Is Technology Hurting Us?
(1) Technology makes our lives easier in so many ways,
but these advantages come with some serious
disadvantages because some technology may be hurting
us. (2) My dad works in the technology industry with
computers and has always had the latest and greatest
gadgets, and I don't really want for anything, except a
smartphone. (3) Even though all my friends have one, my
parents maintain that the technology in a smartphone
carries too much responsibility for a 15-year-old. (4)
Consequently, I have a basic cell phone; I can only make
calls and text my friends. (5) My school allows the use of
phones during lunch only. (6) Sometimes, I feel like I've
fallen way behind the times not being able to instantly look
up the latest news on my favorite singer. (7) However,
instead of spending lunchtime bent over a tiny tablet with
my thumbs wiggling themselves into early on-set arthritis,
I'm engaged in conversation with my friends. (8) True, they
may be bent over a smartphone, but they eventually have
to come up for air to report their findings to me. (9) If I'm
clever, I can engage their attention with appropriately
poised questions that encourage interaction, friendly
debate, or deep thinking. (10) While classmates around me
may be losing or never developing the important skill of
communicating, I am honing my verbal abilities. (11) For
young people, who are still developing socially,
emotionally, intellectually, and physically, this technology
may be hurting them.

What is the best closing for the passage?
O A. Young people need to develop more important skills than being able to text at 60 word
Smartphone technology is nice, but it should not rob us of interacting with people face
keeping our bodies structurally sound.
OB. There is just too much unknown about the consequences of long-term use with these
From carpal tunnel syndrome to more serious health problems, we could be embarkin
smartphone plague that rivals the flu epidemic of the early twentieth century. Therefor
should have limited access to smartphones until we know more about the consequen
OC. While the technology at our fingertips is amazing, the consequences from long-term
devices may be too much to justify their benefit. Limiting teenage access to smartpho
is a wise and advantageous idea.
OD. In addition to physical problems that result from constant texting and scrolling, some
believe that serious health problems may result from the phone's radio waves. Beca
too many unknowns regarding smartphone technology and teenagers, we should lin
access to these devices until more conclusive studies have been done.


Answer 1

A conclusion is the final element of something, its outcome or ending.

Conclusion of Technology essay

Virtually every aspect of human life has been touched by technology. We've undergone social, emotional, and bodily changes as a result. advanced information and communication technologies, the internet. Our lives have become more comfortable and easy because to rapid advancements in housing, healthcare, and education, but our reliance on technology has reached a perilous level. It's past time that we woke up, understood that technology is a useful servant but a hazardous master, and used it only as a tool to help us.

How to write a good conclusion paragraph ?

  1: Restate the main idea

2: Go around again

3: Remind readers of the importance of the topic.

4: Deliver a motivational speech

5: Interact with and reassure your audience.

To learn more about Technology refer:


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Which line uses all trochees?
A. Simple problems, simple feelings
B. To each of you i sing this song
C. Toy store sausages swung by
D. Recently, Faculty trusted me


We can actually deduce here that the line that uses all trochees is: C. Toy store sausages swung by.

What is trochee?

In an English poem, a trochee refers to the metrical foot that actually consist of a stressed syllable. The stressed syllable is usually followed by an unstressed syllable.

In a poem, a trochee can be seen as a word which consists of two syllables or two words. In some cases, the first word could be stressed while the second wouldn't

Thus, we see here that option C gives us the correct answer of the line that all uses trochees.

Learn more about trochees on


about how many people were forced into each car during the Holocaust?


Approximately 100 people per car were forced during the Holocaust. Boxcars were routinely loaded to 200% of capacity.

The Holocaust was an evolving process that happened throughout Europe between 1933 and 1945. While the Holocaust ended with the war, the legacy of terror and genocide didn't . By the top of World War II, six million Jews and many others were dead. Third Reich and its allies and collaborators had devastated or completely destroyed thousands of Jewish communities across Europe.

In the aftermath of the Holocaust, those Jews who survived were often confronted with the traumatic reality of getting lost their entire families and communities. Some were ready to go home and chose to rebuild their lives in Europe. Many others were afraid to try to to so because of postwar violence and antisemitism. Within the immediate postwar period, those that could not or would not return home often found themselves living in displaced persons camps. There, many had to attend years before they were able to immigrate to new homes.

