What would a "worldly" topic be?


Answer 1

Answer: of or relating to this world


Answer 2


There are plenty of worldly topics! Here are some examples:

Climate changePovertyFood and water insecurityEducations


These are global issues. They are relevant everywhere in the world.

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what is your number one health priority at this time?



to not be sick because everyone thinks I have COVID but it's just a phlegmy cough


rest and recovery


By getting a good night sleep our body can use all the nutrients, and all the movement and exercise, and build a better body

Which of the following civilizations has left evidence of being the strongest in mathematics and having the most sophisticated writing system in pre-Columbian America?
A. Olmec
B. Aztec
C. Maya
D. Inca​


Among all the following civilizations, the one that has left evidence of being the strongest in mathematics is the Maya civilization.   Hence, Option C is correct.

What is Maya civilization?

Ancient structures and glyphs from the Maya civilization in Mesoamerica are what are most well-known today. The pre-Columbian writing system in the Americas with the most advanced and sophisticated Maya script is found there.

Along with this, it is renowned for its astronomical system, calendar, mathematics, and art. The Maya developed advanced agricultural, pottery, writing, calendar, and mathematical techniques, and they left behind an astounding amount of stunning architecture and symbolic artwork.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about Maya civilization from here:



What technological advancements have helped mapmakers develop maps faster and more accurately?


GPS, internet, cameras, satellites, computing systems

Which resulted after the United States entered World War I?

collapse of the German offensive

collapse of the German offensive

worldwide acceptance of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points

worldwide acceptance of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points

immediate German surrender

immediate Germa surrender

the Russian Revolution


Answer: collapse of the German offensive


worldwide acceptance of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen  Points


7. Identify the principle of government that relates to the quote below.
"Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according
to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in
each State..."
popular sovereignty
separation of powers
limited government
8. Identify the principle of government that relates to the quote below. (Hint: * 1 point
note how it is assigning a specific job to one branch of government)
"Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President
elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall
then act as President..."
1 point
popular sovereignty
separation of powers
Limited government


Popular-sovereignty is a kind of democratic government. The people are the government's source of power, and if it ignores their will, that power is unconstitutional.

What is the second clause of Article 1 Section 7?

Clause 2: President's Function

In the event that a bill is not returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excluded) of its presentation, it will become law in the same manner as if the president had signed it—unless the Congress prevents its return through adjournment, in which case it will not become law.

What does the Constitution's Article 1 Section 7 Clause 3 mean?

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote that may require the support of the Senate and House of Representatives (apart from those involving questions of adjournment) must be presented to the President of the United-States for approval or disapproval prior to going into effect.

To Know more about Popular-sovereignty



What was the main role of each of the following men who helped to unify Italy? -The Carbonari: -Giuseppe Mazzini: -Count Camillo Benso di Cavour: -Giuseppe Garibaldi:


The main roles of each of the following men who helped to unify Italy are given below:-

Carbonari was the name of a secret society in early 19th century in Italy. The group supported the liberal and patriotic ideas and acted as the main opposition party to the conservative regimes of that time. The conservative ideas were imposed on Italy after the defeat of Napolean in 1815. His influence resulted in Italian unification.

Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian politician and effective who worked for the unification of Italy. He founded a group named as Young Italy in 1831.

Count Camillo Benso di Cavour designed the constitutional structure of Italy. He served as its first prime minister. He exploited international rivalries and revolutionary movements brought about the unification of Italy.

Giuseppe Garibaldi was the one of the important military figure of Italy and a popular hero of the age of Italian unification. He is considered as one of the makers of Modern Italy.

To know more about Italy here



Explain the importance of Unilineal descent in the economic and social dimensions to culture


Unilineal descent groupings take on significant corporate roles like land ownership, political participation, and assistance and support for one another.

The importance of unilinear descent

In the cultures of the world, unilinear kinship institutions are more frequent than cognatic ones by more than two to one. Unilineal descent organizations frequently take on significant corporate roles in various countries, including property ownership, political representation, and mutual support and assistance.

