Write 1-2 body paragraphs using the OEA structure about Poe’s style in “The Pit and the Pendulum’ and Roehrig’s style in “The Glittering Death.” You’re essentially answering the questions: What effect does author style have on the short stories? What is the impact of their style choices?


Answer 1

After that, everything goes crazy, the crazy of a memory fascinated with prohibited things. I think of flatness and dampness.

The narrator is given the horrifying choice of either waiting and getting torn apart by the razor-sharp pendulum or dying in a bottomless hole of unknown horrors filled with ravenous rats. Poe shows off his prowess in conveying the feeling of fear and mental anguish in this tale.

The thing that is horrifying about pendulum,

The narrator of the narrative explains the suffering he went through. Because it focuses a great emphasis on the senses, especially sound, and emphasizes its reality as opposed to many of Poe's stories that mainly rely on the supernatural, the story is excellent at inciting fear in the reader.

Learn more about Glittering death at



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DIRECTIONS: In many ways, the Constitution was built on the foundation of the Declaration of Independence. Explore the details of how the Declaration influenced the Constitution. Explore the details of how the Declaration influenced the Constitution by writing an explanatory essay considering the following questions. • How might the abuses of the British government have influence


Up to the summer of 1776, the loudest


of independence was made on June 7 in Philadelphia.

The Continental Congress listened to Virginian Richard Henry Lee read his resolution on that date during a session in the

Pennsylvania State

House (later known as Independence Hall), which began:

A royal declaration from August 1775 stated that the King's subjects in America were "involved in open and proclaimed rebellion." Later that year, the

American Prohibitory Act

, which declared all American ships and contents forfeit to the Crown, was passed by Parliament.

Furthermore, the Congress discovered in May 1776 that the King had signed


with German states to pay mercenaries to fight in America. Many Americans were persuaded by the combined force of these moves that the mother nation was treating the colonies like a foreign power.

The Continental Congress kept severing the bonds between the colonies and


one by one. The United Colonies' enemies may be attacked by the colonists thanks to the Privateering Resolution, which was passed in March 1776.

At the same time, more colonists themselves started to believe that independence was inevitable. Thousands of copies of

Thomas Paine

's Common Sense, which was released in January 1776, were sold.

Eight colonies have voted to embrace independence by the middle of May 1776. The Virginia Convention decided on May 15, 1776, to advise the representatives of this province in

General Congress

to ask that the United Colonies be recognized as free and independent states.

However, there were still some delegates who desired to continue the path of


with Britain, especially those constrained by past directives. With New York abstaining, the Lee Resolution was put on hold on June 11 by a vote of seven colonies to five.

Therefore, a


of Five was chosen to compose a declaration outlining the colonies' case for independence before Congress took a break.

Learn more about

Declaration of Independence

here- https://brainly.com/question/14578050


Which answer best summarizes this text?


A. John has many ways to catch bears. Sometimes he goes to their dens. This time, the bear is awake. He has to calm it down by making the den dark. Then he drugs it and takes measurements. He doesn’t take this bear to the University of Alaska so scientists can study it.
John has many ways to catch bears. Sometimes he goes to their dens. This time, the bear is awake. He has to calm it down by making the den dark. Then he drugs it and takes measurements. He doesn’t take this bear to the University of Alaska so scientists can study it.

B. John has multiple ways to catch bears. He uses large drums as traps, shoots darts at them from the air, and tracks them to their dens using the signal from their radio collars. He prefers to work with pilots he trusts. Usually, hibernating bears are sleeping. Instead of sleeping, this bear is awake and at the entrance of the den. John uses a sleeping bag to cover the opening and calm the bear. He is able to stick the needle in the bear’s shoulder muscle. His team takes measurements. They return this bear to its den, but some are taken to the University of Alaska for further study.
John has multiple ways to catch bears. He uses large drums as traps, shoots darts at them from the air, and tracks them to their dens using the signal from their radio collars. He prefers to work with pilots he trusts. Usually, hibernating bears are sleeping. Instead of sleeping, this bear is awake and at the entrance of the den. John uses a sleeping bag to cover the opening and calm the bear. He is able to stick the needle in the bear’s shoulder muscle. His team takes measurements. They return this bear to its den, but some are taken to the University of Alaska for further study.

