Which claim is supported by the evidence that newspaper clubs improve communication
skills and promote teamwork?
A. When students work for a newspaper, it gives them an opportunity to
attain knowledge about a vast range of subjects.
B. This allows them to discover their interests and can help them choose
the career that they wish to pursue in the future.
C. Newspaper clubs help in the development of the students' personalities
and prepares them for any future challenges.
D. Moreover, students need to express themselves in a formal and
appropriate manner, which strengthens their writing skills.


Answer 1


C. Newspaper clubs help in the development of the students' personalities

and prepares them for any future challenges.


All of the other answers seem to be commentary used after providing evidence for a statement. Answer choice A is a distractor because it is talking about knowlefge and a wide variety of subjects when the question is asking about social aspects rather than mental.

A- Evidence could say what their learning

B- Commentary

D- Sounds like a sentence that would be in a conclusion

Answer 2




C. Newspaper clubs help in the development of the students' personalities

and prepares them for any future challenges.

I got it right on the pretest.

Related Questions

As you read, highlight important passages.
Annotate each chunk (main idea, agree/disagree, or connection)
Answer questions on page 2
House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
We didn't always live on Mango Street. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor, and before that we lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I can't remember. But what I remember most is moving a lot. Each time it seemed there'd be one more of us. By the time we got to Mango Street we were six—Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me.
Chunk 1 annotation:

The house on Mango Street is ours, and we don't have to pay rent to anybody, or share the yard with the people downstairs, or be careful not to make too much noise, and there isn't a landlord banging on the ceiling with a broom. But even so, it's not the house we'd thought we'd get.
Chunk 2 annotation

We had to leave the flat on Loom is quick. The water pipes broke and the landlord wouldn't fix them because the house was too old. We had to leave fast. We were using the washroom next door and carrying water over in empty milk gallons. That's why Mama and Papa looked for a house, and that's why we moved into the house on Mango Street, far away, on the other side of town.
Chunk 3 annotation

They always told us that one day we would move into a house, a real house that would be ours forever so we wouldn't have to move each year. And our house would have running water and pipes that worked. And inside it would have real stairs, not hallway stairs, but stairs inside like the houses on TV. And we'd have a basement and at least three washrooms so when we took a bath we wouldn't have to tell everybody. Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence. This was the house Papa talked about when he held a lottery ticket and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the stories she told us before we went to bed.
Chunk 4 annotation

But the house on Mango Street is not the way they told it at all. It's small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath. Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in. There is no front yard, only four little elms the city planted by the curb. Outback is a small garage for the car we don't own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side. There are stairs in our house, but they're ordinary hallway stairs, and the house has only one washroom. Everybody has to share a bedroom—Mama and Papa, Carlos and Kiki, me and Nenny.
Chunk 5 annotation

Once when we were living on Loomis, a nun from my school passed by and saw me playing out front.
The laundromat downstairs had been boarded up because it had been robbed two days before and the owner had painted on the wood YES WE'RE OPEN so as not to lose business.
Where do you live? she asked.
There, I said pointing up to the third floor.
You live there? There. I had to look to where she pointed—the third floor, the paint peeling, wooden bars Papa had nailed on the windows so we wouldn't fall out. You live there? The way she said it made me feel like nothing. There. I lived there. I nodded.

I knew then I had to have a house. A real house. One I could point to. But this isn't it. The house on Mango Street isn't it. For the time being, Mama says. Temporary, says Papa. But I know how those things go.

Chunk 6 annotation

House on Mango Street Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Where did the narrator live before she moved to The House on Mango Street?
How were her previous homes different?
In what kind of house would she like to live?
Discuss what the narrator’s view of a home is. What makes a house a home? Is the narrator satisfied with her house? Does she feel that she belongs there? Explain.

In describing her house, or where she lives, what does Esperanza convey about her self-identity? How does the description of her home affect the way she sees the world?
Make a connection: How is this vignette similar to or different than your life? Explain. What does it remind you of?



There are no results for ach chunk (main idea, agree/disagree, or connection) Answer questions on page 2 House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros We didn't always live on Mango Street. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor, and before that we lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I can't remember. But what I remember most is moving a lot. Each time it seemed there'd be one more of us. By the time we got to Mango Street we were six—Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me. Chunk 1 annotation: The house on Mango Street is ours, and we don't have to pay rent to anybody, or share the yard with the people downstairs, or be careful not to make too much noise, and there isn't a landlord banging on the ceiling with a broom. But even so, it's not the house we'd thought we'd get. Chunk 2 annotation We had to leave the flat on Loom is quick. The water pipes broke and the landlord wouldn't fix them because the





1. cheering

2. clasp

3. worship

4. incense

5. preserve

6. procession

7. pray

8. rituals

9. respect

hope this helps <3


Hello there!