To learn furthermore about Nazis at


write a sentence for "the sun"



Icarus flew too close to the sun.

The sun was beautiful today.

Consider these lines from "Vigil Strange I Kept One Night" by Whitman.
Vigil strange I kept on the field one night;
When you my son and my comrade dropt at my side that day,
One look I but gave which your dear eyes return'd with a look I shall never forget,
One touch of your hand to mine O boy, reach'd up as you lay on the ground,
Then onward I sped in the battle, the even-contested battle,
Why does the speaker of the poem refer to the word 'son' in the second line?

Answers in photo


The speaker refers to his comrade as my son to establish patronizing authority over the younger boy.

What does vigil mean in Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night?

The speaker also describes the vigil as one of love and death. In this case, the latter did not put out the former. I faithfully loved and cared for you while you were alive, and I believe we will meet again.

"Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night," written by Walt Whitman in response to the death of a Union soldier during the American Civil War, is a dramatic monologue. The poem depicts the bond between two soldiers during and immediately following one of their deaths in battle.

Therefore, the speaker refers to his comrade as his son as the age difference is significant.

Learn more about "Vigil Strange I Kept One Night" from the given link.



The speaker refers to his comrade as "my son" to establish the strong bond between them. The shared look and the physical contact between the two men reinforce their closeness.


I took the quiz


which line is an example of a trochaic tetrameter?


The line which is an example of a trochaic tetrameter is the one given in option B - " Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater."

What is a trochaic tetrameter?

Trochaic tetrameter is a poem line of around eight syllables that follows the rhythm stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, etc.

We can quickly identify that Option B is the right answer based on the syllable count for each of the response selections.

Trochaic tetrameter is a poetic meter. It refers to a four-trochaic foot line. Trochaic derives from the Greek term trokhaios, which is derived from the verb trecho, which meaning "I run."

Since the first rhyme, the tetraphonic poem has two syllables per foot, and four feet per line is an eight-syllable line in this type of poem. An iamb has an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, while a trochee has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable.

Learn more about  trochaic tetrameter:

Full Question:

See the attached Image

O, When she's angry, she is keen and shrewd! She was a vixen when she went to school; And though she be but little, she is fierce

How does the authors choice of words in this passage from act 2 scene 3 affect the mood of the scene? use at lease two words or phrases to illustrate your answer


'Though she be but small, she is ferocious,' says Helena in Act 3, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, referring to her companion Hermia.

Although Helena is referring to her companion by name, she recognizes her feminine power and drive and admits, "Though she be but small, she is strong." Demetrius and Helena are finally reunited, and Hermia is pardoned and permitted to marry Lysander.Hermia is a fiery young girl who knows exactly what she wants and will go to any length to have it. She is even willing to leave up her family and way of life in order to marry Lysander, agreeing to go into the wilderness with him. However, she remains a lady and assures that nothing inappropriate occurs between them.

This is how the words affect the mood of the scene.

Refer here to learn more about Helena:


If you decided to sequence the story as it occurred in real life, what would be the effect(s) of using past tense for the beginning and middle but switching to present tense for the ending? Check the two boxes that apply.

The events of the story would seem like they were taking place in the present.

The events of the story would seem to lead up to the current day.

The shift in tense would clearly separate the two time periods for the reader.

All of the events of the story would seem like they had taken place in the past.


Effect(s) of using past tense for the beginning and middle but switching to present tense for the ending is:

The events of the story would seem to lead up to the current day.

The shift in tense would clearly separate the two time periods for the reader.

When creating a story, the tense is crucial because it aids with event sequencing. It's because the events in the story have led up to the present that the writer has chosen to use a simple past at the beginning and middle before switching to a simple present. The reader can easily distinguish between the present and previous halves of the novel.

In communication, both verbal and written, tenses are used to specify the moment at which something occurred. The sender's message could be misunderstood and confused if the tenses are used incorrectly.

The same effect of having the reader feel as though they are experiencing the action of the story as it is happening in real time can be achieved by writing in the present tense while writing prose fiction. Compared to a single character telling the story in the past tense, this makes the reader feel more involved in the narrative.