C. John has multiple ways to catch bears. He uses traps, darts from the air, radio tracking collars. Usually, hibernating bears are sleeping. This bear is awake and at the entrance of the den. John uses a sleeping bag to cover the opening and calm the bear. He is able to safely drug it. His team takes measurements. They return this bear to its den, but some are taken to the University of Alaska for further study.
John has multiple ways to catch bears. He uses traps, darts from the air, radio tracking collars. Usually, hibernating bears are sleeping. This bear is awake and at the entrance of the den. John uses a sleeping bag to cover the opening and calm the bear. He is able to safely drug it. His team takes measurements. They return this bear to its den, but some are taken to the University of Alaska for further study.

D. John follows the beep from the bear’s radio collar to its den. Hibernating bears are usually asleep. This bear surprises John because it is awake. It as the opening of the den. He covers the opening with a sleeping bag. He hopes this will calm the bear. He sticks the bear with a needle attached to a short stick. Once the bear is drugged, his team takes measurements of the bear. Hi does not take the bear back to the artificial den at the University of Alaska.


The answer best summarizes this text is John has several methods for capturing bears. He employs traps, darts from the air, and radio-tracking collars. Hibernating bears usually sleep. This bear is awake at the entrance to the den. John covers the opening with a sleeping bag to soothe the bear. He can do it safely. His crew takes measurements. They release this bear to its den, but some are sent to the University of Alaska for further research.

In traps fashioned from 55-gallon drums, John has successfully caught bears. Additionally, he has thrown a few darts. It sounds difficult to dart a bear from an open helicopter door while only holding it in place with a seat belt or climbing harness. If I have a decent pilot, it's not, as John asserts. Concentration is difficult if I'm concerned about the helicopter's rotors approaching the treetops too closely. But it's fairly easy if I believe the pilot. Following the bear thereafter is more challenging. The drug's full effects don't appear for three to eight minutes. The bear must not be threatened by us as we remain close enough to observe it.

Learn to know more about the bear in the context on



Shane Henderson is preparing a project for his English class. He has created a slideshow as part of his presentation. The slideshow and project will be shown to his classmates and teacher.

What nonverbal strategies would be effective for Shane to use? Check all that apply.

read aloud from the screen showing his slides
scan the room, making eye contact
point to the slideshow as needed
smile and have a friendly look on his face
pace across the room while talking


Nonverbal strategies that would be effective for Shane to use are:

scan the room, making eye contact

point to the slideshow as needed

smile and have a friendly look on his face

Your posture, tone of voice, amount of eye contact, gestures, and other nonverbal behaviors all convey important messages. They can make people feel at ease, foster trust, and entice people to you, or they can irritate, confound, and undercut what you're trying to say.

When compared to verbal communication, nonverbal communication is frequently more nuanced, more powerful, and more effective at conveying meaning. You can communicate without speaking by using nonverbal techniques.

Face expressions, gestures,  loudness or tone of voice, body language, proxemics or personal space, eye contact, haptics (touch), appearance, and artifacts are some examples of nonverbal communication kinds.

Learn more about Non-verbal strategies here:



Which statement is a counterclaim to the argument that schools should require students to participate in sports?
Parents, however, often voice the concern that time spent on sports can adversely affect a child's academic performance.
The spirit of sportsmanship can help one build good relations with people and go a long way in life.
Therefore, it is very important that children learn to balance their studies and sports.
Nowadays, children experience a sedentary lifestyle as they mostly remain indoors with their laptops or mobile phones.


The statement that is a counterclaim to the argument that schools should require students to participate in sports is A. Parents, however, often voice the concern that time spent on sports can adversely affect a child's academic performance.

What is a Counterclaim?

This refers to the rebuttal that is given to a particular line of argument in a logical discussion which aims to disprove the claim made by the use of supporting details or evidence.