How significant is the descent group?

The division of resources, the organization of labor forces, the enforcement of support and protection, and other typical difficulties that societies face are all helped by descent groups. Additionally, descent systems may play a significant influence in the members of the group's economic, religious, ritual, and general well-being.

Learn more about Unilineal descent: https://brainly.com/question/4524470


The Dust Bowl (1930 - 1936)

2. What was a "suitcase farmer?"



During Dust Bowl (1930 - 1936), a suitcase farmer was a person who grows wheat or alternative crops and lives outside the community except throughout the ploughing, seeding, and gather seasons, typically includes a farm while not buildings, and will abundant of the farming by using custom operators.

The Dust Bowl forced tens of thousands of destitute families, who were unable to pay mortgages or grow crops, to abandon their farms, and losses reached $25 million per day by 1936 (equivalent to $490 million in 2021).

Due to low crop costs and high machinery prices, a lot of submarginal lands were place into production. Farmers conjointly began to abandon conservation practices. These events arranged the groundwork for the severe eating away that will cause the dust bowl.

To learn more about Dust Bowl here



Greta hears her father speaking to his secretary. She is disappointed because he is leaving town once again. He tells the secretary to prepare some papers because the directions are coming down about the “Jewish Problem.” He has heard that the Fuhrer has outlined a plan, and it is up to people like himself to carry it through. Greta’s heart sinks because her father prepares to leave first thing in the morning. Where is Greta’s father likely headed when dawn arrives?


When dawn arrives the father is headed to attend the Wannsee Conference

In 1942, fifteen top Nazi Party and German government leaders gathered for an important conference. They initially got to know one another at a house near Wannsee Lake in a posh part of Berlin. In order to negotiate the final resolution to the Jewish question in Europe, important non-SS government officials, including the secretaries of the Foreign Ministry and Justice, were invited to the conference. They were needed to help.

The purposeful, methodical eradication, or extermination, of all European Jews, was known by the Nazis as the final solution or genocide. In order to conceal their practice of mass murder from the rest of the world, the Nazis coined the ambiguous euphemism "final solution." In actuality, the Germans in Wannsee discussed killing techniques, liquidation, and extermination.

Read more about Wannsee Conference on:



1. What was humanism?
(1) A philosophy designed around the idea that humans and their accomplishments were important and should be celebrated.
(2) An economic policy designed to provide money for a mother country via the trade of raw materials for finished products with colonies.
(3) A religious law stating that clergymen are not permitted to marry
(4) A natural phenomenon created by the mixing of hot and cold air in the atmosphere


Humanism is option 1. a philosophy designed around the idea that humans and their accomplishments were important and should be celebrated.

Who is the belief of humanism?

Humanism is a worldview that emphasizes a secular way of life and is centered on human flourishing. Humanism prioritizes rationalism and considers human beings as the starting point for serious moral and philosophical inquiry. Modern day humanism views humanity as responsible for the promotion and development of individuals, espouses the equal and inherent dignity of all human beings, and emphasizes a concern for humans in relation to the world.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above.

learn more about humanism: https://brainly.com/question/25959355


Complete the following extended response question: Who should have the power?

• Develop a claim in response to the question.
• Cite evidence from the provided sources to support your claim.
• Use your knowledge of government in your response.


People should have the power. I strongly believe that people should have the power because when people do, they feel belonged, responsible and have a say in the order of governance.

According to the Greek philosophy, the best government is the one determined by and ruled by the people.

What is democracy?

Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. The word democracy is derived from the Greek words "demos", meaning people, and "kratos" meaning power; so democracy can be thought of as "power of the people": a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above.

learn more about democracy: https://brainly.com/question/7830362


Who was Gutenberg and what were his printing inventions? How did these creations affect religion?



