athena tells Penelope that odysseus is alive. true. false


Answer 1
Athena tells Penelope that Odysseus is alive. False
Answer 2


The correct answer is option b. "False"

In the mythic poem "Odyssey" by Homer, Odysseus takes a long journey to reunite with her wife, Penelope. Penelope did not known that Odysseus was alive, and even though Athena knew this information, she did not tell Penelope about it. The reason behind Athena's decision is not clear, it is believed that it was not Athena's scope to help Penelope as a Godess or just the author decided to add tension to the story by letting Penelope not knowing about Odysseus being alive


hope this helps

Related Questions

What is included at the end of a fictional narrative?



Character change


1. Zapisz czasowniki w nawiasach w poprawnej formie czasu Past Simple: (10p.) a) She .......................... (go) on holiday last night. b) We ……………………………(travel) by plane to Italy. c) They ……………………….. (not stay) at the hotel last night. d) …………………you …………………..(buy) some souvenirs for friends? e) I ………………….(make ) friends with a lot of children. f) …….He ……………………… (enjoy) his holiday very much? g) Mary and Tom ………………………………(visit) his aunt last weekend. h) She …………………………(not want ) to go back home. i) They …………………………….(invite) their aunt for holidays. j) Sue ……………………………(write) an email yesterday.



Past Simple

a) She .......................... (go) on holiday last night. went

b) We ……………………………(travel) by plane to Italy. travelled

c) They ……………………….. (not stay) at the hotel last night. didn't stay

d) …………………you …………………..(buy) some souvenirs for friends?

e) I ………………….(make ) friends with a lot of children. made

f) …….He ……………………… (enjoy) his holiday very much? enjoyed

g) Mary and Tom ………………………………(visit) his aunt last weekend. visited

h) She …………………………(not want ) to go back home. didn't want

i) They …………………………….(invite) their aunt for holidays. invited

j) Sue ……………………………(write) an email yesterday. wrote


The simple past tense of the English Language describes a completed action in the past.  It is the basic form of the past tense in English. Using the simple past tense, the action duration is not emphasized.  It simply indicates an action that has already taken place.  It can be contrasted with the past continuous tense, which shows the duration of the action.

Put summary of “Letter from Birmingham Jail”




Dr. King was arrested and sent to jail for protesting segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. After reading an open letter from eight white clergymen in the local newspaper criticizing him and his fellow activists, MLK decided he might as well write back to let them know what was on his mind. Enter: letter to the editor.

Turns out he had a lot on his mind, and that he hadn't just shown up to the protest to get out of preaching to his congregation for a few days. He had a philosophy and a plan and everything.

Dr. King used the opportunity to bring everybody up to speed about the protests in Birmingham, what they were about (horrible systemic racism), why the protestors were civilly disobeying (racist) laws and ordinances, why the protestors had truth and justice (and Jesus/America) on their side, and how Dr. King was disappointed with clergymen in the South and so-called white moderates who supposedly believed in his cause but didn't like the "tension" and unrest caused by the protests.

help me plz with the question​





Check w google, I learned this in 8th gr

the first one i think

Which statement best describes the purpose of the passage?

The Beginner's American History

by D. H. Montgomery (adapted excerpt)

The King's Order

In 1763, the war with the French ended with the English gaining possession of the whole of America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. This part of America was ruled by George the Third, King of England, who was now determined to send over more guards but wanted the people in the 13 colonies in America to pay the cost of keeping these guards. However, people were not willing to do this because they felt that they were able to protect themselves without help of any kind. Then the king said, "If the Americans will not give the money, I will take it from them—for pay it they must and shall." This was more than the king would have dared say about England; for there, if he wanted money to spend, he had to ask the people for it, and they could give it or not as they thought best. The Americans said, "We have the same rights as our brothers in England, and the king cannot force us to give a single copper against our will. If he tries to take it from us, we will fight."