Hence, it can be seen that based on the original argument that schools should require students to participate in sports, a very effective counterclaim that can be made is that spending time playing sports or engaging in sporting activities has a negative impact or effect in the academic performance of the student.

With this in mind, it can be clearly seen that the correct answer to the given question above is option A.

Read more about counterclaims here:



Based on information in the passage, readers can most likely conclude that Grandpa Murphy.


Based on the information in the passage, readers can most likely conclude that Grandpa Murphy is shocked. See further explanation below.

What is the reason Granpa Murphy is shocked?

From the excerpt given, Grandpa Murphy is shocked that he would receive a litigation letter in relation to something he didn't do.

In the above excerpt, the Recording Industry Association of America sent him a letter indicating that he downloaded music illegally. Interestingly, he was not the one that did it. Grandpa suspected that someone else had done it. To stop this in the future, he decided to password his computer.

Learn more about inferences:

Full Question:

Now, back when I was a kid, the closest thing to sending an e-mail was tying a note to a pigeon and throwing him in the direction of the person you wanted to talk to. I never thought in a million years that I'd be sued for illegally downloading music.

I was doing my morning crossword puzzle, enjoying my coffee and prune juice, when the mailman knocked on my door. I got some not-so-good news in a letter from a company called the Recording Industry Association of America, or the RIAA for short. They're the folks who represent record companies and their performers. They told me in this pretty, pink stationery that I was violating copyright laws by downloading music off the Internet, and they weren't too happy about it. Copyright laws are these doohickeys that give artists, writers, or musicians control over how their work is used and reproduced. Apparently, today, downloading music is like when we used to steal a pie off old Ms. Roundtree's windowsill. But, rather than a paddle to the keister, the RIAA will sue your keister.

Now, the funny thing is, I didn't even know I had connection to the Internet, let alone how to download a song by P-Doody, or whatever that wisecracking young man's name is. So, I had a talk with my grandkids (whom I've nicknamed Up To and No Good) after this little runabout with the law, because I have a sneaking suspicion that they might have something to do with this.

My computer now has a password function to keep mischievous whippersnappers from getting their old granddad thrown behind bars. This is a great thing, except now I'm having a hard time remembering the password.

Based on information in the passage, readers can most likely conclude that Grandpa Murphy is?

Answer: it is B.

can understand that it's easy to be mischievous when you're young.

Explanation: i got it right :)

purpose of showing his son how poor people live. they spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. on their


The boy's father tries to motivate his son to hustle in life to full fill his needs but he takes it another way and shows his father the real meaning of life through a poor family.

what did you get from the journey? ” queried the father.

The son replied, “ I spotted that we've one doggy and they owned four. We have a pool that reaches the midpoint of our arena, and they have got a streamlet that has no closure. We've signified lanterns in our arena, and they have the stars at nighttime.

Our yard reaches the frontal yard, and they have the entire midair. We have a slight portion of land to reside on, and they've land that comes along beyond our presence. We've slaves who slave us, but they slave others.

We purchase our meal, but they raise theirs. We've barriers around our property to cover us; they've mates to safeguard them. ”

The boy’s dad was silent.

To learn more about family refer to



what property does a plate have


should all countries provide free universal healthcare to all its citizens? Why or why not? Explain.provide a film review that explains your opinion about the documentary

The europeans promised to bring prosperity to africa. Do you think they had any real intention of improving the lives of african people?


No. The Europeans didn't have the real intention of improving the lives of African people. The Europeans' promises were a farce and purely based on some ulterior motives.

Who are Europeans?

First of all, a European is someone who was born in or currently resides in Europe. All Europeans, whether they are from Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, or any other nation in Europe.

A group inside Europe that is referred to as ethnically European is one that has a similar history, language, and lineage. The Italian people are one example of an ethnic group from Europe.

To read more about  Europeans, refer to - https://brainly.com/question/16973138


Is Thornton Wilder's manipulation of time and use of flashbacks in Our Town effective or ineffective?

please provide an answer of 300+ words, ty :)


Thornton Wilder's manipulation of time and use of flashbacks in Our Town is extraordinarily effective. In this play, the writer actions in time in approaches which are quite uncommon in different texts.