You may control time in a story by using the past tense to reveal and hide events. Fiction written in the past tense produces a subtler form of tension were, while knowing the result of the tale, we still want to know how and why we got there. This suits characters that are more intellectual and contemplative.

Learn more about Tense in the story here:



B: The events of the story would seem to lead up to the current day.

C: The shift in tense would clearly separate the two time periods for the reader.


Adapt the speech you delivered in Lesson 2 to an audience of professionals, teachers, and parents. The audience expects a more formal delivery. Your listeners also expect you to use media such as images and audio to make your speech more convincing and easier to understand.


If you want to adapt a speech from an informal or semi-formal one to a formal speech, some necessary things are needed and they are mentioned down below:

You need to use formal languageYou need to make use of images, charts, graphs and media in order to convince your audience.You need to consider the audience before preparing for your speech, etc.

What is a Speech?

This refers to the formal talk that is done or given by a person to a group of persons or people in order to inform them about something, persuade them about a viewpoint or simply entertain them in a humorous manner.

Hence, it can be seen that when making a switch from an informal or semi-formal one to a formal speech, you would need to make the necessary adaptations as mentioned above.

With this in mind, the clear and obvious thing that can be seen that use of formal language is necessary.

Read more about speeches here:


17. This question is based on the following paragraph. The sentences are numbered to help you answer the question.
(1) Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot, semiliquid mantle. (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. (3) They can move because Earth's mantle is a very hot and
semilliquid fuld called magma (4) Volcanoes are a result of magma rising up or erupting through a plate, particularly where plate boundaries are moving against each other. (5) Also, when plates slide against each other, causing
friction along adjacent plate boundaries, earthquakes frequently occur. (6) Therefore, we often find volcanoes and earthquakes along plate boundaries. (7) Plates may also collide. (8) When that happens, mountain ranges are formed.
(9) For example, the collision of the plate carrying the Indian subcontinent created the Himalayan Mountains when it collided with the Asian plate
Which statement about this paragraph is accurate?
OA. There is an implied topic-the moving plates in Earth's crust have many effects
OB. There are no supporting details for the main idea
OC. The topic sentence is the found in the last line
OD. The author uses comparison and contrast to organize ideas





The statements imply a process that occurs after the motions indicated occur

Linking cause and effect Read the sentences. Link each pair of sentences using a suitable cause and effect phrase. Use a different phrase each time.
The first one is done for you.
1. It rains hard. The roads flood.
If it rains hard, then the roads flood.
Before the roads flood, it rains hard.

2. The thunderstorm struck. There was no power.
3. Mary heard about the hurricane warning in her area. She looked for a safe place.
4. The weather was bad. She had to stay inside.
5. They saw lightning in the sky. The soccer team stopped playing.


The suitable cause and effect phrases have been used for the sentences as follows:

1. If a thunderstorm strikes, then there is no power.

2. After Mary heard about the hurricane warning in her area, she looked for a safe place.

3. Because the weather was bad, she had to stay inside.

4. When they saw lightning in the sky, the soccer team stopped playing.

What is a cause-and-effect phrase?

A cause-and-effect phrase is a group of words that show the relationship between something and the resultant effect of that thing. In many of the sentences, we can see that one event often leads to another.

For instance, when a thunderstorm strikes, the resultant effect is that there is a loss of power. Another example is that the lady or girl had to stay inside because the weather was bad. Two events are often interconnected in these cases.

Learn more about cause and effect phrases here:


how does plot affect the development of theme in the text


The plot, characters, and setting all contribute to the reader's mental state and are important to develop the theme.

What is a plot?

The plot is the series of events that comprise your story. It's what makes your reader want to keep flipping the pages or put your book down. Consider the Plot to be your novel's engine.

The storyline gives the external activity that proves the suggested argument of the theme. A story's plot is the sequence of events that build a larger narrative, with each event causing or affecting the next. In other words, the plot is a succession of events and effects that shape the overall story.

Learn more about theme on:


Write one paragraph analogy about school


One paragraph on an analogy about school.