Johannes Gutenberg is known for having designed and built the first known mechanized printing press in Europe. In 1455 he used it to print the Gutenberg Bible, which is one of the earliest books in the world to be printed from movable type. Johann Gutenberg's invention of movable-type printing quickened the spread of knowledge, discoveries, and literacy in Renaissance Europe.

Johannes Gutenberg is known for having designed and built the first known mechanized printing press in Europe. Johann Gutenberg's invention of movable-type printing quickened the spread of knowledge, discoveries, and literacy in Renaissance Europe. The printing revolution also contributed mightily to the Protestant Reformation that split apart the Catholic Church.

How did the federal and state governments support man-
agement and companies over labor unions?
A They protected the rights of management to change the
terms of labor contracts without agreement from the
B They passed laws making it illegal for workers to form
C They sent federal or state troops to bring an end to strikes.
D They paid scab workers to fill the jobs of striking


The federal and state governments supported the management and companies over labor unions because they sent federal or state troops to bring an end to strikes.

What are role of the labor unions?

Generally, a labor union means an organization formed by workers in a particular trade, industry or company for the purpose of improving their pay, benefits and working conditions. It is known as labor organization and also called “trade union” or “workers union”. Most time, the labor union selects its representatives to negotiate with employers in a process known as collective bargaining and when it is successful, the bargaining results to an agreement that stipulates working conditions for a period of time.

Right from the 1800s, the labor unions organized by workers to fight for employee rights and protections such as a shorter workday and minimum wage which have a long history in the United States. As well, the first ever worker strike predates the American Revolution and the first union was established by Philadelphia shoemakers in 1794.

Read more about labor unions



What are four of Prince Henry of Portugal's expeditions?


The four of Prince Henry of Portugal's expeditions are:

Nuno Tristao's exploration of the African coastAntao Goncalves's hunting expedition exploration of Western Africaexploration of islands of the Atlantic Ocean

Who was Henry the Navigator?

The full name of Henry the Navigator is "Dom Henrique of Portugal" but he was also called D-uke of Viseu and Prince Henry the Navigator. He was a very important and central figure in the early days of the Portuguese Empire, in the 15th-century European maritime discoveries and maritime expansion.

During Henry's lifetime, as he procured his new caravel ship, he took the responsibility for the development of Portuguese exploration and maritime trade with other continents through the systematic exploration of Western Africa, islands of the Atlantic Ocean and as well searching for new routes.

Read more about Henry the Navigator



Which of the following is not a way in which enslaved people resisted their enslavement?

A) Sabotaging equipment

B) Killing other enslaved people


The enslaved people resisted their enslavement Sabotaging equipment.

What techniques did slaves use to fight back?

Many people opposed slavery in a number of methods with varying degrees of fervor and strategy. Actions like making up an illness, working slowly, doing subpar work, misplacing or harming tools and equipment were among the less obvious forms of resistance.

How did slaves withstand being mistreated?

Numerous slaves fought their treatment in some fashion. They slowed down production, shut down equipment, pretended to be ill, and destroyed crops. With their overseers and masters, they quarreled and battled. Many people stole valuables, valuables, or livestock.

To Know more about  livestock.



Write a four-paragraph argument for or against the usefulness of the feudalist structure. Your assigned audience is a modern business leader. You may choose to create a slide show or other piece of media to accompany your paper. For your research, choose one of the following countries:

Make a claim as to whether feudalism helped or hindered your Western European country. Offer the reader strong points supporting your answer.
Address the counter claim to your argument. Offer the reader the specific facts from your research that shows the flaws within the counter claim.
As support for either your claim or counter claim, include how feudalism finished its course in the country you selected.
Include the approximate years when feudalism began and ended in that country.
In addition, explain whether the national leader at the time of feudalism played a part in encouraging or harming feudalism within their country.


stability...uk...william conqueror got & split up land with his buddies (lords)

dont have to spend maintaining an army

instead can raise & draft an army fast

can make peasants declare their loyaty to the ling instead of their bosses the lords

rigid class structure: nobles, priests, and princes) and a peasant class ensured people didn't have to outsource for their needs

in psychology, freud, something like feudalism helped people feel secure as many may have viewed the king as a father figure

4. Prior to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations, how did countries define their wealth? What was Adam Smith's radical insight into how countries should define their wealth?
5. As late as the 1680s, the slave population of the Chesapeake was relatively small. How was slavery in the Chesapeake during the early and mid-1600s different from the later 1600s and 1700s? Identify and explain two factors that led to the rise of a slave based society in the Chesapeake.