He makes use of flashbacks continuously a good way to allow us to understand extra approximately the beyond studies of the characters. This approach is effective, because it lets in us to get to understand the characters, in addition to the town, better.Although the play became written with the aid of using an American and set in America, it could efficaciously be translated into different languages and cultures. The play addresses the lives of not unusual place humans in a ordinary town. It talks approximately the common individual and the struggles and joys that make up his or her existence. Many of those studies are universal, because of this that that they could maximum probable be understood with the aid of using humans of different backgrounds.In Our Town, the manipulation of time via flashbacks is a effective device for evoking emotional responses. It makes us mourn the passing of the characters and enables us recognize existence withinside the present.

Thus the manipulation of time and use of flashbacks is effective in "In Our Town".

Refer here to learn more about In Our Town: https://brainly.com/question/12196371


Find the incorrect pronoun and type it correctly.





Company's is the name of the company, eevn if no name is offered

Candidates for the job will make a good impression if you are knowledgeable about the company's products and services. A given in the sentence is the incorrect pronoun (Company's) and the corrected it (company).

What is pronoun?

The term pronoun refers to the linguistic grammar. A pronoun is a small kind of words such as I, we, he, she, they, you, this, they, me, us, them, him, my, are, and mine etc. The pronoun is replaced to noun. There are types of pronoun such as possessive, relative, intensive, demonstrative, reflexive, personal, indefinite, and interrogative.

According to the given the sentence was the correct pronoun are the used "Candidates for the job will make a good impression if you are knowledgeable about the company products and services." The pronoun was the correct it "Company" not to the "Company's".

As a result, the significance of the pronoun is the aforementioned.

Learn more about on pronoun, here:



What is the thesis of “The Battle of Trenton,” and what is the best analysis of the evidence the author uses to support it?


The Battle of Trenton. Spain helped the Colonial navy in the course of the Yankee Revolution by means of constructing ships for American use. keeping the British navy occupied.

The battle of Trenton was a small however pivotal American innovative warfare conflict at the morning of December 26, 1776, in Trenton, New Jersey.

Despite the huge variety of Hessians that escaped Trenton, Washington still won a critical strategic and fabric victory. In simplest one hour of preventing, the Continental army captured nearly 9 hundred Hessian officers and squaddies as well as a huge supply of muskets, bayonets, swords, and cannons.

The victory at the first struggle of Trenton grew to become across the face of the conflict. After months of defeat and retreat for the yank military, this victory changed the morale of both the navy.

The Continental navy triumphed via crossing the icy Delaware River and attacking the enemy camp in Trenton, New Jersey. In October 1781, British widespread Charles Cornwallis surrendered in Yorktown, Virginia, sealing the defeat of the sector's most powerful kingdom.

Learn more about BattleTrenton here:-



Anna cares more about her sister's affection than she does about Arrendelle's safety. is this a strong or weak claim



this is a strong claim


since she cares about her sister means she loves her a lot

Select the letter of the correct answer.
Make sure that
your application
is completed
thoroughly and
Main Idea
Be sure that
the information.
you provide is
truthful and
Proofread your
spelling and
Based on the article, which best replaces the question mark in the diagram
A. Some applications ask for your specific skills, like typing speed.
B. Job applications ask for personal information, like name and
contact information.
C. There are many details you should keep in mind when completing
your job application.
D. You may be asked to list previous places of employment.



some application needs specific skill and speed of typing

Which detail from The American Crisis develops the key idea that people have a duty to act in the present to improve society for generations to come?

Question 6 options:

A."Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a separation must some time or other finally take place, and a generous parent should have said, 'If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace'…"

B."I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection."

C."It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil or the blessing will reach you all."

D."Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it."



Explanation:no thanks

What is the best description of realistic fiction?
texts that are written in first
person about a period in an author's life
• stories that are made up but might have happened in real life
O texts about real-life things or events that actually occurred
stories that may or may not be true, presented in comic-book format



stories that may or may not be true, presented in comic-book format


Realistic Fiction Defined: A genre of stories that are made up but could very well happen in real life.