School is the venue where we get to peruse and scribble. It's the most significant venue for a scholar and helps us pick up new possession. The instructors are constantly useful and educate us about significant possession in life. We must forever be repeated at school as skipping lectures can steer to troubles during examinations. Schools educate us on how to be compatible, timely, and law-abiding. It likewise makes us better natural beings so that we can serve our elders with regard. utmost of what we learn is a conclusion of the knowledge communicated by our preceptors. It's told that schools put us to get too accountable grown-ups. We must serve our schools with regard as they're the venues of idolization for a scholar. A sensible scholar is the production of a good academy. My school has excellent schoolteachers who support scholars with explorations, sports, and other extramarital exercise. They're the structure groups of a school and educate significant assignments we must apply in our day-to-day lives.

To learn more about School refer to


PART B: Which quote from the text best supports the answer to Part A?
O A. "at a certain point, most of us learn to leave these kinds of visions behind and grow up. We learn that there are no monsters hiding under the bed, and not every earthquake brings buildings down."
(Paragraph 4)
• B. "just as importantly, we need to think of ourselves as the readers of our fears, and how we choose to read our fears can have a profound effect on our lives." (Paragraph 7)
O C. "Terrified of cannibals, they decided to forgo the closest islands and instead embarked on the longer and much more difficult route to South America." (Paragraph 9)
• D. "Maybe then we'd spend less time worrying about serial killers and plane crashes, and more time concerned with the subtler and slower disasters we face" (Paragraph 11)


The quo-te from the text that best supports the ans-wer to Part A is -  B. "just as import-antly, we need to think of our-selves as the read-ers of our fears, and how we choose to read our fears can have a pro-found effect on our lives." (Paragraph 7).

This is from the TED talk of Karen Thomp-son Walker named "What fear can teach us". In this TED Talk, Wal-ker discusses the connect-ion between stories and fear and expl-ains how fear influences the decisions we make. Walker uses the exper-iences of the sailors on the whale-ship Essex to further explore the effects of fear on decis-ion making.

To know more about fear click below:


What of these would NOT be found in a book’s appendix? A) A list of the chapters in the book B) A list of original sources used to write the book C) Charts and graphs that help explain the points in the book D) Additional information about some of the topics in the book



A list of the chapters


The chapters are usually found in the Table of Contents

What can you do to be free of a goblin overnight?


Answer:For real am not sure the thing i will do is that i will tell my parent about it then asked them to go with my to the doctor or something like that


Question 4 (1 point)
In "Growing Up: Key Moments," what connection does the author make between a
person's actions and "growing-up moments"?
Both the negative hd positive decisions we make can result in "growing-up
We have control over when and where "growing-up moments" happen.
Even though we experience growing-up moments, we need to act upon the
lessons we learn in order to grow up.
Making a poor choice or decision in a certain situation can take the value away
from an important growing-up moment.


Regardless of whether the choices we make in life are good or bad, the author of "Growing up: Key Moments" demonstrates how these choices and the outcomes they cause are what create our moments of growth. B is the right response; it should be used.

The required details for "Growing up: Key Moments" in given paragraph

Our experiences—rather than our age—are what give us the impression of maturity and age. This is due to the fact that experiences—which have the power to teach us lessons—are responsible for maturing people, not advancing age.

Our confidence, wisdom, and capacity to act like adults under pressure are all increased by these teachings. Decisions we make throughout life shape our experiences.

To know about "Growing up: Key Moments"  in given link


help please
What point of view does the author of "The Show Must Go On" use?
A. First Person
B. Second Person
C. Third Person



B. Third Person


What happened to moro gulf earthquake? Make sure to use scientific information and talk about how the plates moved.​


Earthquakes are usually prompted when the underground rock breaks and there's speedy motion alongside a fault. This sudden release of energy reasons seismic waves that make the ground shake.

The earthquake passed off close to the west coast of Mindanao, about 950 kilometers south of Manila. A tsunami was generated within the Moro Gulf inflicting full-size harm and loss of life. it's far anticipated that the earthquake and tsunami killed five,000 to 8,0000 humans, injured many, and left a number of homeless.

Most earthquakes are because of adjustments within the Earth's outermost shell, or crust. The crust is made of about a dozen rock hundreds called plates that are constantly transferring. In extraordinary locations they pass aside, collide, or slide past every different. through the years this movement causes high-quality pressure to build up.