1. cheering

2. clasp

3. worship

4. incense

5. preserve

6. procession

7. pray

8. rituals

9. respect

Thank chu<33

hope this helps chu…..



the idea that a supernova is preceded by a huge burst of neutrinos is



A prediction that has now been observed.

Hope that helps

\Which of these best combines the ideas in the group of sentences above to make an interesting sentence?



Powerful verbs


i mean theres nothing above, but powerful verbs?

What should the writer do to correctly punctuate this sentence? A) B) C) D)



i think its option B





A and C don't make any sense.

It isn't B, due to the fact that colons are used for writing lists.

-hope it helps

I need this awnsers fast please please please please please please


3. At, on
4. On
5. At
6 into
7 in
8. In
9 into
1. The president lives in New Delhi in India.
2. She died in 2002.
3. They came to the party at 8:00 p.m. on Monday.
4. Shakespeare was born on 23rd April 1616.
5. They left for the airport at dawn.
6. The guest walked into the auditorium.
7. The audience was waiting for the Chief Guest in the auditorium.
8. The goldfish was in the jar.
9. A tadpole jumped into the water.
10. She went into the kitchen to cook.

1. Air Deccan is flying behind time.*
2. She reached the venue after the party had started.
3. She danced by herself at the party.
4. Between all his assignments, he still found time to help me.
5. What is the time by the Clock Tower in the marketplace?
6. He is a Christian by birth.
7. The son entered with his father and stood by him.
8. She will stay with me after/till Monday morning.**
9. The teacher distributed the sweets among the students.
*I don’t really understand what this one is trying to say, so l just took it to mean that they were running behind schedule.
**This one could honestly be either one, saying she is going to start staying with the person after Monday or that she will stop staying with the person after Monday. It’s your call, as you know more than me about the assignment and your instructor’s thought process, but I would probably go with “till”.

Why did Pat Scully paint his hotel light blue?



Because it helped him make money


These two lines from the story make the reader believe that he painted it blue for money reasons

"it was not to be thought that any traveler could pass the Palace Hotel without looking at it."

"Pat Scully, the owner, had proved himself a master of strategy when he chose his paints. It is true that on clear days, when the great express trains swept through Fort Romper, passengers were overcome at the sight."

what is equivalent to 1 1/3 and 3/4 using 12 as the denominator


16/12 for 1 1/3

9/12 for 3/4


1 1/3 is the same as 4/3. Make 12 the denominator we would have to times the denominator (and the numerator) by 4 giving us an equivalent fraction of 16/12.

Getting an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 12 from 3/4 is more easier. Same process but multipled by 3.

Which word from Juliet's conversation with her mother is understood one
way by Lady Capulet and another way by the audience?

A. Cousin
B. Heart
C. Temper
D. Love


b. Heart
probably not sure rho

What did George Orwell predict in 1984?



Before anyone had thought of the Treaty of Rome and the EEC, Orwell predicted that the major nations of post-war Europe would form a neo-federal union.



In 1984, George Orwell predicted that the major nations of post-war Europe would form a neo-federal union. George Orwell's 1984 is a fictionalized version of a then future-world where a totalitarian state scrutinizes all human actions through the ever-watching Big Brother. George's book was banned in Florida, because the book was “pro-communist and contained explicit sexual matter.” His book remains one of the most powerful warnings ever issued against the dangers of a totalitarian society.


The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. People thought there was a special danger from evil spirits on birthdays;(1) ___________, friends and family came together to bring good thoughts and wishes and even presents. There are some (2) ______traditions in different countries around the world.In Vietnam, on a child’s first birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child for him or her to choose. (3) ______ to tradition, the first thing the child picks up will tell us his or her future job. In some countries, (4) ______ 21st birthday cake is sometimes in a shape of a key. The key (5) _______ that the young person is now old enough to leave and build up to their own family at any


The passage has been correctly filled as follows:

The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. People thought there was a special danger from evil spirits on birthdays; (1) so , friends and family came together to bring good thoughts and wishes and even presents. There are some (2) different traditions in different countries around the world. In Vietnam, on a child’s first birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child for him or her to choose. (3) According to Chinese tradition, the first thing the child picks up will tell us his or her future job. In some countries, (4) a 21st birthday cake is sometimes in a shape of a key. The key (5) means that the young person is now old enough to leave and build up to their own family at any time they want to.

The passage has been filled correctly with the right determiners, conjunctions, and modifiers. Words such as these help us to identify the relationships between words.

They also aid the interpretation of the meaning of a passage.

Learn more about modifiers here:


Why shouldn’t the same sex marriage be allowed for my debate speech on Friday



It is discrimination, not same-sex parents, that harms children, according to a leading group of Australian paediatricians. This is relevant to the debate around same-sex marriage because, in lesbian couples, any daughter would certainly be growing up apart from.