The best description of realistic fiction is  a period in an author’s life stories that are made up but might have happened in real life. Thus, option A is correct.

What is Fiction?

Fiction can be regarded as creative work or narrative work that uses imaginary ways to express history or fact. Fiction might be an event that one imagine that could happen in real life.

George Orwell’s 1984 is a defining example of dystopian fiction in that it envisions a future where society is in decline, totalitarianism has created vast inequities, and innate weaknesses of human nature keep the characters in a state of conflict and unhappiness.

Unlike utopian novels, which hold hope for the perfectibility of man and the possibility of a just society, dystopian novels like 1984 imply that the human race will only get worse if man’s lust for power and capacity for cruelty go uncorrected.

Thus, option A is correct.

To know more about 1984 novel from the given link:



which is not something a producer don't do


The required details about a producer is mentioned in below paragraph.

What Performs a Producer?

A "producer credit" may refer to a specific product or may not mean anything at all. The title lacks the intrinsic descriptiveness of terms like "production designer" or "stunt coordinator" and is quite generic. It can serve as a type of catch-all for anyone hoping for a credit because they contributed in some way to the movie's production because it is more elastic.

Generally speaking, it is simpler to just state what they both do than to address what they do differently. There is actually (again, generally) very little overlap of responsibilities between the two occupations, unless the person in question is a Director-producer hyphenate.

Both could be involved in writing, choosing/hiring department heads, guiding the studio, and marketing for the theater.

to learn about producer from the link.



why is frances Perkins an important person to know about


Answer: She oversaw the department of labor. She went on to hold that position for 12 years. Longer than any other secretary. She was the first women to hold a cabinet position in the insured states. She became the first women to enter the presidential line of the succession.


Is there a sentence fragment?
In 2004, a team of archaeologists discovered a three-foot-tall skeleton, dubbed the
"Hobbit," in Indonesia. Even after ten years, experts still debate whether the skeleton
belonged to a modern human.



No there is no sentence fragment. The sentence is complete

Select the sentence where the modal verb indicates an indicative mood. if the sun were out, we could wash the dog. should you wash the dog today? they will wash the dog tomorrow. we want to wash the dog on tuesday.




the answer is should we watch the dogs. an indicative mood is when your asking a qustion for example what your name

3. In recent times street begging has become rampant along the major streets of your country Write a letter to the Minister of Social Welfare expressing your views about street begging its evil effects and what can be done about it. all it​


Street begging is described as the act of soliciting for for money, meals or different styles of favor with out an trade in a public area and in the road wherein humans often by skip by.

The required details for Street begging in given paragraph

Begging (additionally panhandling) is the exercise of imploring others to furnish a favor, regularly a present of cash, with very little expectation of reciprocation. A man or woman doing such is known as a beggar or panhandler. Beggars can also additionally function in public locations including shipping routes, city parks, and markets. Besides cash, they will additionally ask for food, drinks, cigarettes or different small items.

Internet begging is the current exercise of asking humans to offer cash to others through the Internet, as opposed to in man or woman. Internet begging can also additionally embody requests for assist assembly primary wishes including hospital therapy and shelter, in addition to requests for humans to pay for vacations, college trips, and different matters that the beggar desires however can't with no trouble afford.

To know about Street begging in given link



Does a comma go between "challenging" and "cumulative" in this sentence?
"The challenging cumulative test is worth 50% of our overall math grade this year."





because when you speak in real life you say this sentence with a pause in between challenging and cumulative.


You are a DJ hired to work a graduation party Saturday night at a house in the Wellington
Farms neighborhood. According to the policy shown, the music for the party will be:
A. considered a nuisance
B. considered exempt.
C. beginning before 10 p.m.
D. over by 11 p.m.
E. approved in advance by the HOA


As a DJ hired to work a graduation party Saturday night at a house in the Wellington Farms neighborhood, the music for the party will be considered as a nuisance.

What is a nuisance?

