosestrife plant, but the trained eye of an ecologist sees the threat this invasive species poses.
Purple Loosestrife Invasion
Purple loosestrife was not always seen in and around Alberta. In fact, it wasn’t found anywhere in North America before the 1800s.
During the 1800’s, ships transporting goods around the world were sometimes without cargo for a time, particularly when they were heading to collect a new load. Wooden ships don’t balance well when they are empty, so when they were without a cargo, they were often filled with ballast instead.
How does this relate to purple loosestrife in Alberta? Well, purple loosestrife is a naturally-occurring plant in Europe and Asia, which means that their seeds may become mixed in with the soils found there. Ships sailing from Europe and Asia to North America without cargo often used soil as ballast to maintain the balance of the ships, and then dumped the soil when they arrived to pick up their cargo. It is believed that this dumped soil introduced the purple loosestrife species to Canada.
It may also be the case that early settlers brought purple loosestrife with them when they settled Canada’s west.

Purple Loosestrife: A Not-So-Welcome Introduction
So what’s the big deal about having purple loosestrife in Alberta? Well, purple loosestrife is not a species of plant that occurs naturally in the province- it is an introduced species. Organisms that don’t occur naturally in an area but are instead brought from elsewhere are categorized as introduced species.
Again, what’s the big deal about that? Well, organisms that are introduced to an ecosystem may become invasive - think: invader! An invasive species is defined as any organism that reproduces so quickly or grows so aggressively that it becomes a problem for the other organisms around it. Invasive plant species tend to outcompete local plants for resources such as sunlight, water and root space. In this way, invasive species can harm ecosystems by taking over, disrupting food webs and decreasing biodiversity.
Purple loosestrife has invaded local wetlands and is often found growing unchecked in other wet areas of the city. It flowers prolifically, producing millions of seeds each year. These seeds have many vectors of dispersal, for example, they may be blown to new places by the wind (aerochory), travel along with moving water (hydrochory), hitchhike in animals’ fur or be deposited in animal waste (zoochory), and even planted intentionally by humans.
Purple Loosestrife: Super-plant!
Purple loosestrife grows in clumps with a dense root system that extends underground like a living mat - it’s like a super villain, soaking up nutrients and taking over the space where other plants might grow. In wetlands, waterflow can be disrupted as waterways become clogged.
Over time, purple loosestrife becomes the dominant plant in an area and other plants disappear. This disrupts the food web because animals that only feed on the plants that disappear, disappear too. Once a plant disappears and the animals that feed on that plant disappear, there is a ripple effect along the food chain. Animals that can adapt to their food source disappearing by switching to a different food source will survive, but those that don’t adapt either move to a different habitat or die.

Waging War on Purple Loosestrife
In Alberta, purple loosestrife is classified as prohibited noxious, which means that it is not allowed to be planted and any plants that are found must be destroyed. In many Alberta cities, crews are sent out to dig out and destroy clumps of loosestrife that are reported.
Another way that purple loosestrife has been kept in check across Canada is through the use of biological controls (when one living organism is used to control another). Beetles such as the black-margined loosestrife beetle feed on purple loosestrife, so they are the plant’s natural enemies - perfect for biological control. Releasing the black-margined loosestrife beetle can reduce the purple loosestrife population in an area significantly. When an invasive species is controlled, often the original plants can re-populate and the ecosystem can return to a balanced state.

Using Text Features to Predict Information
Scan the nonfiction text to find the text features listed. Use clues from each text feature to predict what you will learn from the text and jot down your prediction beside each text feature.

Text Features
What I think I will learn about based on...
Title or Heading


Direct Quotation:

Main Idea:

Supporting Details:

Direct Quotation:

Main Idea:

Supporting Details:



girl this is so long what (ik this was from 12/3)


Read Edward Corsi’s quotation from the book Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman.

The writer Angelo Pellegrini has recalled his own family’s detention at Ellis Island:

We lived there for three days - Mother and we five children, the youngest of whom was three years old. Because of the rigorous physical examination that we had to submit to, particularly of the eyes, there was this terrible anxiety that one of us might be rejected. And if one of us was, what would the rest of the family do?