The "Boston Tea Party"

However, George the Third did not really know the Americans, and he did not think that they meant what they said. He tried to make them pay the money, but they would not, and from Maine to Georgia, all the people were of one mind. Then the king thought of an alternate plan and arranged for shiploads of tea to be sent over to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Charleston. He ordered, "If the tea should be landed and sold, then every man who bought a pound of it would have to pay six cents more than the regular price." That six cents was a tax, which the people refused to pay. When the tea reached New York, the citizens sent it back again to England. They did the same thing at Philadelphia. At Charleston, they let it be landed, but it was stored in damp cellars. People would not buy any of it anymore, so it all rotted and spoiled. In Boston, they had a grand "tea party." A number of men dressed themselves up like Native Americans, went on board the tea ships at night, broke open all the chests, and emptied the tea into the harbor.



to explain why the American colonists launched a protest against King George the Third


PLATO answer:)

The purpose of this passage is to describe how American colonists disagreed with the British government (under King George III) imposing taxes on them and therefore, protested against the King by dumping tea which was imported by the British government into the harbour. This political protest is referred to as The Boston Tea Party protest and it occurred on December 16, 1773.

Which war is the passage referring to? The text mentions the concluding year of the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763), which is known in America as the “French and Indian War.”The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended this war. France gave up all of its territory in mainland North America as part of the treaty, thereby removing any foreign military danger to the British colonies there.In 1763, the British under King George III gained possession of the whole of America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River.

Why did The Boston Tea Party happen?Since Britain was deep in debt after the Seven Years’ War ended, British Parliament imposed a series of taxes on American colonists to help pay those debts.The text depicts how Americans showed Great Britain that they wouldn’t take taxation and tyranny. Frustrated and enraged by Britain's taxation American colonists dumped 342 chests of tea brought by the British Company into the harbour. This incident was the colonists' first significant act of rebellion against British rule.

Learn more about the American revolution from-


watch out for hihisusume that will answer your question and not actually give an answer that are only doing it so they can get the points



Alright thank you so much for informing us ♡ Glued


Thanks for letting us know:)  





End punctuation.



End Punctuation


I believe this is end punctuation (I may be wrong)

Because it is punctuation at the end of a sentence that, clearly, states that the sentence has ended.

When Jack is on the trail, he sees some pig poop. The narrator says that Jack "bent down to [it] as though he loved [it]" (111). That's kind of gross. What do you make of it? Can you think of any way in which pig poop, hunting for it, and being fascinated by it might be symbolic, or at least a clue as to what Jack is really all about?


Answer and Explanation:

1. I agree that this is disgusting, but it is an important element for large hunters, as feces can indicate whether the animal is far or close, making it easier for an experienced hunter, like Jack, to find his prey more easily.

2. Pig poop, hunting and fascination can be symbolic and represent an obsession with something. This obsession is capable of provoking strange and not at all admirable behaviors like Jack's behavior of appreciating pig feces as if he loves them.

what are some of the solutions to creating a more diverse and accepting environment for members of the LGBT community?



Being kinder to everyone dispite their background, and by not holding grudges

Explanation:  IDK i just know it

Just Living Our Lives

Explanation: All we need to do is respect others and try not to make a small difference larger than it needs to be. Gay people and trans people don't surround their lives completely with being gay or trans. So cishet people don't need to act like it is. All we need to do is respect each other and our pronouns.

Select all that apply.

The second and third levels of importance represented in Figure 2 are: _____.

Paragraph headings
Chapter subsections


title and paragraph headings .

A young boy travels through the woods alone to find an
ancient treasure. Along the way, he battles different
creatures who tempt him. A forest nymph delights his
nose with a meal of delectable fruits. A motherly fairy
entices him to rest in a cozy bed. Finally, a sly fox promises
to warm him with a coat made of fine fur. The boy denies
each creature's gift and continues to seek the treasure
until he finds it and returns home.
What negative cultural value does the fox most likely represent?
O A. Materialism
OB. Wastefulness
O C. Enemy hospitality
O D. Old age


A. Materialism

I think this is the answer


A. Materialism


Straight out of the dictionary:

"Materialism is the attitude of someone who attached a lot of importance to money and wants to possess a lot of material things ."