The earthquakes originate in tectonic plate boundaries. the point of interest is the point in the earth wherein the earthquake commenced, every now and then known as the hypocenter, and the factor at the floor of the earth immediately above the focus is called the epicenter.

Learn more about earthquakes  here:


An experiment was designed to investigate the effect of caffeine on the rate of the heartbeat of fruit flies. Two populations of fruit flies were grown in a lab. Both populations were raised drinking the same type of water and the same type of food. Both populations were exposed to the same amount of light and regulated temperature at 20 degrees Celsius. The fruit flies’ heartbeats were then monitored at two hour intervals. The fruit flies of population one were given caffeine five minutes before their heartbeat was checked. The fruit flies of population two were not given any caffeine. Answer the following questions: What is the control group? What is the experimental group? What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Name a controlled variable or constant. Was quantitative or qualitative data collected?


An experiment was designed to investigate the effect of caffeine on the heartbeat of water fleas in populations of fruit flies grown in a lab. both populations had been raised drinking the same form of water and the same sort of meals.

Temperature is a more not unusual sort of managed variable. because if the temperature is held steady during a test it's miles managed. a few other examples of managed variables could be the amount of mild or regular humidity or period of an experiment and many others.

In quantitative models, a manipulated variable is one that allows you to isolate the selection caffeine in a sure remark group. This objective in our statistical inferences is controlled by sure variables that could take in the explicability of your model, or in different words, increase our errors.

Learn more about caffeine here


Which is NOT a form of the verb “to be”?


) Been

) Was

) Are

) Became





The answer to the question you are looking for is became

cornell notes on myth and culture


An ancient tale of gods and heroes is known as a myth. What does it imply to Greeks? Greeks expressed their religion through mythology. Beliefs.

The required details for myth in given paragraph

A myth is a type of folklore that consists of stories that are central to a civilization, such as founding legends or genesis myths. The labeling of a narrative as a myth can be quite debatable because the word "myth" is frequently used to imply that a story is not objectively factual. Many religious followers disagree with the categorization of their own religion's stories as myths because they see them as true, in contrast to the stories of other religions, which they consider to be myths.

As a result, some historians refer to all religious stories as myths for pragmatic reasons, such as to avoid disparaging any particular tradition since societies perceive each other.

To know about myth in given link


Invisible man
What is the best summary of the selection?
A. The narrator declares that he is invisible but immediately dismisses the idea that he is some
sort of ghost from literature. He describes feeling like he is in a circus surrounded by walls of
mirrors that distort reality. He describes the people who walk around him as sleepwalkers and
says he must not awaken them.
The unnamed narrator declares that he is invisible, not due to magic, but because other
people cannot see him as a fellow human being. The narrator then talks about the difficulties
of being invisible. He tells the story of bumping into a man, being insulted, demanding he
apologize, beating him, and realizing the man couldn't see his attacker.
The narrator begins by telling the reader that he is invisible and that this condition has
nothing to do with how light interacts with his skin. He explains that his invisibility can only be
explained by the eyes of other people who cannot see him. Sometimes he even questions his
own existence.
DO The unnamed narrator is walking on a street one night when he accidentally bumps into
another man who then calls him an insulting name. The narrator grabs the man and demands
an apology, but the man continues to insult him. After the narrator injures the man, he leaves,
first viewing the incident as disgusting and then humorous.



invisible man


cuz he is invisiable

Which of the following are things you do in the prewriting stage of the writing
A. Edit and brainstorm
B. Draft and revise
C. Edit and revise
D. Brainstorm and outline


B. Draft and revise. I need points
its D, brainstorm and outline. It says prewriting stage, and brainstorming is what you should always do before writing anything down. Editing and revising doesnt happen until you begin to write.


1.Why does Twain dislike Brown?

2. How does Henry, Twain's brother, anger Brown?

3. Why does Twain finally stand up to Brown?

4.How is the dispute between Brown and Twain resolved?

5.To confirm your understanding, write a summary of "Cub Pilot on the


  Brown was a middle-aged, long, slender, bony, clean-shaven, horse-faced, uneducated, miserly, vindictive, snarling, fault-hunting, mote-magnifying tyrant. Twain has a strong distaste for Brown. Brown has issues, but Twain still respects him. Brown strikes Twain as being firm yet fair.