How creepy was it when the strange figure grabbed onto Sierra's hand and Robbie suddenly vanished.  Can you think on anything that made you very afraid and "creeped out)?


Answer: When Sierra hand and Eobbie Suddenly Vanished.


Because who hand who just vanishes into thin air !!!!

Which sentence uses a semicolon correctly?
A. Mona travels a lot with her family her favorite place to visit is;
B. Mona travels a lot; with her family her favorite place to visit is
C. Mona travels a lot with her family her favorite place to visit; is
O D. Mona travels a lot with her family: her favorite place to visit is





1. She ‘s beautiful with a ............................. smile. ( Love )


She beautiful with a beamimg smile.

Ms.Watson recipe uses 3/4 cups of milk to make 12 cookies how many will it take to make 36




That's Math,

He must use dan 9/12 cups of Mill

1. The dog barked and howled at the cat.
simple, compound or complex.

2. After the rain fell, we went home.
simple, compound or complex​


Answer: 1.compound 2.complex


Number one is a compound sentence because it uses a word like "and" to join both simple sentences together to make a compound sentence. Other examples are: and, but or so.

Number two is a complex sentence because in the sentence a subordinate conjunction is used other examples of these are :   after, although, as, because, even, if, now, once, since, so, than, unless, while. this can be used when identifying complex sentences :)


Island life offers the best of all worlds. Take Lummi Island, for example, the smallest of the San Juan Islands in northwest Washington and still a well-kept secret. Though its meager population quadruples to 4,000 with the summer tourist season, it never feels the slightest bit crowded. One can always find a deserted beach to roam or a forest path to explore. The mainland is only a 12-minute ferry ride away, so city life is within reach. Bainbridge Island, near Seattle, is another prime choice for those wishing to live somewhere with peace and quiet but proximity to a city. Many Seattle employees live on the island and commute each day to their downtown jobs. Vashon Island, near Tacoma, might seem too small for some. There is no "town" to speak of, but a quiet little artists' community thrives there.
Family homes on the islands mentioned above are no more expensive than on the mainland. Such houses offer stellar views of surrounding landscape, including mountains, waterways, and other scenic islands. Otter, bald eagles, seals, and even whales are frequent visitors to Pacific coastal islands. They are a nature lover's paradise and also offer perfect settings for stargazers and photographers. Quite a few island inhabitants were once tourists who found they couldn't bear to leave and made the island their home.
If there are drawbacks, they are only these: there is usually a minimum of culture in terms of theater or music events. But all that means is an excursion into town now and then to get your fix. The same is true if you want a wide variety of food or like to eat in restaurants. The only other minor drawback is the ferry schedule, which can be sporadic. There are also periods of time each year when ferries are in "dry dock" and not running due to planned or unplanned repairs. Still, for those wanting to escape the noise and stress of city life, islands are a perfect choice. They are among the nation's few remaining unspoiled places to call home.

Which sentence best summarizes the author's attitude in this selection?
There is no "town" to speak of, but a quiet little artists' community thrives there.
But all that means is an excursion into town now and then to get your fix.
Still, for those wanting to escape the noise and stress of city life, islands are a perfect choice.
Many Seattle employees live on the island and commute each day to their downtown jobs



I think C would be the best choice.

Can someone plz help Me? :(


B.) change "have" to "has"

Answer: d

Explanation: he is expeirenced but if your telling someone what he has it would be expeiriences

Can someone help me with this one plzz!!



Try skimming chapters 12-15, and write down some examples of what causes Phyllisia to want to be friends or not be friends with Edith, and what happens because of that. I haven't read the story and can't do your work for you word for word, but I hope this helps :)

Which statement best describes Grendel’s perspective?Which statement best describes Grendel’s perspective?


Answer: He enjoys watching the violent men kill one another. He admires the powerful weapons and strong men.

Use personification to describe a waffle.
(this is for my little brother, and we need help ASAP!!!!!)
for brainliest, 5 stars, and thanks!!!



dish made from leavend batter or dough and has a surface impression


Waffles are a classic and lively breakfast dish, with their fluffy bodies to their distinct waffle holes.

Read the excerpt from "Tools of the Spymaster. " General Clinton, concerned about what General Howe was planning and doing, made use of a mask to write a secret message in a letter to General Burgoyne. Before writing the letter, Clinton had placed an hourglass-shaped mask on a piece of paper and then had formed the secret message within that shape. The unmasked letter had enough false information in it to fool any American who happened to see it. But when Burgoyne viewed the letter with the mask, he read Clinton's view of the real situation: Howe has made a bad move; I don't have enough men to do anything about it. Which statement best expresses the central idea of the excerpt? Generals were able to send secret messages to each other using a mask. General Howe failed to help the other generals defeat the Americans. The British were better at using codes than the Americans. False information in a letter could cause problems for the Americans.