Due to inference of a fur coat being expensive, this fits pretty well if the word "materialism" itself was an object. The fox offers the boy something of luxury and riches, which he denied. Materialism fits great with the fur coat since we normally think of money when we see it, perhaps.

The fur coats represents wealth, aka materialism.

(Sorry if this does not me sense lol, its 2:00 AM for me pfftt)

((excuse any typos, sorry!)

Reasons why its not:

B. Wastfulness- the coat would be put to use if the accepted it, so its not wasteful.

C. Enemy Hospitality- nothing in the excerpt says the fox did anything hostile to the boy. thus making an enemy. Only that the fox was sly. The only thing the fox did was offer him a coat.

D. Old age- Fur coats in movies maybe shown worn on older. and elder people of high class ( more reason for why its A!), but it doesn't not mean that fur coats represent old age in general. Fur coats are for anyone. really. How would it show old age??


which one?make sure to explain why





In the passage she says some keys works like loves and indulge (allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.) and that gives it away also she gives the grandchildren things that they never could have before like greasy foods and sodas.

Can someone help me? These are the vocabulary terms, “Exodus, Israelite, Tradition, Torah, Israel, Judaism, Jerusalem, Sleeping beauty’s castle, Mary poppins, Slavery and tradition.”



1. Torah

2. Israelites

3. Judaism

4. Tradition

5. Exodus

Why do these things always happen to me?, Brad wondered. First I forget an important meeting, and nobody reminds me until it's over. Then my boss dumps a big project on my desk and wants it done by yesterday. And to top everything off, I leave my wallet on the bus.


I've looked this question up, and it is about finding the tone of the passage. It is incomplete here, missing the options. They are the following:

1. comic - amusing you and making you want to laugh

2. optimistic - believing that good things will happen in the future

3. self-pitying - the feeling of being sad and depressed because you think that something unfair or unpleasant has happened to you - used to show disapproval.


The correct tone for the passage is:

3. self-pitying - the feeling of being sad and depressed because you think that something unfair or unpleasant has happened to you - used to show disapproval.


The tone is an attitude the author takes toward his or her subject, characters, and readers. It conveys emotions or sensations - happy, dreamy, melancholy etc.

In the passage we are analyzing here, the tone is one of self-pity. The speaker feels sorry for himself, for the bad and unjust things that have taken place. He is basically complaining throughout the passage, and the question "Why do these things always happen to me?" shows he sees himself as a victim.

The correct tone for the passage is:

3. Self-pitying


The correct tone for the passage is Self-pitying.

The feeling of being pitiful and discouraged since you think that something unjustifiable or unsavory has happened to you - utilized to appear disapproval.

It passes on feelings or sensations the upbeat, marvelous, despairing etc.

Learn more about "collocation":

The Question is incomplete the followings are :

1. Comic

2. Optimistic

3. Self-pitying

Hey, all I need is a 4-5 sentence paragraph about "should college education be free?". That's all, thank you so much if you end up doing this!



These days college education is very common. Many use their education to find a well-paying job. Although many go, many others can't afford the tuition. People should not be denied the opportunity of college just because they don't have to money. We should make college education free so everyone can experience it.  

What is one social issue that you think Americans should be conscious of? Explain why







Everything Trump says.


Because he lies, and acts like a child about everything. He is ruining the country and bringing down our reputation even further.