What does Twain think about Brown?

          Twain calls Brown "an uneducated, growling, fault-hunting, despot" in his famous quote. Twain has a strong distaste for Brown.

How does Brown purposefully create a hostile environment?

    Twain claimed that he killed him for a month in his mind but never in reality. How did Brown always create a fighting environment? He would put Twain in precarious positions that he knew would lead to failure.

What criticized Mark Twain?

    Mark Twain criticizes a variety of societal norms throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in an effort to expose their flaws and shift how society views these norms. These norms include materialism, social expectations for white and black men, and racial hypocrisy.

How is the argument between Brown and Twain settled in the Mississippi Cub Pilot?

   At the conclusion of the story, the Captain and Brown are at odds because Brown insists that Twain should be thrown overboard and issues an ultimatum to the captain. Over Brown, the Captain choose Twain.

To Learn more About Twain, Refer:


analyze what tone, or attitude, does chaucer show toward the friar? which words in the text contribute to this tone? evaluate is this tone justified. why or why not?



I believe Chaucer was upset his choice of words appeared as though he didn't like the friar


Select the three prepositional phrases.
Scientists have created a 3-D map of Earth that is measured in micrometers and can
be seen only with a microscope.


We can actually deduce here that the three prepositional phrases in the sentence is seen:

of Earth in micrometerswith a microscope

What is prepositional phrase?

Prepositional phrase is actually known to be a group of words that have a preposition, its object and any other words that modify the object. It is seen here that most times, prepositional phrases actually modifies a verb and a noun.

We can see here that the phrases selected above all started with a preposition. We see "of, in, with" are all prepositions.

Learn more about prepositional phrase on


5 major important points in the jaws of alligator​


Some important points in the jaws of alligators:

Alligator  have a  very strong jaws that can crack a turtle shell.They often use their sharp teeth to seize and hold prey. Alligator jaws are about 300 pounds per square inch in an adult. Alligators have strong jaws to enhance their force applied on the prey.Alligators possess a broad U-shaped snout and have an “overbite”; that is, all the teeth of the lower jaw fit under  the teeth of the upper jaw.The large and strong  fourth tooth on each side of the alligator’s lower jaw fits into a socket in the upper jaw.

Why do alligators have strong jaws?

Alligators have the most  powerful and strongest bite of any animal in the world, and the secret to this strength has been revealed. Scientists at the University of Missouri found that crocodiles had  a second jaw joint, an added  that improves  the force of their bite.

Why do alligators lay with their mouth open?

Alligators have evolved to increase  heat gain and lowers  water loss. Basically, they can not  sweat like we do to cool down. They evolved several  methods of cooling, by opening their mouths and important  sweating through their mouths.

Learn more about Alligator's jaws:


What is the meaning of this excerpt? puritans plant a rosebush near the prison to comfort criminals. The rosebush is more beautiful and fragile than anything else near the prison. The rosebush is nature’s offering to those who must enter or leave the prison. Puritans believe that criminals deserve a view of beauty from their cells.


The rosebush is nature’s offering to those who must enter or leave the prison. The conviction of Hester Prynne for adultery and the subsequent "punishment" she must endure are the main themes of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter."

The Puritan society's goal of establishing a "perfect" society in which adultery is a major crime that can be committed is symbolised by the "scarlet letter A," which acts as a visible reminder of her sin and punishment. The speaker/narrator of the given excerpt from the book's first chapter mentions the jail/prison entryway where a rose bush formerly bloomed.

It provided "fragrance and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he entered, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom as a token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him." This rosebush is a representation of nature's gift to each person who enters or exits the prison.

Learn more about "The Scarlet Letter":


In the masque of the red death what details show that the end of the short story is inappropriate or overly harsh?


Answer: b


i took the quiz

In Source 1: "Action-Packed Video Games a Sight for Sore Eyes" which of the following is beneficial effect of playing video games? Question 3 options: Studies havelinked nonstop video gaming to such ills as carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow, not to mention the current obesity epidemic plaguing this nation's young. Besides, she notes, obsessive play will not necessarily lead to benefits, even in people with lazy eye. This tension and repetition can strain body parts such as the neck, wrist, or elbow. On the positive side, some research has shown that playing video games can improve eye-hand coordination and visual attention—the ability to search for a target in a jungle of objects, to monitor several items at once, and to keep track of a steady stream of objects zipping swiftly by.