In tort law, a nuisance which is a public nuisance in this case mostly occurs when a person by his action or inaction causes inconvenience to the general public. This nuisance could be in the form of blocking the road, release of fumes from a factory, the making of loud noise etc.

In conclusion, in law, a public nuisance is generally a crime that is actionable only by the Attorney General. Therefore, the Option A is correct.

Read more about nuisance



reread "Mother to Son."
What qualities does the mother demonstrate through her words and
actions? Why does the mother need these qualities?


The Mother tries to help her son  to maintain his faith as well, which will help him persevere through   all the life's struggles.

The mother's voice in "Mother to Son" is quite  similar to the voice of the poet in "Dreams," who gives  advice and hope for any of his readers who have  losing faith.

What   message  is the mother is trying to convey to her son in Mother to Son?

In  'Mother to Son' written  by Langston Hughes uses the metaphor of a staircase to depict all  the difficulties and struggles  one will face in life. The poem have a mother's warning to her son about the stairs one is forced to climb throughout his  life.

What is the moral lesson of the poem Mother to Son?

“Mother to Son”  is a poem by Langston Hughes teaches a lesson to those people who easily  get scared of hardships in life. And, loose hopes to come up from their hardships. This poem explains  that if we have strong determination and courage then we can accomplish any task in this world no matter how rough is our way.

Learn more about Mother to son:



2. Using your responses from question 1, write an objective summary of "The Apple-Tree." Describe the characters, the setting, and the major events of the plot in a way that's easy to follow.


A charming tale called "The Apple Tree" is told from the viewpoint of a little child whose father learns that he has a rare and priceless apple tree growing in his orchard. The family anxiously awaits the first harvest of the wonderful and magical apples.

The setting is described before the story even starts. The scene was on a house where there are two orchards. The narrator describes the first orchard in the story The Apple Tree as follows: "One, which we dubbed the "wild" orchard, lay beyond the vegetable garden; it was planted with bitter cherries, damsons, and transparent yellow plums.

The other orchard is described as being "far away and hidden from the house, lay at the foot of a little hill and stretched right over to the edge of the paddocks - to the clumps of wattles bobbing yellow in the bright sun and the blue gums with their white blossoms." For some reason, it was cloudy; we never played there or even bothered to pick up the fallen fruit.

To learn more about The Apple Tree here:



Choose the correct definition for counterclaim.

a) a person's position in an argument

b) specific details from a source that support the argument and provide credibility

c) reasons or key ideas in an argument

d) the other side of the argument



The answer is D, the other side of the argument

The answer is d the other side of the argument.

This is the start of the story, before any of the action has begun.
a) Exposition c) Falling Action
b) Rising Action d) Resolution



The start of a story is A.) Exposition


An exposition is the beginning of a story which introduces the setting, characters, and occurs before the conflict. I hope this helps! ^-^

Which line from the passgae chicago fire accurately depicts the impact that chicago fire had the entire community


The line from the passage Chicago Fire that accurately depicts the impact that Chicago Fire had on the entire community is the line which states the statistics of lives that were lost and the properties destroyed.

The fire killed approximately 300 people, destroyed roughly 3.3 square miles (9 km2) of the city including over 17,000 structures, and left more than 100,000 residents homeless.

What is Chicago Fire?

The Great Chicago Fire was a conflagration that burned in the American city of Chicago between October 8–10, 1871. The fire broke out in a neighborhood southwest of the city center. An overtime of hot, dry, windy conditions, coupled with the wooden construction prevalent in the city, led to the conflagration.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above.

learn more about Chicago Fire: https://brainly.com/question/18489259


Digraphs are voiced combinations of two or three consonants.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



It is false to state that digraphs are voice combinations of two or three consonants, after all the prefix di- indicates the number two, not three; see below.

What is a digraph?

A digraph is a pair of letters used together to make one single sound. The word "digraph" is composed of the prefix di-, that means two, and "graph", that means "to write." Take a look at the examples below:

Neck - we have the digraph "ck" here, where two letters are used to make the sound "k".Trophy - we also have a digraph here when we use the two letters "ph" to make an "f" sound.