Generals were able to send secret messages to each other using a mask.


What is spoken about most is how the mask is used to conceal the true message. So your answer would be the first option.

The most suitable statement and corrective answer will be B and that is the British were better at using codes than the Americans. False information in a letter could cause problems for the Americans.

The mask message was top secret was to convey the message from one soldier to other soldier and it was very famous among the American troops as it contain the secret information about the war and what next should be take.

This type of message were started by Clinton and under the guidance of Clinton many bi wars were happened and many war were won wit this mask message pattern, as information were very much secret and not leak among anyone .

For more information on central ideas, please refer the below link :


Help me! pls, i don’t know to doing the exercise


1. Going
2. Jogging
3. Read
4. Smoking
5. Dislikes watching
6. Crossing
7. Did
8. Like walking
9. My brother used to swim in the river when he was young.
10. My little sister often cries at night when she was a baby.
11. Walking
12. Drawing
13. It should be “show.”
14. My father used to get up late in the morning when he was young.
15. Help

Write a short summary of the lesson, ‘A Wedding In Russia’?


The above question wants to analyze your reading and writing ability, for that reason I can't write the summary for you, but I'll show you how to do it.

You need to know that a summary is a text that presents the most important information from another text. For this reason, a summary should be short and direct text.

In this case, to write your summary, you must:

Read "A Wedding In Russia" and understand the most important parts of the text.Identify the sentences and paragraphs that represent these parts.Rewrite these sentences and paragraphs, adapting them to create a short, direct, and coherent text.

You must use your own words to create the summary, but you must keep the meaning of the original text to avoid plagiarism.

More information about plagiarism at the link:


what prospect does gatsby offer nick? what is his response?




Nick does as Gatsby wishes and invites Daisy over to his house for tea. In exchange for Nick's cooperation, Gatsby offers him a chance to go into business together. He makes this offer knowing that Nick doesn't make much money

the subject of something you read





A topic is a subject of conversation or discussion: to provide a topic for discussion.

The definition of topic

I hope this helps. Have a great day/night :)

Can I plz get help befor I fail



Choose Free Verse


you wont have to follow any strict rules and can incorporate iambic pentameter in your poem.





I hate to dance

but i love to play the guitar

it is fun and great

(haiku doesnt need to rhyme just needs the 5/7/5 syllable

How many sour patches are in this jar I need it to win something for high school?





help me please...... ​



1. In the past, people used to write a letter to each other. Now they send e-mails to each other.

2. Do people in the past used to write with a ball point pen? Now we use it a lot.

3. My mother used to not wash my clothes when I was a student.

4. Bold used to be thin, now he is fat.

1. In the past, children used to do sums with an abacus. Now they use a calculator.

2. Before, children used to not ride a school bus to go to school. Now they go by bus.

3. Do they used to live in a small house?

4. Zaya used to not have a lot of books before.


Just insert "used do" and "do" verbs.

Other Questions
jumble sentenceflys can't eat solid foodthen it is your turn to eatcover your food cover your waterthey vomit on it and stamp on itthen when it became watery they eat itthis os what happens NO LINKS!!!Help . . .Where is the magnetic field strongest?A. closest to the wireB. Farthest from the wire Hemp help help English hep Every eight minutes the river raft can load 88 passengers what is the loading rate for passengers per minute are water hyacinths still a problem till this day in the us? Jen is on the platform of her boat. She sights the top of a lighthouse at an angle of 30 as shown below. She knows that the height of the lighthouse is 50 meters.How far is Jen from the base of the lighthouse, in meters? The gravitational potential energy of the ball changes as it bounces. Where is the ball located when its gravitational potential energy is greatest? Where is the ball when its gravitational potential energy has the least value? How many Borns humans have Rohan borrowed my pen change into interrogative Select the appropriate SDLC process model to develop the VHROM system. Help help help help math math What is the difference between a democracy and authoritarian government The sum and difference of two positive numbers are 15 and 5 respectively. Find the numbers. 0.41g -2) + 1.2 =-(g-1) + 2.9 Paul is writing a poem to submit to a national writing contest.Which line should he include to fulfill the simile requirement? A. The flower wilted like a tired child. B. The fragile flower wilted in the wind. C. The flower stood tall and did not fall. D. The delicate flower whispered softly.You will be awared at least 20 points PLEASE HELP ME I NEED HELP 48 is what percent of 12 nolan is planning a trip aboard for a week do some research into safe travels aboard make a list of things nolan should do to make sure he is safe during his trip PLS HELP ASAP ILL GIVE BRAINLKEST PLS THANKS 20 POINTS Which type of text would use the most formal language? A. newspaper article B. letter to grandmother C. instruction manual D. court opinion