What does it mean if your laying down on your knees and then it starts to hurt when getting up?


Answer 1
Probably because u have been like that for a couple of hours and then u stand up and it hurts a lot
Answer 2


Osteoarthritis (OA) If you experience inner knee pain while putting pressure on your joint, such as when walking up and down stairs or sitting down in a chair, you may have OA. Because this pressure causes the pain, your symptoms may get more severe as the day goes on.

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what do chemistry and biology and physics have in common



There all boring


As Merriam-Webster defines them, biology is the study of life, more specifically "a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and vital processes"; chemistry consists of "a science that deals with the composition, structure and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo"

Answer: biology is the study of life, more specifically "a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and vital processes"; chemistry consists of "a science that deals with the composition, structure and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo

Dear Tennis players, how do you hold a racket when serving?
I’ve been told to put my knuckles on notch (is that what it’s called?) 2 When serving but I feel much more comfortable when putting my knuckles on notch 4.
Pls help



its the first one


it should be the first one

What are signs of depression?


The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterizes major depression can lead to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms. These may include changes in sleep, appetite, energy level, concentration, daily behavior, or self-esteem.

Feeling sad persistent, not having motivation

who knew that arizona came out with gummys ?


Is that the question?
100% of 188 = 188

50% of 188 = 94

25% of 188 = 47

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Can someone define These please?




They all mean a wound cut deep into the skin


Abrasion: Process of scraping or wearing something away

Laceration: A deep cut/tear in skin or flesh

Puncture: In health, it means a injury caused by a pointed object that pierces/goes through skin. In other words, a hole created by pushing through an object

Do you think the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should reduce social distancing in schools from 6 feet to 3 feet? Why or why not? Explain in 4-5 sentences!



I personally think they should reduce it from 6 feet to 3 feet because: Normally we stay 6 feet apart in case someone sneezes or coughs,(In schools also, not just in public), but there is no need to stay that far away;  3 to 4 feet is enough. Plus, in schools, friends want to socialize more, but that is not easily done when you are 6 feet apart. And, you do get tested a lot if you go to school, so if someone has virus symtoms, they probly will stay home and not go to school.

Hope this helps, and have a good day.

I think that the reduction of feet would not take into account anything considering everyone is still in the same room. Social distancing should be taken into consideration and the 6ft rule should stay in place.

Why do my parents not trust me? Like i cant have my phone in my room at night. My curfew is like 5 pm and ive never even done anything wrong my grades are a's and b's. I cant do anything.


Answer: ive had this problem


my parents were worries about my sleep schedule and have always had restrictions on my phone and still do, im going to be 18 next year and still have strict phone rules. they are trying to protect you but they may not understand how frustrating it is


it may not be that they do not trust you but that they are worried that something terrible will happen to you. As parents they are extremely aware about the dangers that exist outside of our home. they worry that you are healthy, have enough to eat, and that they are not sick. Part of loving someone is worrying about them. Your parents will worry about you until the day they die.Show them that you can make responsible decisions. This will take time be patience, trust is earned.

how do i get my allergies to go away without any medicine?



Natural Allergy relief:


Butterbur is a shrub that grows in wet, marshy ground. Butterbur extract is mostly praised for its ability to reduce the frequency of migraines. And there are a few studies that show that butterbur may be helpful for those suffering from hay fever (allergic rhinitis). A 2002 randomized study, which featured 131 subjects, concluded that butterbur tablets can be just as effective as an oral antihistamine. More research needs to be done to confirm the shrub's effectiveness, however. So far it has not been proven to help allergic skin reactions or asthma.

Local Honey

Because unprocessed honey contains small amounts of pollen, there's a common belief that eating locally harvested honey will help them tolerate the pollen circulating in their area. But it might not be as helpful as you think, says Dr. Wendt.

"In low doses it may work for mild allergies, but I typically like to dispel that because bees don't harvest honey on a time that is consistent with allergy," she says. "In other words, by the time [the honey] is harvested and comes back to us, it's past our seasons."

Plus the pollen that is found in honey comes from flowers, not trees, grasses, or weeds which are the main culprits of causing allergies, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.

So for severe allergies, eating honey is more of a sweet treat than an actual treatment. Still, honey can have anti-inflammatory effects that can soothe conditions like eczema, adds Dr. Wendt, which in most cases is not an allergic reaction.


Garlic is a natural anti-inflammatory because it contains a compound called diallyl disulfide, which fights the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. It's also a well-known immune booster.

When it comes to allergies, some naturopaths tout garlic as one of the best natural allergy remedies because it contains the antioxidant quercitin. Quercitin has the capacity to inhibit the release of histamines. To see if it helps, you can spice up your food with garlic. Many people also take quercitin supplements, but Dr. Mitchell says he's "seen minimal benefit with those things."


Rosemary not only tastes good on your steak, it contains rosmarinic acid, which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Some small studies have found that it may help relieve asthmatic symptoms. One study discovered that rosmarinic acid can also suppress allergic immunoglobulin, however more extensive research needs to be conducted to confirm its efficacy. If you do try taking a rosmarinic acid supplement, experts advise taking it with meals to avoid an upset stomach.


The most active ingredient in this yellow spice is a compound called curcumin. Curcumin, some researchers claim, has promising anti-inflammatory abilities. A pilot study conducted in 2016 with 241 patients found that those who took a turmeric supplement over the course of two months saw a reduction in symptoms from allergic rhinitis. They had less nasal congestion and less nasal airway resistance. It's important to note, though, that there isn't a lot of research that points towards turmeric as being an effective spice for allergy relief.

Hope this helps :)

(I'm a big natural health person) (If you're wondering)


Eat local, organic honey


Mayoclinic states, "Honey has been studied as a cough suppressant and may have anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, some experts point out that honey can contain traces of flower pollen — an allergen. And one treatment for allergies is repeated exposure to small amounts of allergens." Care.com states, "The theory is that eating the honey with those spores can desensitize the immune system. 'It's the same principal as allergy shots, where patients are given very small amounts of the substance they're allergic to. Over time, the immune system will recognize the offender so it doesn't launch an attack'..."

What leg muscles should you always stretch when doing jump rope exercises?




All of the above


It may be all of above
Maybe all of the above

Explanation:I’m not cheating ok :-)



I don't know what you mean is this a prank?

Cry yourself to sleep knowing there is no escaping the reality you have shifted to. Your fate is unknown and there is no going back.

The offense is allowed _______downs to advance the ball at least 10 yards down the field.



4 downs.


In real football, the offensive team must move the ball 10 yards in order to earn another four downs. The team restarts for each ​down​ (play) by placing the ball on the ground (scrimmage line) and both teams starting on opposing sides of the ball.

4 downs if you lose them other team gets the ball

What is the name of the “invisible line” that the defense and the offense can not cross until the ball is hiked to the quarterback?


Line of scrimmage

Hope that helps
Line of Scrimmage
Do you like football?
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