It is important to understand that we can have digraphs formed by vowels as well as consonants. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that the definition given in the prompt is false.

Learn more about digraphs here:



what was the author's *main* purpose for including this description of myra? to highlight her feelings about the gifts she received o to underscore the importance of using good manners o to show myra's displeasure in being the center of attention o to emphasize myra's ability to recognize the good in others



The author's main purpose for including this description of Myra and her brother is to emphasize the children’s isolation from the others. The correct answer between all the choices given is the third choice & to emphasize the children’s isolation from the others.

imagination is a catalyst for common good.do u agree or disagree


In the story 'The Open Window,' by H. H. Munro, imagination is not a catalyst for the common good.

There are numerous grounds to support this position. Vera's imagination and originality must be considered here.

To begin with, Vera's imagination caused more harm than good. Vera's account of Mrs. Sappleton's apparently deceased husband, siblings, and dog was awful enough for Frampton's sensitive sensibilities, but it got considerably worse when Mrs. Sappleton started talking about them. Frampton received the shock of his life when the three guys and the dog arrived home. His nervous system must have been wrecked by their presence. Vera dared to experiment with Frampton's medical issues.

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This American victory was bigger than Saratoga, what happened as a result that helped the Americans? 20 POINTS FOR THE CORRECT ANSWERPrompt: Introduce yourself to the class and propose some ground rules for discussions and resolving possible disagreements. Make sure your proposed rules are relevant and your responses build on the ideas of others.What are some ground rules you can think of for discussions?What are some ways to discuss topics with classmates while being polite, courteous, and respectful?What should the participants do if there is a disagreement?How can the participants make decisions together? Explain who do you believe was right during the homestead strike? Provide one piece of evidence to support your argument. Solve each equation by factoring. Then solve the quadratic formula. (Show all work) What was the most important export to come from africa through the triangular trade route?. The specific chloroplast structure that contains the photosynthetic pigments is the. Write the correct equation for the following statement.The quotient of x and seven is twelve according to the author of hebrews, jesus priestly duties were not performed in an earthly sanctuary, a mere copy of the heavenly, but in the heavenly sanctuary itself. (03.06 MC) Which of these is an example of the broad economic goal of growth? what does the quartering act state? responses british soldiers would be allowed to build homes in america british soldiers would be allowed to build homes in america the colonists must give a quarter of their money to pay for british soldiers the colonists must give a quarter of their money to pay for british soldiers british forts would be built in american towns british forts would be built in american towns the colonists must provide living quarters for british soldiers 11. A researcher in a personal submarine begins at the surface of the ocean.The submarine descends 20.6 meters and then ascends 57 meters. Whatis the depth of the personal submarine?A-26.3 meters14.9 metersB-14.9 meters26.3 meters I need help with finding the coordinates of B, I found A but I can't seem to get the right answer for B. What is the value of x? Which of Thurstone's primary mental abilities involves being able to determine examples from general rules?Question 15 options:Perceptual abilityInductive-reasoning abilityVisual-spatial abilityDeductive-reasoning ability __________ _________ compare alternatives using branching technque based on known quantitative data, explicit knowledge and object facts to make a decision. Have the discoveries of the extrasolar planetary systems confirmed the nebular hypothesis predictions? Tamarisk Corporation is considering purchasing a new delivery truck. The truck has many advantages over the company's current truck (not the least of which is that it runs). The new truck would cost $56,619. Because of the increased capacity, reduced maintenance costs, and increased fuel economy, the new truck is expected to generate cost savings of $8,100. At the end of eight years, the company will sell the truck for an estimated $28,500. Traditionally, the company has used a general rule that it should not accept a proposal unless it has a payback period that is less than 50% of the asset's estimated useful life. Thomas Anderson, a new manager, has suggested that the company should not rely only on the payback approach but should also use the net present value method when evaluating new projects. The company's cost of capital is 8%. Examining 9-10, explain where the cropland produced goes: Find the slope:(-3, 3) and (7, 6) Which relations are functions? Select all that apply.