The wealth of nations is measured by way of Adam Smith in phrases of cash - but does no longer encompass money.

It is generated by means of constant belongings - but does now not include that fixed property.

constant assets ought to at the least generate subsistence consumables for the protection of human capital, and resources for the maintenance of bodily constant belongings - however, the degree of wealth used by Smith consists of neither subsistence consumables nor sources expended for such maintenance.

The prevalence of marketplace mechanisms over administered options - whether directed via government, personal associations, specialists or intellectuals - is ready forth with the aid of Smith with conventional clarity.

Learn more about Adam Smith here: https://brainly.com/question/21414122


after world war 2, political leaders from bsrious countries discussed ways to strengthen individual- as well as- economies . They began promoting to boost production and exports


The Long carrying of World War II for a long time had a huge impact after the post-war times. The Economy all around the world was being felt hugely. As a result to boost production and trading exports many countries unanimously started promoting free trade. This was done by the people among others as well.

What were the effects of the Second World War?

Second World War had a huge impact on the long-lasting colonies which had in turn degenerated the lives and disturbed the living conditions of the people who had been leading their own lives. A war might sound good to some. But the effects of the war are severe. Especially, the economic war.

More importantly, the economic effects of the war was been felt to the bones by the countries such as Britain, France, Italy, Germany, the United States, and the colonial allies of these big four. As a result of boos tye the economic condition in the market, some of the big countries of the West came to excessively start promoting free trade. Free trade acted as one of the most significant elements.

After the Second World War free trade led to the normalization of the economy in the market. Thus, by promoting a boost in production and exports of goods.

Learn more about World War II here:



Which two cities emerged as the main banking and trading centers of Europe in the 16th century? Select all that apply.




















Answer: Venice, Amsterdam, and Seville :)

Similarities between Tigris and Euphrates civilizations



similar when it came to their writing systems, inventions, and geography.


they were also different when it came to writing systems and inventions. The river valley civilizations developed writing systems.

Write the coordinates of the vertices after a rotation 180 counterclockwise around the origin.
Ver as i
Work it out



mi caca es muy verde



Which of the following is the best example of a secondary reinforcer?
O Drinking a glass of cold lemonade on a hot day.
Earning an "A" on this psychology test.
O Having a hot meal after a long hike on a cold day.
O Bundling up in a warm blanket on a very cold day.


The best example of a secondary reinforcer is earning an "A" on this psychology test.

What is a secondary reinforcer?

According to American Psychological Association, a secondary reinforcer means any neutral stimulus that can enhance the likelihood of a future response by being paired with any stimulus that naturally enhances that response.

In essence, it is a stimulus that reinforces a behavior after it has been associated with a primary reinforcer. For instance, when we give a dog a food treat and tell him "good boy," he is then getting both the primary stimulus of the treat and the secondary reinforcer of the verbal praise.

Read more about secondary reinforcer



Why are the Colonists being taxed by Great Britain?


The Colonists were being taxed by Great Britain because the British needed a large army in America as a punishment and on 22 March 1765 the “British Parliament” decided to do the Stamp Act, which sought to raise money to pay for this army.

Answer:raise money

Explanation:because the British needed to station a large army in North America as a consequence and on 22 March 1765 the British parliament passed the stamp act,which sought to raise money to pay for this army through a tax on all legal and official papers and publications circulating in the colonies

The answer is B - There are only four commissioners, and each has a specific area of responsibility.