This quotation adds credibility to the text because

his mother lived on Ellis Island with her children, and their experience agrees with Freedman’s statement that families were separated.
he lived at Ellis Island for three days, and his experience agrees with Freedman’s statement that families were afraid of the health examinations.
he was a writer who wrote about Ellis Island and described the feelings an immigrant might have during the physical exams.
he lived at Ellis Island for three days, and his experience shows that immigrants actually were not very fearful of the health examinations.



he lived at Ellis Island for three days, and his experience agrees with Freedman’s statement that families were afraid of the health examinations.





yes sirrrr

When Geraldine looked to the sky, she was amazed by what she saw. The tail from a comet cut across the sky like a knife through butter. It was the first time she had seen one in real life. Every comet she had seen up until now came from a book.

She almost didn't see it at first. The stars hung in the sky like a million eyes blinking and winking down at Geraldine. Geraldine wasn't even thinking about them or the campfire or the woods. Her mind was someplace else, and she had her mind on a lot of different things. She was thinking about how she was going to pay for college. She was thinking about graduation. She was thinking about everything but the sky. The last time that she was in the woods was when she was a little girl. It seemed so foreign to her. As her mind wandered, that's when the comet appeared. It was almost like it had read her thoughts. It passed over her head, and she traced its path with her finger like she was waving a magic wand.
Which phrase from the story offers the best visual description of Geraldine's reaction to the comet?
Geraldine wasn't even thinking about them or the campfire or the woods.
The last time that she was in the woods was when she was a little girl.
It passed over her head, and she traced its path with her finger like she was waving a magic wand.
Her mind was someplace else, and she had her mind on a lot of different things.


Answer: i think its C




Explanation: Because if you read the story it tells you that she was somewhere else in her mind.

My cat bit me. What do i do?
1.Chuck It
2.Get a rabies shot
3.Get a new cat
4.keep hugging it



if it has rabies then 2 but if not then 4



Obviously one and then two

With whom does Peter have the most conflict and why?

Margot, because she hardly talks to Peter.
Anne, because she is always trying to pet his cat and writing in her journal.
Dussel, because he says unkind things and calls his mother “silly.”
Miep, because she brings Peter the wrong type of books.



Most likely Dussel (without context, this one makes the most sense).


It’s Dussel just read this last week amazing story but dussel seems to have the most conflict with Peter

Which layer is between the asthenosphere and the outer core of Earth?





Look it up

The Kármán line is what is between them

Read this excerpt from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. “It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,” the Queen remarked. “What sort of things do YOU remember best?” Alice ventured to ask. “Oh, things that happened the week after next,” the Queen replied in a careless tone. “For instance, now,” she went on, sticking a large piece of plaster on her finger as she spoke, “there's the King's Messenger. He's in prison now, being punished: and the trial doesn't even begin till next Wednesday: and of course the crime comes last of all.” Based on the logic presented in this excerpt, which statement is true?
A. Thieves are imprisoned after they steal something.
B.Thieves are imprisoned while they steal something.
C.Thieves are imprisoned before they steal something.
D.Thieves are imprisoned because they have stolen something.





It's the logic. Hope this helps.




Which sentence best states the central idea? (ELA)


You need the read the article for this one, it’s almost impossible to answer it without a article.


the 3rd sentence


who is this and what show is he from?



I don’t know who it is but it’s from DragonBallz

Explanation: right?

Front Desk Reading Questions

Answer the questions using complete sentences and evidence from the text. The number before the question tells you which chapter you can find the answer.

Ch 2. Can you really tell if people are bad based on how they look? What other impressions can come from first looks and are they a form of judgement?

Ch 3. “That man has coal for a heart.” What does this imagery make you think about Mr. Yao? Does it give you insight into his character traits or lead you to any predictions?

Ch 4. What gives people power? Can it be earned or taken? Is it something that is just bestowed on people because of life status?

6. Compare and contrast the event of the spelling test and notebook to the event of the refunds to the customers.

7. How and why can the importance of play differ between cultures and families?

8. Are reputations and first impressions important? Explain why Mia acted they way she did and why she lied to her classmates.

11. What is the internal motivation keeping Mia from expressing who she really is?

14. How can money influence your experiences in life?

16. What character traits does Mia show this chapter? Support them with evidence from the text.

26. What character traits has Mr. Yao exhibited? Support them with text evidence.



Front Desk Reading Questions

Answer the questions using complete sentences and evidence from the text. The number before the question tells you which chapter you can find the answer.