Our town’s Shade Tree Commission is responsible for the care and maintenance of trees growing on town property, including parks and recreational areas. The Commission also supposedly reviews and approves plantings around new construction and oversees tree removal at building sites. Something is going wrong, though. The trees are disappearing. Our town, once characterized by beautiful greenery, is beginning to look like a wasteland—all for the sake of commerce.
A new shopping area was just built on a wooded lot. The shade trees on the town’s right-of-way should have been preserved. Instead, all 57 trees on the lot were taken down. The Shade Tree Commission demanded that the developer be fined and new trees be planted along the right-of-way. But perhaps the Commission should have paid attention in the first place! Our town is known for its tree-lined streets and park-like properties. Should we sit idly by while commerce is allowed to blight the landscape?

1. What is the writer’s claim in this argument?

2. What is one piece of evidence supporting the writer’s claim?



1) The writer's claim is that there's an issue with trees being taken down so that new buildings can be built in the lots there were once in.

2) "Our town, once characterized by beautiful greenery, is beginning to look like a wasteland--all for the sake of commerce."


1) The whole passage is the writer talking about the trees being taken down.

2) The evidence shows how the writer feels about the trees being taken down and how it's an issue.

Throughout the entire piece, the author emphasizes the trees being felled. The evidence reveals the author's thoughts on the destruction of the trees and why it is an issue.

What commerce is allowed to blight the landscape?

When something poses significant challenges and harms or degrades other things, it is referred to be a blight. A horrible stain on America has been this discriminating policy.

The writer focuses on the trees being cut down throughout the entire section.The proof demonstrates how the author feels about the removal of the trees and why it's a problem.

Therefore, 1) The writer asserts that there is an issue with trees being cut down to make room for new structures on the properties where they previously stood. 2) “For the sake of trade, our town, previously distinguished by magnificent flora, is beginning to seem like a wasteland.”

Learn more about landscape here:





In the short story “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the narrator carries the plot forward. All the events in the plot are either of his own doing or the result of his actions. At the start of the story, in the exposition, both the narrator and the old man are introduced to the reader through what the narrator says. The story starts with the narrator, who claims to be nervous. He then contradicts himself by “calmly” telling his story. There are several such contradictions throughout the story. The narrator claims he is not insane, but his speech and actions indicate otherwise. He claims to have loved the old man and to have been kind to him, but he murders him. His irrational fear of the old man’s “Evil Eye” is what sets the events of the story in motion. He fears and loathes the evil eye, so he decides to get rid of it. In the climax, he kills the old man. After killing the old man, the narrator dismembers him, apparently to separate the identity of the old man from his eye. Later, in the falling action, the narrator feels guilty about killing the old man. His guilt causes him to mistake his own thumping heart for the old man’s beating heart. He gives himself up to the police, providing the denouement. Thus, across all the parts of the plot, the narrator affects the story because he drives the action.


brainly plz


How long should the answer paragraph be?


That’s the question and the paragrapha



Lol is that a drive through

Write a summary of "At the Crossroads." A summary is a concise, complete, and accurate overview of a text



A man was homeless and he gave more than who gave him and he lose 55 pounds and walked many miles on the street and never gave up while walking and he ate food out of a dump or (trashs or garbage-can.) He set a goal for his live on the street and he kept on til he mastered the goal. And he experience this being homeless and he got over it.  


In April of 2012, 25-year-old Nick Kleckner was working as 1 an electrician and cabdriver in northern California. And then, suddenly, he found himself at a crossroads. He left it all—his job, his family, his friends—and bought a one-way plane ticket to Jacksonville, Florida. He had a bold plan in mind. He was going to walk to California with virtually nothing on his back. He hoped the journey would change his life, but he had no idea how! Nick, who was not exactly prepared, had nothing in the way of survival skills, so he planned to survive on the goodness of the people he met on the road. Using the handle "Hobo Nick," Nick began his journey on April 5, leaving Jacksonville with a backpack, a sleeping bag, and a travel kit. He also had an iPod and the ability to receive Internet service. Throughout the journey, he would document his experience in minute detail and send daily updates to his mother, who'd post them on his blog. The question is: Why? What would make someone take off like that? Nick had a comfortable life. He had a good income, a house, a new car, and a new motorcycle. He was moving forward with his life. By society's standards he should have been happy—but he wasn't. Nick was in a rut. His life felt repetitive and boring. It lacked a higher purpose. He felt he wasn't growing as a person. He had "things" but didn't appreciate them. "It got to the point where I couldn't deal with everything anymore," Nick said later. "I felt a lot of pressure, stress, and anxiety and decided to get out." As Hobo Nick, he trekked across miles of scorched desert and endured nights of pounding rain. In the towns and cities, he SCAN FOR MULTIMEDIA