The effect of playing video games is that D. on the positive side, some research has shown that playing video games can improve eye-hand coordination and visual attention—the ability to search for a target in a jungle of objects, to monitor several items at once, and to keep track of a steady stream of objects zipping swiftly by.

What is a video game?

A video game is a computerized or electronic game that you play on your television or computer screen. Video games can help you enhance your concentration, creativity, memory, languages, and teamwork skills. Learning instructional content and developing cognitive skills can be aided by videogames.

A new study, which will be published in the journal Psychological Science, demonstrates that playing fast-paced, action-packed video games considerably sharpens vision, allowing gamers to see tiny, closely packed letters more clearly.

According to a new study, playing "action" video games increases a visual capacity necessary for jobs such as reading and driving at night. The skill, known as contrast sensitivity function, enables humans to detect even slight variations in grayscale against a uniformly colored background.

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The formula used to convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit isF = C +32.Convert 77F to degrees Celsius. Solve the formula for C, and then use it toconvert the temperature.Which is the correct formula and conversion? Why did so many men volunteer in 1914? How do the chemicals released from the endocrine system make it to the various parts of the body? Why do all of these chemicals not cause every tissue to function as they pass them on their journey through the body? Can you find the area of a square using the given side lengths: Take notes on primary sources and why they might be helpful to historians.Letters and journalsAutobiographies and memoirsSpeeches and interviewsPhotographs or works of art A 5 kg block is pulled with 3.5 N of force to the right. The block experiences 0.5 N of friction. What is the acceleration of the block? as a mixed number in simplest form. 4 9/13 what is a lightweight access point used for? answer to route frames between the wireless and wired networks. to connect wired or wireless networks together. to manages all of the access points that are connected to it. to create more efficient data paths for network traffic. The surface area of a cube is 42 in2. What is the volume of the cube? HELP ASAP DUE TONIGHT.. (Animal Farm) "This had long been expected andall preparations had been made."Based on the rest of the battle, what wasSnowball's role in the preparations? [RL.9.3] What is the average number of careers a personhas between the ages of 18 and 42? Geometry homework -foundations of geometry-I need help Challenge: The price of Stock A at 9 A.M. was $14.76. Since then, the price has been increasing at the rate of $0.09 each hour. At noon the price of Stock B was $15.26. It begins to decrease at the rate of $0.14 each hour. If the two rates continue, in how many hours will the prices of the two stocks be the same? A) The linear model represents the height, f(x), of a water balloon thrown off the roof of a building over times, x measured in seconds. During what interval(s) of the domain is the water balloon's height staying the same?A.0 x 2B.2 x 5C.5 x 6D.6 x 8B) The linear model represents the height, f(x), of a water balloon thrown off the roof of a building over time, x, measured in seconds. During what interval(s) of the domain is the water balloon's height increasing?A.0 x 2B.40 y 70C.5 x 8D.40 y 10C) The linear model represents the height, f(x), of a water balloon thrown off the roof of a building over time, x, measured in seconds. During what interval(s) of the domain is the water balloon's height decreasing the fastest?A.5 x 9.5B.8 x 9.5C.6 x 8D.5 x 6D) The linear model represents the height, f(x), of a water balloon thrown off the roof of a building over time, x, measured in seconds. Justify your answer from Part C.A.5 x 9.5 is the interval where the balloon's height is decreasing.B.8 x 9.5 is the interval where the slope is the steepest.C.6 x 8 is the interval where the balloon's height decreases the most.D.5 x 6 is the interval where the slope is the steepest.Please help as fast as possible During the 1973 eruptions on the island of heimaey, residents used blank______ to build barriers that diverted lava flows away from their economically important fishing port. 3. Refer to Table 1. Which of the following price floors would be binding in this market?$1$2$3$4 Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can cause which of these conditions ina fetus? Tell me where you have found examples of foreshadowing in Romeo and Juliet. What do they mean? Find the difference between 2.5 and 7.5 and the sum of 2.75 and 9.55 Why a group taking a vote on something is an example of a direct democracy