The author of this quotation say the commission plan has “perfect simplicity” because there are only four commissioners, and each has a specific area of responsibility.

What entails the perfect simplicity?

The likely reason why the author stated that the commission plan has "perfect simplicity" is because this seems like an archaic way of running anything regarding modern government.

So, by having only one or a few makes all of the decisions for the majority is extremely backwards. So, a corruption could very easily run rampant in situations like these. Therefore, the Option B is correct.

Full question "By 1911, many believed the commission plan was an example of how scientific thinking could be applied to government. Read the quote below. "The strongest feature of the commission plan of city government is its perfect simplicity, its directness . . . in limiting the number of those directly charged with the management of the city's affairs." – E. R. Cheesborough Why would the author of this quotation say the commission plan has “perfect simplicity”? A. All the power to make decisions rests with one person: the mayor. B. There are only four commissioners, and each has a specific area of responsibility. C. The system is too simple to meet the needs of a modern city."

Read more about perfect simplicity



For which of the following reasons did absolutism become a widely-practiced political theory in the 17th century? Select all that apply.

a desire for order after the chaos and war of the previous century

public distrust of the constitutional monarchy in England

public distrust of the republican governance in the Dutch Republic

growing public concern about brigands and criminals that required a strong centralized government to control

the desire of the lower classes to be responsible directly to the king rather than to local lords


Absolutism become a widely-practiced political theory in the 17th century because (b) public distrust of the constitutional monarchy in England.

It is a constitutional monarchy of rule over the people which creates the misuse of power over the governance over the masses. Public distrust is an issue which usually arises when the government is biased in making policies and procedures and appointing recklessly.

The growing concern is about the hierarchy where the absolute power lies in the hands of the government and is the sole ruler of the mass present in that region.

To learn more about constitutional monarchy here,



Was there a year 20?



Of course there was year 20.


They say year 20 was a leap year though, because every 4 years is a leap year. So that would have been the fifth leap year in history.

Social critics like Charles Dickens were different from Romantic artists in that
A. were more interested in promoting women's rights.
OB. were less focused on emotions and nature.
C. were more supportive of large corporations.
D. were less interested in utopian philosophies.


Social critics like Charles dickens were different from romantic artists in that they wrote about society and not the individual.

Why they wrote about society?

The social realists of the 1850's came as a response of the Industrialization of England and their noticing of the ever increasing divide between the rich and the poor.

Romanticism too was an early response to industrialization but in a different vein.

It was about the assertion of individuality in the face of new developments in the society.

The social realists understood civil rights and living conditions of the poor as the paramount subject to write about as social  injustice pervaded the society in Victorian England.

Learn more about Charles Dickens



is hinduism spreading more than islam


Based on the current trends in religion, it is false to say that Hinduism is spreading faster than Islam.

Which religion is growing fastest?

Based on data available to multiple sources, it has been shown that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Indeed, it is said that Islam is growing twice as fast as the human population is growing.

This is why it is predicted that by the year 2100, the number of Muslims will eclipse even that of Christians. This therefore means that Hinduism is not spreading more than Islam.

Options for this question include:

True False

Find out more on the spread of Islam at https://brainly.com/question/20580836


What were some of the obstacles Augusta Savage had to face to be who she was in her prime?


The issues that Augusta Savage had in her prime is that she faced issues with her finance and that she had issues with her finance as well as the fact that she also had some socio cultural issues.

Who was Augusta Savage?

This lady was one of the persons that was involved in the Harlem resistance at the period that the Harlem resistance took place.

She was a sculptor and a teacher. She was black and due to her race at the time faced some issues due to her cultural background. This was what caused her the issues that led to her financial woes as well.

Read more on Augusta Savage here: https://brainly.com/question/25860215


The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights do not explicitly mention which right?

right to a jury

right to privacy

freedom of religion

right to a speedy and public trial


The answer is- Right to a speedy and public trial
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