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What can cause a sudden change in someone's life? slept on the street, where he knew that there were people to help him out. Even with help, it was a hard journey. Nick would sometimes7 go days without food, or search dumpsters for things to eat. But whenever he felt that he had more than he needed, he decided to "pay it forward" by giving to other folks he encountered on his way. Paying it forward was one of Nick's goals on his journey—giving more than he received. If he was offered money or a gift card he didn't need, he gave it away to people who did. He was surprised at people's generosity along the way. There was a time in Mississippi when the cars actually pulled over to the side of the road to check on him and give him money. The experience taught him a valuable lesson: if you share what you have, and help others as much as possible, you will never be stranded. In his blog, Nick chronicled the important changes brought8 about by his selfless lifestyle and rejection of material things. He has learned to live in the moment and to be thankful for everything he has. On September 29, after an epic 2,500-mile walk across the9 North American continent, Nick managed to make it all the way to Huntington Beach, California. More than a hundred family members, friends and well-wishers were waiting for him. During the six months of his journey, he destroyed five pairs of shoes and lost about 55 pounds. In the future, Nick plans to do another cross-country trip. "The10 point is always to give more than you take," he says, adding that "the biggest takeaway from this experience is to have realized that mankind is better than I ever dreamed."

The story begins with a man who was homeless and he gave more than who gave him and he lose 55 pounds and walked many miles on the street and never gave up while walking and he ate food out of a dump.

What is the summary of "At the Crossroads."?

In April of 2012, 25-year-old Nick Kleckner was working as 1 an electrician and cabdriver in northern California. And then, suddenly, he found himself at a crossroads.He left it all—his job, his family, his friends—and bought a one-way plane ticket to Jacksonville, Florida. He had a bold plan in mind.

He was going to walk to California with virtually nothing on his back. He hoped the journey would change his life, but he had no idea how! Nick, who was not exactly prepared, had nothing in the way of survival skills, so he planned to survive on the goodness of the people he met on the road.

Using the handle "Hobo Nick," Nick began his journey on April 5, leaving Jacksonville with a backpack, a sleeping bag, and a travel kit. He also had an iPod and the ability to receive Internet service. Throughout the journey, he would document his experience in minute detail and send daily updates to his mother, who'd post them on his blog.

Learn more about Summary, refer to the link:


Read the paragraph.

Both a body board and surfboard are used to ride waves at the beach. A body board is a soft, foam board that a rider lies on to catch a wave. In contrast, a surfboard is made of hard fiberglass, and the rider can stand up on it. Body boards are usually shorter and wider than surfboards. They are also easier to use.

Which concluding sentence best ties the ideas together and supports the paragraph’s compare-and-contrast text structure?

Some people do not use a board at all when they ride waves at the beach.
Waves have different strengths and sizes depending on the weather.
Two types of boards used to ride waves are the body board and the surfboard.
However, once the basics are learned, both are fun ways to enjoy the ocean.



The last answer





The main differece between a transitive and intransitive action verb is a. Whether or not a reciever is named in a sentence B.Whether or not the verb takes a subject in the sentence C.Whether or not an action is being performed



A. Whether or not a receiver is named in a sentence.


A transitive verb or action is one where the action is received by a direct or indirect object. That means the sentence must have a direct or indirect object for the verb to be called a transitive verb.