Ch 2. Can you really tell if people are bad based on how they look? What other impressions can come from first looks and are they a form of judgement?

Ch 3. “That man has coal for a heart.” What does this imagery make you think about Mr. Yao? Does it give you insight into his character traits or lead you to any predictions?

Ch 4. What gives people power? Can it be earned or taken? Is it something that is just bestowed on people because of life status?

6. Compare and contrast the event of the spelling test and notebook to the event of the refunds to the customers.

7. How and why can the importance of play differ between cultures and families?

8. Are reputations and first impressions important? Explain why Mia acted they way she did and why she lied to her classmates.

11. What is the internal motivation keeping Mia from expressing who she really is?

14. How can money influence your experiences in life?

16. What character traits does Mia show this chapter? Support them with evidence from the text.

26. What character traits has Mr. Yao exhibited? Support them with text evidence.


Please ASAP! but do it right! WILL GIVE BRANLIEST!





Who doing all that work for you you funny

Which statement best explains how to identify the text structure used in the passage?

Single trees, or small groups of trees in open pastures are exceedingly dangerous during a thunder storm; tall trees on the shores of a river or lake are particularly selected as targets for thunder bolts by the storm king. But the safest place in a thunder storm, next to a house, is a forest. The reason of this is that each wet tree is a lightning rod silently conducting the electric fluid without causing explosions.

The text structure is problem and solution; the words safest and causing indicate this.

The text structure is sequence; the words exceedingly and particularly indicate this.

The text structure is compare and contrast; the words but and without indicate this.

The text structure is cause and effect; the words the reason of this is indicates this.



The answer is B.


Hope this helps!!!

second one hope this helped

Change a lot to what those experience actually thought you
Can you guys help me with that because I don’t understand that pacific suggestion



It is asking you to write what you learned from a certain experiance, like "This experiance has taught me that lying leads to consequences." Or something like that. Also In your first paragraph, it says, "'because when I was younger" You could combine it with "I believe that lying is bad"  Instead you could say, " I believe that lying is bad, for example when I was younger..."

1. Read the following quotation from the excerpt above and decide if it contains explicit evidence:
“I suppose that there will be no question of fact, substantially, in the case when all of the evidence is out, and it will be for you to decide under the charge of his honor, the Judge, whether or not the defendant committed the offense of voting for a representative in Congress upon that occasion.”
A. This statement contains no explicit evidence because the lawyer uses the words "whether or not," showing that this statement is implied rather than verified.
B. This statement contains explicit evidence because the lawyer uses the phrase "defendant committed the offense."
C. This statement contains no explicit evidence because the lawyer is presenting his opinion.
D. Both A and C
2.Read the following quotation from the excerpt above and decide if it contains explicit evidence:
“But we do claim that upon the 5th of November, 1872, she voted, and whether she believed that she had a right to vote or not, it being a question of law, that she is within the Statute."
A. This statement contains explicit evidence because it states a verifiable fact.
B. This statement contains explicit evidence because it includes a date and an action.
C. This statement contains no explicit evidence.
D. Both A and B
4. Read the following quotation from the excerpt above and decide if it contains explicit evidence:
"We think, on the part of the Government, that there is no question about it either one way or the other, neither a question of fact, nor a question of law..."
A. This statement contains explicit evidence because it mentions the government.
B. This statement contains explicit evidence because it mentions the law.
C. This statement contains no explicit evidence.
D. Both A and B
5. Read the following quotation from the excerpt above and decide if it contains explicit evidence:
“The question in this case, if there be a question of fact about it at all, will, in my judgment, be rather a question of law than one of fact.”
A. This statement contains explicit evidence because it states a verifiable fact.
C. This statement contains no explicit evidence.



c if you are on edge I took the test

I believe it is
Hope all is well

. “That man has coal for a heart.” What does this imagery make you think about Mr. Yao? Does it give you insight into his character traits or lead you to any predictions?

help me plzzzzzzzzzzzz im desprite first person to anser will get brainlyest :) plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz PS THIS IS FROM THE BOOK FRONT DESK


Answer: it means he is very cruel.