On the other hand, an intransitive verb/ action is where there is no specified object to receive the action.

Therefore, the main difference between a transitive and an intransitive action verb is whether or not there is a receiver present or named in the sentence.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Which of the following statements best expresses the central idea of “The Raven”?
Question 23 options:


The raven will never leave the chamber.


The poet will grieve Lenore’s death forever.


The poet will never sleep again.


A talking raven is a symbol of madness.


Your answer is either d or b


the answer is B


why is the gps important in 5 sentences


The GPS can help you drive to a forging location. It could aslo save you time from having to stop and ask someone for the way.

Brainlist and lots of pointsssss

Andrew Brown's print shop smelled of ink and grease and the sweat of muscular apprentices carrying trays of lead type from the composing table to the printing press. When I was a child, Mr. Brown let me pick out letters and set them in the form. It had been a thrill seeing my words in print.

The printer issued no invitation to me that morning. He was deep in conversation with Mr. Carris as we entered.

Readers understand Andrew Brown's feelings based on his

direct statements
unusual actions.
work habits.
attitude toward others.



Direct Statements.


Hope this helps!

The Andrew Brown's feelings based on his is :

A) Direct statements.

Andrew Brown's

The Andrew Brown's feelings based on his is that direct statements.

Direct speech repeats, or cites, the precise words talked.

When we utilize coordinate discourse in composing, we put the words talked between citation marks (" ") and there's no alter in these words.

Thus, the correct answer is A.

Learn more about "Andrew Brown's ":

pleaasseeeee help me its due soon and i have bad grades



B: bc when analyzing an argumentative paper u must look at who the intended audience is as well as what the author's purpose

total english nerd :)

Middle School Language Arts (/th Grade) sem 1 sec 1 / Module 1. Which of the following statements about narratives is true? (5 points) A narrative describes events in sequence. O A narrative has characters and setting but no conflict. O A narrative is a fictional account of something that has happened. O A narrative must be presented in written form.​



A narrative is a fictional account of something that has happened.


Fish.—Fish Caught in Muddy Streams.—Kill your Fish as Soon as Caught.—Fish Grubs.—Fish Fried, Planked, Skewered, and Boiled.—Fish Sauce, Fish Roe, Shell-Fish.

Cam3809 avatar
Fish should naturally have a prominent place in the canoeist's larder. Few streams that he will navigate are entirely destitute of edible fish, and a few minutes spent in angling will amply repay the cruiser. .

After the chapter lll number, the author lists six subcategories. Which of these six subcategories are represented in the two paragraphs that follow?
Fish caught out of muddy streams have an unpleasant taste, and their flavor can be improved by soaking them half an hour or more in strong salted water. Fish should be killed as soon as caught by a sharp rap on the back just aft of the head with a stick or the handle of your big knife, not only in justice to the fish, but because he tastes better, for the same reason that a butchered steer is preferable to one smothered to death.


Answer: When fish have naturally high levels of the amino acid histidine, bacteria turn that amino acid into histamine when it's not properly stored. People become sick when the fish contains high levels of histamine.


The sled dogs funny as they rolled in the new snow.
How should this sentence change?


the sled dogs were funny as they rolled in the new snow

Cameras flashed, bright lights stung my eyes, and reporters asked lots of questions for the next half hour. Many of the reporters asked the attorneys what they planned to do to get rid of the troops. And questions were directed to Elizabeth. She seemed shy about answering, but with Mrs. Bates's help, she forced herself to say a few words. Eventually, however, questions were directed to all of us. My heart raced with fear and anticipation as I observed the process. I was almost hypnotized by the wonder of it all. What is the author's purpose for including these details? to describe her personal recollections to readers to entertain readers with a humorous story to explain the injustice of segregation to readers to persuade readers of the importance of youth activism


Answer: Option A on edg 2020


Just took the test

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