Explanation: because that's what I think. when people say a metaphor about other peoples hearts, that means they are describing their personality or how they are.

It’s means very cruel I’m pretty sure sry if I’m wrong

What generalization can be made about allergies based upon the text?
A: Everyone has allergies
B: Allergies do not exist
C: All allergies are deadly
D: Allergies can cause different reactions in different people.



A) Everyone has allergies

D) Allergies can cause different reaction in different people


Because everyone is atleast 1% allergic to something

D the reason why it’s D is because allergies do exist and affect different people, some people don’t have allergies because as a baby if you were exposed to it, you’d less likely have allergies older

What type of graphic organizer is most often used to show similarities and differences between two items?

a bar chart
a timeline
a Venn diagram
a pie chart


A Venn Diagram used to compare and contrast two or more groups of things by visually displaying their similarities and differences in two or more circles that overlap.


A Venn Diagram used to compare and contrast two or more groups of things by visually displaying their similarities and differences in two or more circles that overlap.


im asking you nicely to pls dont answer this if u dont know bc this is for a grade ofc... Graph the inequality x≥1.


This is what the equation should look like (of course the line continues but you get the idea) Hope this helps.

Based on the story, which of the following can be inferred about Sherie's mom?


What story???????????
you would have to tell us the story first :D

which sentence uses a comma and a coordinating conjunction correctly to separate two independent clauses





it has them in the right places




I got it right on Ap3x

What is Ariana Grande famous for? Give at least two sentences.



1. Sam and Cat Nickelodeon show (Ariana was Cat) and Her music :D




1. Ariana Grande is famous for starring in Sam & Cat and Victorious. 2. She is also for her music such as 'Thank you, next' and 'Dangerous Woman'


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what is the subject of the poem choose by carl sandburgHelp need before 1:47 What happens to the boat when its weight is greater than the buoyant force?What happens to the boat when its weight is less than the buoyant force?What happens to the boat when its weight is equal to the buoyant force? When alcohol and cocaine are combined, the effects of both are...A. limited.B. canceled.C. prolonged. If you're good at math, explain this. Which of these elements does not bond with other elements to form molecules?Group of answer choicesNeonSulfurOxygenChlorine Raisins (x) that sell for $1.60 per pound are mixed with chocolate chips (y) that sell for $2.45 per pound to make 17 pounds of a mixture. The mixture sells for $2.00 per pound. Which system of linear equations can be used to find the amount of each ingredient in the mixture?A) xy = 171.60x + 2.45y = 34 B) x + y = 171.60x + 2.45y = 34 C) x + y = 171.60x + 2.45y = 17 D) x + y = 171.60x 2.45y = 34 how did the civil war cause political changes in Europe? help find this please PLEASE HELP WILL MARK BRAINLIEST WHICH OF THESE IS EQUIVALENT TO 4^-3 ? (-4)(-4)(-4)3^4(-1/4)(-1/4)(-1/4)1/4^3 Apples cost $0.95 per pound. What equation is used to find C,the total cost of p pounds of apples?:c=0.95pB:c=p+0.95C:0.95C=pD:0.95+C=p Which of the following equations will produce this graph? What page in Fahrenheit 451 is the word cadenced on? When should a cardiac arrest victim be put into the recovery position? When signs of spontaneous circulation are seen When a shock is delivered by an AED When CPR is started on the victim When an advance care team arrives Find the value of x.6x+69x-93224x = [?] A watermelon seed is 0.4cm long. How far would a line of 126 stretch? In which region were most battles of the Texas Revolution fought? the bottom of a 15 foot ladder is placed 3 feet back from the wall. How far up the wall will the top of the ladder reach? ( round to 1 decimal place.a) 15 feetb) 18 feet c) 14.7 feet d) 15.3 feet "I can be manipulated only so many times, before even I love you starts to sound like a lie. You have a hollowed out heart but its heavy in your chest I try so hard to fight it but its hopeless, hopeless, your hopeless. Oh father, please father put the bottle down for the love of a daughter." If you can name the song and artist I will give points and add you! What does the knife and blood symbolize on the sidewalk bleeding??Please I'm doing this for a Brainly strangerTry your best and answerIf not don't take points greedily Double bonds are formed when atoms share four electrons. true or false